As Rome expanded, problems arose between citizens and noncitizens. Happened to the non-elite. Which of the following argued that women should be subservient to men? women had considerable freedom and independence. Mostly did not involve trained combatants. What event curtailed Augustus's expansionist policies? Period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression. Originally from Spain, extremely popular. Statesman and General. Legislation was passed concerning the corruption of morals. How were they similar. Gladiatorial shows originated as part of extravagant funerals. Married four times, but most famous for his relationship with Cleopatra. "net man," Roman gladiator who fought with equipment styled after that of a fisherman: a net, trident, and dagger. Among the upper classes of the Early Empire. support from the text. Among the upper classes of the Early Empire. were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses. Death penalties which basically did not cause immediate death; being sentenced to work in the mines or gladiatorial combat, A person who is killed due to their religious beliefs. the halting of imperial bureaucratic growth. They were treated well, but they were also subject to severe punishment. The Romans contacts with the Greeks by the 2nd century BCE. 1) State-sponsored games that were public and held for the benefit and entertainment of the Roman people. Which of the following is not true about the praetorian guard? Under the Republic, certain provinces were given to the emperor, who then appointed deputies, also known as legates. Who ordered the last great persecution of Christians? Why did many Greeks go to Alexandria, Egypt. The defeat by Varus in the Teutoburg Forest. A private contribution to public expenses, A duty or obligation of one's office in Rome because you feel morally and socially obligated to do it, Enforced eurgetism, especially as part of certain political offices, but also a popular way of taxing the elite. In the city of Rome, the poor were housed in massive apartment blocks known as "villas. Started off by blocking his eyes, ended up loving the spectacle, Event in Pompeii that people from another city came to watch, and a fight broke out between the two, Three elements of imperial munus legitium, Morning: venationes (wild animal fights w/ many beast), Precession that took place before the munera in order to officially open the games, Organizer of the games -- negotiates with lanista, does advertising, and is honored in the pompa, Ranking of the gladiators - 4 rankings, using poles, best were primus palus (first pole), Gladiators would face off against other fighters of the same rank or at most 1 level above, Head referee at the gladiator games. Wrote by Ronald Syme, shows the ancient Roman republic transform into the Roman Empire by Augustus. Caesar's nephew, adopted by him in his will. 15.2 What happened when the bureaucracy in China became corrupt? Among Augustus' most important actions in the area of Roman religion was his, Among Augustus' key innovations in Roman provincial rule was his. Which statements best describes the Julio-Claudian emperors? was a peaceful struggle which resulted in political compromise. It had no influence on Christianity because it was a pagan philosophy. Normally fought Thraex-styled gladiators. Which of the following is not true of the Byzantine emperors? There was an increase in childless marriages, even though Roman imperial laws attempted to increase the birth rate. The largest area of Roman innovation in architecture was. The largest area of Roman innovation in architecture was, The last great persecution of Christians was ordered by, The most important figure in early Christianity after Jesus was. How was the work of missionaries vital in the spread of Christianity through the Roman empire? made adultery a criminal offense and outlawed wasteful expenditures for feasts. Impacts? How did the working class begin to improve its conditions during the late 1800s? How was trade important to the economic development of Western Europe, the United States, and Japan during the postwar decades? Province Pliny the Younger became governor of. 61-113 CE, Lawyer and politician (consul in 100 CE), letter writer. 83 - 30 BCE. When Augustus died, who chose his successor? Most consuls are not the first people in their family to hold that office. If I want to learn about the life of Caligula or Nero, which author do I want to turn to? Most prominent in Virgils epic Aeneid, was cast as an ancestor to Romulus and Remus. Overall, most gladiators were fat. Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pious, Marcus Aurelius. Generally fought heavily armored opponents such as the Secutor. Showed how mad he was. Wore almost identical equipment, and were depicted on stone. Type of gladiator who wore very heavy amor, typically matched against a retiarius. Why were Eastern Europeans able to break free of communist governments and Soviet domination in the late 1980s. Perhaps the most famous was the amphitheater known as the Colosseum. division of Roman provinces into those ruled directly by the princeps and the senatorial provinces administered by the Senate. Roman author and philosopher. From 27 BCE he renames himself this, and becomes first emperor. Do you think the positive effects of imperialism outweighed the negative impact? General in charge of the Capture of Jerusalem in 70 AD. He wrote a poem that helped Rome start on its divine mission to rule the world. They can be very colorful, but very few of them survive. What was the impact of the Italian Renaissance in the field of architecture? What are three reasons that historians give to explain why Indo-Europeans migrated? Official name was Gaius, but grew up in military camps so had the nickname "little