The MDMS processes incoming raw data to generate useful statistics and provides energy usage information for customers. Logical representation of SG automatic metering infrastructure. Compounding the issue, many of these interfaces are batch rather than real-time, with database links and proprietary code that is customized by writing more code within the application. Making the smart grid work requires different IT systems to talk to one another reliably and efficiently. Allow for automatic estimation, gap fill interrogation and exception tracking (and the tools to resolve issues). One important component of HAN is IHD that allows measuring how much power is consumed and displaying real-time energy price to the customers. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a system that measures, collects, and analyzes the energy usage, and communicates with the metering devices such as electricity meters, gas meters, heat meters, and water meters, either on request or on a schedule. MV-WEB is an online tool that provides your commercial and industrial customers secure and reliable access to their load profile data. The phase measurement units (PMUs) are distributed all over the network. This highlights the case that a point-to-point integration approach is not scalable, precludes future upgrades, and increases risk to the organization, as any change to the application would have a ripple effect on other downstream applications. 4. AMI system is a a platform that supports measurement, collection, and analysis of energy usage and communicates the same with the energy metering device [14]. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. 1.6. If each transaction is 1,000 bytes (1Kb) then 1Kb x 1111 transactions = 1,111 Kb are required per second. Nazmus S. Nafi, Manoj Datta, in Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2016. 25.1). by Tony Giroti, CEO, BRIDGE Energy Group, Inc. Such data can also be used to improve customer service, lower cost of operation, increase grid reliability, and improve market operations. The wireless communication system helps reduce the cost associated with meter reading and also supports the billing process. These systems include hardware, software, communications, consumer energy displays and controllers, customer associated systems, Meter Data Management (MDM) software, and supplier business systems [32]. The AMI head-end software needs to talk to the. Fig. Shubhani Aggarwal, Neeraj Kumar, in Advances in Computers, 2021. Data Collected Per Hour = 1 MB x 60 x 60 = 3.6GB. 4. Automatic meter infrastructure (AMI) differs from traditional AMR in that it may have two-way communication with the meters. The R&D support to develop, create, and supply compatible equipment for successful operation is another challenge. It is at this vital crossroad that the power industry has two choices: The latter approach is risky and will prove to be a major impediment to Smart Grid success. M. Muthamizh Selvam, N.P. However, one final challenge for the purpose of this article is the issue of reporting and leveraging data warehouses. This growth over time has resulted in what is referred to as Accidental Architecture where custom code is required to handle all aspects of communications between applications. The smart meters communicate these data to the utility companies for processing, analysis, and billing. Linking all of these systems can be quite complicated. He is a Board Member of OASIS and member of the Smart Grid Architecture Committee, U.S. NIST. Functional block diagram for future power system network (Fig. Moreover, technical interfaces differ, ranging from modern, XML-based, interfaces to traditional batch-based file exchanges. In addition to collecting the data, an organization will need to manage performance and storage challenges. Another key aspect of the Smart Grid Architecture is its ability to manage hundreds, or thousands, or even millions of transactions in such a way that events are generated, detected, and processed with pre-defined business logic and predictable conditions. For Meter Data Management, there are the inherent challenges of data volume, transaction performance, event handling and database performance as outlined below. A Complex Event Processing infrastructure is required to detect system and business events. Given the transaction volume generated by Smart Meters, Smart Grid Architecture would also require a Management by Exception (MBE) capability where any error related to the integration of data and messages between systems and applications is captured, a trend identified and eventually addressed within a meaningful timeframe. Murty, in Electrical Power Systems, 2017. One of the key aspects of the Smart Grid Architecture is to provision real-time decision making, which is possible only if data can be harnessed as it is generated (without much latency) and is applied towards a specific objective that requires data as it happens. A meter data management system (MDMS) for smart utilities and cities around the globe with an enterprise-wide, highly-scalable MDMS architecture. To be reactive and tactical in responding to problems as they appear. The clocks used are required to be accurate to the extent of 500ns so that the desired 1s standard is reached. Already mentioned services, as information and alarms for planned outages, information about hourly electricity prices, deployment of HAN infrastructure, etc., will provide customers with a good set of tools to increase the efficiency of their electricity use, accommodating it to the cheapest hours. Within an AMI, smart meters are used to collect meter data or information on events via a periodic message exchange. Reporting needs have been met traditionally through the use of operational reports taken directly from the transactional systems. The WAN can cover over thousands of square miles area, so data transfer rates may be up to 10100Mbps [86]. Additionally, once organizations are able to mine volumes of usage, outage data, peak load and other market and operational data that will be collected from Smart Meters and other applications, this information will need to be sourced and consolidated from disparate systems such as meter readings from MDM, operational data from SCADA, customer data from CIS and outage data from OMS. Home (local) area network (HAN/LAN): Home (local) area network (HAN or LAN) implement to in-home smart devices and appliances such as plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), programmable