Below you can find details on the legal requirements and steps needed to validate your credentials in order to formalize your enrollment. Payment for the full academic year in 8 installments. Your points of contact for application, admission and enrollment on Bachelor's and Master's study programs. Please download your Confirmation of Enrollment and your study certificationswith your student account from C@MPUS. Chat with one of our students to hear about their experiences firsthand. The necessary certified copies must be submitted after your arrival. Copyright 2022, Health professions, Medicine, Dental medicine and Veterinary medicine, General admission requirements and information, Postgraduate and continuing education programmes, Places, organizations and infrastructures, Third Mission organization and governance, Simultaneous enrolment in two higher education programmes. If you have studied in Spain, or in a school outside Spain that follows the Spanish education system, you will need to submit your EBAU/EVAU official scorecard to demonstrate that you have officially passed the exam. Search It is, however, not necessary to provide a notarized signature. Combination with arts or music in the teacher training program. If you already possess a conditional admission to a master's study program, (that is, an acceptance conditioned on, for example, achieving a specific study performance) and you want to enroll in the program, do the following: Please follow the instruction corresponding to your start of the Enrollment: Applicants attending the University of Stuttgart whose bachelors degree has already been registered by the Examination Office are not required to upload the bachelor's degree certificate to C@MPUS. Ihre Studienbescheinigungen knnen Sie mit Ihrem studentischen Account in C@MPUS herunterladen, den Studierendenausweis ecus erhalten Sie per Post. It is also necessary to bring with you other forms and documents; see below. E-mail. Sign on to the Campus Management System C@MPUS. On this page you will find all the information you need to complete the enrollment process smoothly. Sobald Ihr Antrag fristgerecht mit den erforderlichen Unterlagen im Studiensekretariat vorliegt und die Gebhren bezahlt sind, werden Sie eingeschrieben. After receiving a letter of admission, what is my enrollment deadline? Banco Santander. If you have additional questions, be sure to check our enrollment FAQs (below) for answers. Number of places available (for capped programmes); Dates, syllabi, delivery modes and venues of the entrance tests. 7 (Universitt Stuttgart, Campus Stadtmitte) eingeworfen werden. Diesen knnen Sie, nachdem Sie Ihren Studienplatz in C@MPUS angenommen haben, dort herunterladen und ausdrucken. 03064870151LEI code If you have been accepted, you need to take one more step officially enroll in the studies. Official main campus enrollment count includes students enrolled in relatively small regional campuses. If you have studied in the European Union, Switzerland or any other country with a bilateral agreement with Spain, or possess a European or International Baccalaureate Diploma, you will need to submit the credentials given by Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED). After the Application, Admission, Enrollment Department processes your application, you must accept the place in the program, at which time you can download a new acceptance letter. To become an IE University student, all IE Community members should make a one-off contribution to the IE Foundation. The documents must be originals or certified copies, accompanied by a sworn translation into English or Spanish if they are written in any other language. We want to make sure that you can plan your future without having to put your education on hold. Find out more about the entry requirements to come to IE University. Universit degli Studi di Milano You can decline your place and / or cancel your enrolment by 30 September (winter semester) or 31 March (summer semester), even if you have already paid your fees. Registration to the test are already open in the CISIA website: check the necessary TOLC for the chosen degree programme and how to register visiting Cisia TOLC Test. How do I enroll for a Masters study program after conditional admission? 3. Why did you choose to enrol at the University of Milan? In this case, you must officially validate your credentials through the Spanish Ministry of Education. See notes. In case you are unable to attend enrolment in person, you must provide power of attorney to an alternate in writing. Behrden. 2. Invoice payments are collected from September to April. If you cannot attend the Enrollment Day for a serious reason, you must contact the Department of International Relations, upon a request you can attend an alternative Enrollment Day on September 12, 2022. Please be sure to attach this enrollment certificate to your Request for Enrollment. Webmaster For other lists that measure university enrollment, see the see also section below. Upload the Letter of Acceptance you received from the University of Stuttgart. Your enrolment date and additional information will be sent to you by registered mail. Documents that you must attach to your Request for Enrollment (unless already enrolled at the University of Stuttgart) and send in by postal mail or use the post box in the House of Students (see also FAQs) (International applicants: Please send your documents by postal mail or as PDF-attachement by email): Official notarized photocopies of your university entrance qualification and your university diplomas. Your insurance status will be transmitted electronically. Auslndische Studienbewerber/innen (ohne deutsches Abitur oder Hochschulabschluss): Studiensekretariat fr Auslnder/innenGeschwister-Scholl-Str. Enable collaborative features and customize widget: Payment information for tuition fees here, Countries that have a bilateral agreement with Spain. Enrollment deadlines as stipulated in the Letters of Acceptance for, A current passport photo (approx. Certifications from lawyers, associations, banks, health insurance fund, or similar institutions will not be accepted. Note for the enrollment process summer semester 2022:You enroll online via the campus management system C@MPUS. It is sufficient to sign and place the certification code on only one sheet if all sheets are put on top of each other, stapled, and sealed in a way that every sheet contains a part of the official seal. More info The University of Stuttgart Admissions and Enrollment Regulations are published in the official announcements and consist of said regulations together with the following amendments: The enrollment deadline is included in your letter of admission which you can find in your personal account in C@MPUS. var intervalId = setInterval(function () { if (MtPopUpList) { LanguageMenu = new MtPopUpList(); var langMenu = document.getElementById(LanguageMenu_popupid); var origLangDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "OriginalLanguageDiv"; origLangDiv.innerHTML = "ORIGINAL: "; langMenu.appendChild(origLangDiv); LanguageMenu.Init('LanguageMenu', LanguageMenu_keys, LanguageMenu_values, LanguageMenu_callback, LanguageMenu_popupid); window["LanguageMenu"] = LanguageMenu; clearInterval(intervalId); } }, 