boots.". Which of the following statements was true of Augustan society? Home to an amphitheater, the only remaining building of the fortress. Among Augustus's key innovations in Roman provincial rule was his. Nero's Golden House. They were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses. Rome's oldest law code, written in 450 BC. Which of the following argued that women should be subservient to men? Under the rule of Augustus, the Roman Empire. Taken by Titus as general in 70 AD, while Vespasian was in reign. Were sometimes held in conjunction with or as a major part of religious festivals. What is the technical term for the other side of the coin than the head? The Augustan reorganization of the military involved all of the following except, The controversy of 730 that set the Latin and Greek Orthodox Christians apart was over. Caesar's heir disunite. List of possible prizes in a gladiator fight, Thracian gladiator that was arrested and sentenced to the army, Gladiators typically did not die in cobat, as fight tothe death battles were pretty rare, Did isotope bone analysis, learned about gladiatorial diet. were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses. Which of the following is true regarding women in the Roman Republic? emphasized devotion to the values of humility, charity, and true brotherly love. How did the trade and exploration attempts made by the Europeans and the Chinese differ? How was suffrage gradually expanded and the British Parliament made more democratic by political reforms in the. Freed the Mediterranean from pirates. The major obligation of the lord to the vassal was. trees were sacred beings and could not be cut down. the decline of popular participation in elections. Emperor 98-117. From the Twelve Tables, the Romans developed a system of civil law that applied to all Roman citizens. What is the relationship between Vespasian and Titus? Amazon and Achillia engraving talks about women taking part in gladiatorial shows, Considered a very moral man, was forced to go to the amphitheater. Wrote that doctors risked their lives while they learned; their experiments lead to deaths; and doctors had no penalty for killing a man. Displayed in the Roman Forum. turned towards an absolute monarchy, with the princeps overshadowing the Senate. Why happened in Pompeii in 79 CE? Which of the following statements was true of Augustan society? The _________ __________, o with a line through it, signifies that a gladiator died as a result of the fight. Which statement best describes Imperial Rome's gladiatorial shows? Eventually there was a revolt and he committed suicide. During Rome's Golden Age, most of the Roman legions were concentrated. High levels of trade within the empire and trade along the Silk Road. Mauryan Empire Asoka religious toleration Tamil Gupta Empire patriarchal matriarchal. Who did the Essenes believe would save Israel from oppression? Prominent Roman poet. Technically illegal since the early second century, happened either directly or indirectly. Among Augustus's most important actions in the area of Roman religion was his. Rome set a precedent for treating its vanquished foes after forming the Roman Confederation by. Its population was vast by the standards of the ancient world. Took over in 27 BC -- Made a few major changes including: Head of the gladiatorial school -- both the trainer and the manager, Horse found in a mosaic that read "Win or lose we love you Polidoxus", Skilled hunters, the ones that fought the beasts, A program for the games that would include the same important info found in the advertisements, The condemned criminals that would participate in the mid-day event (lude meridian), If Roman power became Christian power, than Christians would become responsible for Roman sport. like the back of the coin. Period of relative peace after an age of civil wars and unrest. Some principles are: A person was regarded as innocent until proved otherwise. This law code is called. Augustus added more territory to the Roman Empire than any other single Roman in its history. Which of the three major poets of the Roman golden age challenged the moral policy of the princeps the most? Who was the most important figure in early Christianity after Jesus? Way of harming your enemies by asking the gods to visit drastic punishments upon them. Consumed many simple carbohydrates. A judge, in turn, was expected to weigh evidence carefully before arriving at a decision. made adultery a criminal offense and outlawed wasteful spending on frivolities. Emperor who ordered a collection of opinions on Roman law in 50 books be made. Some of the conquered peoples remained free to rule themselves, yet they had to provide soldiers to Rome; soldiers could become citizens. Impact on the study of history? Massive marble map of Ancient Rome built under Septimius Severus between 203 and 211 AD. Among the upper classes of the Early Empire. Which statement best explains why the goal of ancient Chinese families was to have several generations living in the same house? emphasized devotion to the values of humility, charity, and true brotherly love. What is the importance of the Fertile Crescent. They rejected Greek classics and education in favor of Christian theology. Mount Vesuvius erupted on Pompeii, completely wiping out the entire city. Charlemagne's Carolingian Renaissance was characterized by. Thought to be the start of the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD. elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor. was Constantine's document officially tolerating the existence of Christianity. People accused of wrong-doing were allowed to defend themselves before a judge. What political, economic, and social factors helped bring about the Reformation. Impact California Social