communicating thermostats, in-home displays (IHD) and distributed energy generation facilities [82,83]. Tony is the former Chairman of the IEEE; Past President of the IEEE Power Engineering Society; Chairman CISA/ISACA New England; and former President, CEO and Chairman of two venture capital-backed global technology companies. Data continues to be locked in silos and sharing becomes a significant challenge over time. This is equal to 85GB per day; 2.6TB per month; and 30 TB per year. If any of the transactions is a last gasp, then such events will require tracking and action. Padhy, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. Efficiently operate the OpenWay solution across all devices and communications technologies. Consider an AMI/AMR project that requires collection of data from a million smart-meters at 15-minute intervals. With so much actionable intelligence at stake, transactional systems should not be used to perform reporting. Enable true interoperability and distributed intelligence to deliver business outcomes for utilities and smart cities. Organizations implementing SG & DR programs based on strategic vision, planning and an architectural approach will ultimately be the leaders in making Smart Grid a reality. Wide area network (WAN): Wide area network (WAN) provides communication between smart grid and utility grid, which collects data from multiple NANs and sends it to control center [85]. According to Gungor et al. Thus, data transfer realizes not only from smart meter to meter data management system (MDMS) but also from MDMS to smart meter [82,83]. Technology development of load management to reduce electricity cost and damage due to grid contingencies and improve grid radiance to supply sensitive consumers and export commitments. The basic component of an AMI system is the Smart Meter which sends meter readings in a scheduled manner to the MDMS. Automatic meter infrastructure. Meter data management system (MDMS): A meter data management system (MDMS) is a system or an application which imports, verifies, edits and processes on the AMI data before making it available for billing an analysis [88]. Those services are later provided based on the arranged HAN. Southern California Edison, Pacific gas and Electric, and American Electrical power are some of the projects in the United States. The tools and infrastructure that are required to realize the Smart Grid architecture and vision will vary from project to project and may include: SOA toolset, development tools, configuration management tools, a source control tool, infrastructure for development, testing and production, etc. Distribution feeder automation allows, as pointed out earlier, utilities to create a comprehensive solution to smart grid operation. It is necessary to bring several aspects such as AMI, meter data acquisition system, data concentrator units, meter data management system (MDMS), and many others are to be integrated on to a single platform. Non real-time integration requirements via batch-data or passive flow of data can be leveraged appropriately for non real-time decision-making. As a result there may be about 100 last-gasp messages per day that require a business action like automated self-healing or a work order creation and crew-dispatch. There are several smart grid projects being pursued all over the world. high or low). We used AMI and MDMS data to determine accurate, hourly load profiles for 5,400 transformers to identify overloading, and then awarded bill credits for our customers who reduced consumption during peak events., We have achieved enrollment of nearly 1 million participants (one of the largest in the country) across all of our demand response programs and have realized a significant reduction in load during our incentive program.. However, for those willing to take the proactive road, success or failure could rely squarely on the approach to solving the core IT challenges. AMR is certainly a helpful instrument in smart grid infrastructure, but AMI has the edge by enabling two-way communication that helps in the availability of real-time information [44]. Joud Al Dakheel, Fabrizio Leonforte, in Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020. The challenge of application integration is increased by the diversity of the systems. Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Alireza Zakariazadeh, in Application of Smart Grid Technologies, 2018. The realization of smart grid is not without challenges. Meeting the domestic needs of smart meter production by 2025. To date, corporate or enterprise data warehouses have not been a norm in the power industry. An event may also signify a problem, an exception, a predictable error, an impending problem, an opportunity, a threshold, or a deviation from the norm. MDC system is also in charge of interfacing with other utility systems, either to provide them with required meter data or as a gateway to the infrastructure to implement on-demand services over the devices. Currently, Automated meter reading used by the most of the utilities is not having two way communication, it does not meet the requirements of smart grid implementation. There is a significant amount of literature available on AMI and AMR applications for SGs (Gungor et al., 2012; Paudyal et al., 2011; Sauter and Lobashov, 2011; Zaballos et al., 2011). IT has never had the motivation, the business drivers or the budget to develop a strategic architecture or develop a standardized approach to integration. Smart meters are solid-state electronic electricity meters supporting not only the measurement of electricity consumption but also additional smart functionalities as hourly electricity consumption, time-based load control, remote connection and disconnection of delivery site, tamper detection, etc. The dynamic system condition is assessed through the high-resolution data ability. Smart Grid Architecture, the P2P Antidote. Transaction performance is critical to the success of any system. In particular, between the energy consumer, meter operator, supplier of energy or utility and, Frderer, Lsch, Nver, Ronczka, & Schmeck, 2019, Initiatives and technical challenges in smart distribution grid, The utilities all around the world are turning towards AMI as a part of smart grid initiatives. Fig. Achieving technical knowledge of design and production of local and wide area monitoring, control, and protection systems, distribution automation, and SACADA systems. How does P2P custom code become problematic as MDM products