1); The Admissions Department will be available to help you with this process. We hold frequent informational events for parents and prospective students. Your checklist of forms to be completed, printed, and submitted on Enrollment Day: There is always a helping hand that you can reach out to at our university Tutors, Counseling and Career Center, or directly to the staff at the Dean's Office and the Rector's Office. Offering equitable and inclusive learning opportunities to students is our priority at IE University. At enrolment, you will be required to stand for a photograph for your student identity card (ISIC card) and you will receive essential information on working with the MU Information System. Universitt StuttgartStudiensekretariatKeplerstr. Personal Information Policy (Consent to the use of personal data), Statement About using the Computers and Computer Network of the UCT Prague, Initial Training Safety and Health Protection, the documents for the electronic application, 5] Study confirmation (for parents - tax discounts, transport discounts, etc. To which address do I have to send my printed request for enrollment? Ist dies nicht der Fall, mssen Vorder- und Rckseite gesondert beglaubigt werden.Befindet sich auf dem Original ein im Papier eingedrcktes Siegel (ein s. g. Prgesiegel), so wird dieses in der Regel auf der Kopie nicht sichtbar sein. Germans and foreign nationals with German degree: Please send your enrollment request to the following address: The enrollment request can also be placed in the postbox of the House of Students, Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart (university campus Vaihingen). Enrollment is counted by the 21st-day headcount, as provided to the. Achten Sie aber in diesem Fall darauf, dass auf jeder Seite des Originals Ihr Name steht. instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, 3 good reasons for doing research at Stuttgart University, Graduate schools, graduate colleges & doctoral programs, International collaborations/research partnerships, Background information on internal and external network types, Collaborative research centers & research training groups, Diverse research on future-related topics, Orientation programs for choosing a course of study, From a land of cars to a land of mobility, Saving on resources thinking sustainably, International applicants: earning your degree in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), International applicants: exchange and program students (non-degree), Registering, applying and enrolling for a doctoral degree, Restricted admission (NC) and entrance exams, Combination with arts/music (teacher training program), Admission prerequisites Bachelor, Master, Teaching program, General information on Master's admission, Exchange and program students (non-degree), International students: Financing your studies, Research centers, joint research projects and cooperations, Personnel development & further education, International strategies & collaborations, Offices of the Assistants to Rector, Chancellor and Rectorate, Vice Rector Diversity and Internationalization, Vice Rector Research and Early Career Researchers, Vice Rector Teaching and Continuing Education, Vice Rector Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Working Group for Education and Social Inequality, How to activate your student (TIK-) account, contact form (please choose "Enrollment" as the subject), Application, Admission, Enrollment Department, application guideline for German and EU citizens, Information on Visa Regulations by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Enrollment with existing conditional admission, conditional admission to a master's study program, Applying with existing conditional admission (before July 15 and before January 15), Declining your place at university and cancelling your enrolment, Special case: combination with arts or music in the teacher training program, Admissions and Matriculation Regulation of the University of Stuttgart [de], First statutory amendment to the Admissions and Matriculation Regulation of the University of Stuttgart [de], Second statutory amendment to the Admissions and Matriculation Regulation [de], Third statutory amendment to the Admissions and Matriculation Regulation [de], Fourth statutory amendment to the Admissions and Matriculation Regulation [de], Satzung zur nderung der Wahlordnungund der Zulassungs- undImmatrikulationsordnung der UniversittStuttgart, Fifth statutory amendment to the Admissions and Matriculation Regulation [de], Sixth statutory amendment to the Admissions and Matriculation Regulation [de]. You can enter the data in C@MPUS during the enrollment process. Ein Dienstsiegel enthlt in der Regel ein Emblem. This list of largest United States public university campuses by enrollment includes only individual four-year campuses, not four-year universities. Access a step-by-step instruction and screenshots online at:Applying with existing conditional admission (before July 15 and before January 15). Further information on how to proof the pre-study internship is published in the. The department Application, Admission, Enrollment (e-mail and postal address). 770174 StuttgartoderUniversitt StuttgartStudiensekretariatPostfach 10603770049 Stuttgart. International students: Please send all documents, that can't be uploaded, by post to the Application, Admission, Enrollment Department or as PDF by e-mail. Once enrolled, you officially become a university student. Twitter 45 x 35 mm) for your student ID. LinkedIn Detailed information on how to prove it is published in the application guideline. Enrollment is the sum of the headcount of undergraduate and graduate students. IE University maintains strict confidentially. Payment for the full academic year in 3 installments. To meet this goal, IE University offers a variety of accommodations for students with SEN (Special Educational Needs) both in the application process and for the duration of their studies. Your personal presence on Enrollment Day is obligatory. Bis wann Sie sich eingeschrieben haben mssen, steht in Ihrem Zulassungsbescheid. We will enroll you as soon as we receive your enrollment request with the required attachments before the deadline and you have paid all your fees. This page was last edited on 21 July 2022, at 22:49. We recommend updating your browser to its latest version. TECHNOLOGICAL IMMERSION AND A CULTURE OF INNOVATION, DIVERSE NATIONALITIES, CULTURES AND IDEAS, Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media, Bachelor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Bachelor in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics (PPLE), Dual Degree in Business Administration + Data & Business Analytics, Dual Degree in Business Administration + Design, Dual Degree in Business Administration + International Relations, Dual Degree in Business Administration + Laws, Dual Degree in Economics + International Relations, Dual Degree in Laws + International Relations, Dual Degree in Philosophy, Politics, Law & Economics + Data & Business Analytics, Chat With Our International Representatives.

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