Studies World History, Culture, and Geography The Modern World, Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, World History: The Human Journey (Modern World). What could Ambrose not do if Theodosius didn't repent for having 7000 people massacred at Thessalonica. What were Judaism's basic teachings about law and morality? What did Caracalla do in 212 C.E to try to fix the budget crisis? The opening games for the Colosseum took place under which emperor? Which emperor said, "Live in harmony, make the soldiers rich, and don't give a damn for anything else"? Which of the following trends developed during the reins of the Julio-Claudian emperors? The praetorian guard played no role in deciding the succession of the principate. Which of the following important powers did Augustus not hold: Which of the following trends developed during the reigns of the Julio-Claudian emperors? However, later, it was more common for marriage "without legal control" giving women more power after their father's death. Which of the following best describes the significance of cities in Roman rule? (True/False). women had considerable freedom and independence. Lucretia demonstrated the virtue of Roman women by killing herself after her chastity had been compromised. Desire to keep gladiators isolated from society, but close enough to easily get them to the arena. What was the symbolic significance of the Agora being the center of Greek life? women had considerable freedom and independence. to serve as buffers on the frontier against other invaders. A short satirical poem having a witty or ingenious ending. was a religion especially favored by soldiers. The "good emperor" Marcus Aurelius was regarded as a philosopher king deeply influenced by the principles of. When Augustus died, who chose his successor? Located directly east of the colosseum to give them easy access to their main fighting venue. His attempt to conquer Germany failed. new copies of classical literary works produced in Benedictine monastic scriptoria. The structure pictured above is the Parthenon in Athens. Found all over the mediterranean in a variety of cultures. Why or why not? Under the rule of Augustus, the Roman Empire, turned toward and absolute monarchy, with the princeps overshadowing the senate, were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses, The poems of Virgil, the most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age, praised ideal Roman virtues of duty, piety, and faithfulness, elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor, Among Augustus' key innovations in Roman provincial rule was his. The correct order of the five "good emperors" is. economic support and protection either militarily or through grants of land. They allowed for some autonomy and also gave conquered states a stake in Rome's success. Earliest were horse races. The rituals they perform are supposed to serve the goddess Vesta; if they fail to do so and keep the fire burning, the people of Rome believed their city would be destroyed. Started being built in 70 AD by Vespasian and was finished by Titus in 80 AD, following the Jewish War. How did Augustus change Roman government? Also called the Colosseum. He was the most famous poet of the Augustan age. was underdeveloped and predominantly agricultural. Which of the following is true of the stuggle of the orders? Which of the following was not a reason for the Roman government's suspicion and persecution of Christians? Which of the following is true about gladiatorial shows? What ancient kingdom did the Sasanid dynasty reenergize? Gladiator fights could end in a draw (true/false), A full day of entertainment in the Roman amphitheater involved _____________ in the morning, executions at noon, and gladiators in the afternoon, Rome's first permanent theater / entertainment venue. retained as the chief deliberative body of the Roman state. Lived from 106-48 BCE. Both Muhammad and Jesus considered themselves to be divine. Replaced the state of Buenos Aires in 1862 as a result of the compromise between the centralist and federalist. Founder of the Flavian dynasty, Rome's second imperial family. Committed suicide after being tried in absentia, being condemned to death as a public enemy. The praetorian guard came to play an important role in making and deposing emperors. All about maximum penalties. They also drank vile brews of bone ash or charred wood to make up for the calcium deficit. Prisoners of war, slaves, convicts, and volunteers are all sources for ___________. Legislation was passed concerning the corruption of morals. What was the highest Roman social class in the early Roman empire? The high point of Roman literary achievement- Virgil's Aeneid. Nero-Corrupt emperor that killed many people that disagreed with him including his mother. Who is considered to be the "second founder of Christianity"? The first dynasty to rule the Roman Empire was sical Greece. Underground chamber, such as the one under colosseum. Which of these Roman entertainment activities did Nero not attempt to participate in? Example of this being occurring would be with Domitian. Lowering the value of currency. Thracian styled gladiator armed with a small shield and short curved blade called a sica. Pompey's Theater was controversial because Roman conservatives thought they would prompt people to grow lazy and concentrate on enjoying themselves (true/false). to. Identify innovative Roman building techniques and achievements. The "terrible third century" was made terrible by all of the following except, Which of the following statements does not apply to pre-Christian Roman religion. Rome's first code of law was the 12 tables. Most famous as a biographer of emperors. Where the martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity occurred, in 203 