pave the way in many Smart Grid pilots? There is an International Smart Grid Action network where many nations are participating and sharing their expertise. That may work for low volume and low transaction pilots but will not scale to production quality volumes and bi-directional communication models as needed. In AMI technology a network is formed between the measurement devices and utilities control center. The sheer handling of such transaction load may be a significant challenge and will require careful planning and selection of the appropriate communication technologies and MDM vendors. Transaction Volume =1,000,000/(15 x 60) = 1,111 tps. Phasor data concentrators (PDCs) are used to collect the information. Successfully tackling these challenges will enable organizations to clearly execute on their vision of developing a Real-Time Integration Architecture that will serve as a foundation for all SG & DR programs. and (2) load control devices as load switches, thermostats, etc. As Meter Data Management products and applications are being employed to collect the data for various Smart Grid initiatives, these programs call for collecting huge volumes of meter data on a 15-minute interval basis. An event can be considered as any notable condition that happens inside or outside your IT environment or your business. AMI is a complicated communication network and information technology infrastructure, which includes, A survey of smart grid architectures, applications, benefits and standardization, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, To exchange information between the end users and the utilities AMI creates a two-way communication network comprised of advanced sensors, smart meters, monitoring systems, computer hardware, software, and data management systems. Secure telecommunication, end-point protection, identity management, and secure event management are some of the features that arise. Smart metering and infrastructure (SMI) [79,80], which is also called advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), provides bidirectional communication for smart grids. Figure16.1 shows the different components of a usual smart metering solution. Some are new, others old. Figure 25.1. In addition, reporting off of transactional systems may reduce application performance and impact other critical systems. A phasor is a three-phase voltage or current quantity and could be also a phase angle. According to (Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications study report, 2010) in an event of widespread power outage affected smart meters need to send an alarm to the control center within a few hundred milliseconds. Figure16.1. WANs provide continuous communication between the different components of the AMI platform, as data concentrators and the AMI MDC system, employing bidirectional communication channels. Application Interoperability & Centralization. After completing his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Mr. Giroti trained at Crompton Greaves Ltd. in the Power Systems division designing large transformers. Leveraging the Data Were Going to Need a Bigger Boat. AMI technology made possible time of use pricing, demand response action, remotely we can connect or disconnect the load. The ambitious objectives of Smart Grid, when combined with some early warning signs from those whove embarked on the journey, indicate that the role and complexity of IT is being grossly under-estimated, and that IT is going to play a more prominent, if not dominant, role in making Smart Grid a reality. To exchange information between the end users and the utilities AMI creates a two-way communication network comprised of advanced sensors, smart meters, monitoring systems, computer hardware, software, and data management systems. Improve outage response with real-time intelligence, and deliver consistent and reliable energy across your distribution grid. Source: Chris King, MDM Implementation Course, October 2010. IT will need to develop a Strategic Smart Grid Architecture as opposed to an Accidental Architecture.. It also has the ability to transfer bidirectional communications of data. The first is the meter data management system (MDMS), which is present inside the utility data and control center. The first is the meter data management system (MDMS), which is present inside the utility data and control center. Achieving technical knowledge and self-reliance on the design and production of hardware and software of energy management systems, BMS, smart homes, and IoT. 6. It also has the ability to transfer bidirectional communications of data. A large volume of transactions will also need to be written into the database. The viral impact of the point-to-point architecture continues to reduce the overall integration capability, making each change riskier than the one prior. MuyeenAthanasios V. Vasilakosrfan Alan, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017. MDC system is the set of software tools and utilities required to gather data from every single smart meter and concentrator to a unique central database, as well as to operate the smart metering infrastructure to keep it up and running, implementing the required utility operational routines and services (either internal or outsourced). Pankaj Gupta, Ashwani Kumar, in Advances in Smart Grid Power System, 2021. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. India is fast progressing in developing smart grids to be integrated later into a giant smart network. As a result, quick point-to-point interfaces that are non-standard and custom-coded have evolved as the norm, simply to achieve short-term objectives. Siemens has developed and is marketing Distribution management Systems with intelligent substation integrated according to international standards (IEC 61850). Various functionalities of smart meters include quantitative measurement, communication, control and calibration, power management, synchronization, and display. Most utilities focused exclusively on deploying Smart Meters, communication infrastructure and Meter Data Management (MDM) products in their pilot phases have not included developing a strategic integration architecture that ties MDM data with other enterprise applications such as Outage Management System (OMS), Customer Information System (CIS), Geographical Information System (GIS), Distribution Management System (DMS), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

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