CE. Treatment of slaves varied. The early Christians did not disagree about whether or not. Which of the following is true of the city of Rome in the time of Augustus? Their discovery in the eighteenth century was an important force in stimulating both scholarly and public interest in Classical antiquity and helped give rise to the Neoclassical style of that century. Gladiators ate more plants and very little animal protein. When Augustus died, who chose his successor? Mountains and desert kept China apart from other civilizations. encircled Rome with a massive wall to ward off surprise attacks from northern tribes. highly opportunistic, responding to unanticipated military threats and possibilities for glory. Which "good emperor" was highly interested in philosophy? Direct aggravated death penalty. elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor. Which of the following is not true of the Colosseum: How was trade important to the economic development of Western Europe, the United States, and Japan during the postwar decades? Although the Senate granted Octavian the title "Augustus" (revered one), he preferred to be addressed by what title? Which of the following is true regarding the Roman family during the empire? Collection of opinions on Roman law in 50 books. The poems of Virgil, the most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age. Temples were built with this, or buildings such as Pompey's theater. This enabled them to establish standards of justice that applied to all people. Where did Rome suffer defeats? Invaluable source on elite daily life in Rome. Most famous were the gladiatorial shows, which took place in amphitheaters. Where did Octavian spread the Empire? The Romans hired northern warriors as auxiliary soldiers for the Roman army. Concerning social classes during early Roman Empire, the power of the equestrian class was expanded, During the Early Empire (14-180 C.E. Do you think that changes in the French government were inevitable? The Sumerian story "Gilgamesh and Agga" develops what main ancient Mesopotamian literary theme at the end of the story. The person who puts on a gladiatorial show. What similarities do you see among U.S. actions in Nicaragua, Cuba, and Iran? What was the Delian League? Augustus celebrated it as a restoration of the Republic. Emperors took more and more actual ruling power away from the old Senate. Composed by a commission and then ratified by an assembly. Demonstrate your knowledge of both sides of the argument, but ultimately choose one side using This caused many slaves to run away and/or even kill their owners. He made almost everyone in the empire Roman citizens to make them subject to inheritance taxes. Augustus' social legislation enacted to stop the decline of Roman morals. The usual capital punishment for Roman Elite, not a direct death penalty. Elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor. Marriage was arranged and began with women marrying "with legal control" meaning that their guardians became their husbands when their father died. Martial wrote these. Ends up killing himself in 30 CE. What entertainments were key parts of the "Bread and Circuses" of Imperial Rome? the defeat by Varus in the Teutoburg Forest. As a solution, natural law, a set of universal laws based on reason, was put into place. Who was the first of the Flavian emperors? The great religious festivals performed by the state. Town where Augustus celebrated his victory over Mark Antony. Augustus' social legislation enacted to stop the decline of Roman morals. According to Ptolemy, what was the earths position in the universe? Could gain wealth over renting and selling gladiators but their social status was generally considered low. When Augustus died, who chose his successor? Eventually he became the first Roman emperor and he was responsible for creating the Praetorian Guard who had the task of guarding the empire. What effects did religious beliefs have in these two political systems? Normally carried a small sword or dagger. All of the following were members of the Second Triumvirate except. "Earned media" includes favorable local and national news and editorial coverage about your team and your players and includes any online coverage. who was accused for corrupting the youth of Athens? The Roman army increased in size and become more professional. The coronation of Charlemagne in 800 as emperor of the Romans. offering the most favored "allied" peoples full Roman citizenship, thus giving them a stake in successful Roman expansion. Describe reasons why the Roman Empire prospered economically. What was one of Augustus's most significant actions in the area of Roman religion? Word for reprieve, cancel or postpone the punishment of someone. Occurs at the Saepta Julia, assembly where everyone votes. Identify key elements of Roman law. Life ended through a civil war with Julius Caesar. Type of gladiator who wore the fish helmet. What was significant about the rule of each of these emperors? were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses. Romans and local people produced new mixed cultural traditions. Christianity spread very slowly and remained a minority religion in the Roman Empire by the end of the first century C.E. Why will specific details about the physical appearance and the customs of early peoples never be fully known? Legislation was passed concerning the corruption of morals. Spoils that the victorious general could do with as he liked. Why did soldiers find the mystery cult of Mithraism so appealing? What were the "bread & circuses" that placed a massive tax burden on the Roman people? What characterized China under the Shang dynasty? After a spiritual vision inspired him to become a follower of Jesus as the Messiah, Paul of Tarsus. Follows his father as emperor, succeeded by his brother Domitian. defeating Muslim armies in 732 and driving them back to Spain. sought converts among Jews and Gentiles in Asia Minor, Syria, and Greece. A vast landscaped palace built by Nero after the Great Fire destroyed a large part of the city. Christian doctrine taught disrespect for authority. In 27 b.c.e., Octavian (Augustus) proclaimed the "restoration of the Republic." Which of the following important powers did Augustus NOT hold: The mystery cult of Mithraism in the Early Empire, was a religion especially favored by soldiers, retained as a chief deliberative body of the Roman state. The early values of Christianity, as exemplified in Jesus' "sermon on the mount,". Death penalties for really bad crimes, an example would be crucifixion. What were the long-term consequences of Roman emperors' excessive taxation and plundering of other lands? Largest gladiatorial training school in Rome. How did Copernicuss view differ? The souls of dead ancestors, worshipped as benevolent spirits, Was written on many walls during ancient roman times. The Agora was the marketplace, which shows that trade (conducted with money) was central to Greek life; it was the marketplace that provided the foundation for Greek democracy. The Frankish palace official, Charles Martel, successfully defended the civilization of the new western European kingdoms in 732 by. Rome's basic idea of civil law; eye for an eye, like for like. division of Roman provinces into those ruled directly by the princeps and the senatorial provinces administered by the Senate. on the northern and eastern frontiers facing hostile neighbors. women had considerable freedom and independence. Can be very simple or elaborate, contain nonsense language, made up demons, etc. The colonies of veterans established by Augustus throughout the empire proved especially valuable in, Among Augustus' key innovations in Roman provincial rule was his. Explain the techniques and methods Octavian used to get and centralize power in the emperor. There were some permanent amphitheaters in the provinces (Arles, Merida, Libya, etc. What was Paul's major contribution to Christianity? Gladiators dying in the arena were far less common than movies put it (true/false). Celebrated after a military conquest in Rome. Wrote Aeneid, considered the national epic of Rome which was modeled after Homer's Lliad and the Odyssey. The largest area of Roman innovation in architecture was, The successor to Augustus and first of the Julio-Claudian rulers was, The "good emperor" Marcus Aurelius was regarded as a philosopher king deeply influenced by the principles of. Which of the following statements was true of Augustan society? how long should heat packs be applied for? elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor. Rich Romans hired Greek tutors and sent their sons to Athens to study. Jesus would return to pass judgment on the world. Write an essay analyzing whether Napoleon did or did not preserve the ideals of the French Revolution through his domestic and foreign policies. Describe the social effects of U.S. mobilization for World War II. elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor. Men who handled the beasts, not skilled and were the lowest ranking gladiators. After the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire, the economic system shifted toward feudalism. How does massage affect the nervous system. Who was the famous Greek teacher that instructed Alexander the Great? Emperors took more and more actual ruling power away from the old Senate. Syme portrays Augustus in this book as a somewhat sinister figure, who was immensely influential. Augustine has an historiographical problem. Wrote "The Roman Revolution," which observed Rome transitioning from a republic to an empire. The martyrdom of perpetual and felicity took place in what city? Gladiatorial School. What did Dylan mean when he wrote "admit that the waters around you have grown"? The "golden age" historian Livy is best known for his, perception of history in terms of sharp moral lessons. The cardinal principle of the Islamic faith is that there is only God and his prophet is, Justinian's most important contribution to Western civilization was his. Consulted Emperor Trajan II. End of the monetary system, a return to bartering, and a return to land as central to wealth and power. Muslim creation of a brilliant and sophisticated urban culture while western society remained a world of petty and violent agricultural villages. The poems of Virgil, the most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age. What was its purpose? made adultery a criminal offense and outlawed wasteful expenditures for feasts. Their inscription implies they were given a reprieve, assuming they had a draw. Which of the following statements was true of Augustan society? -What ruler was most responsible for uniting Greece? How were the Inca able to conquer such a vast empire? ", One of the famous jurists of the Early Empire responsible for completing the basic natural rights principles vital to the Western world was, The absolute monarchical powers of Augustus as princeps led to. Roman boxer from modern Turkey (Sinope) in early second century CE, Famous Pankration fighter, born in Alexandria in the second half of the 2nd century CE, Active as officers in Athletic Guilds -- President, Secretary, or High Priest, Association of the Heraklean Athletic Winners of Savred Games and Crowns -- Headquartered in Rome by special grant of the emperor in 2nd century CE, Organic material needing dry climate to survive -- Egypt, People in Northern Greece, enemies of Rome at one point so Romans named gladiators after them, "The Pursuer", heavyweight with a large helmer.

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