Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) own the RAN infrastructure. Onomondo generates the IMSI, Ki and OPC keys internally. If youre considering using cellular IoT, theres more to unpackand a lot of acronyms youll need to be familiar with. Like 2G, 3G has been used for things like logistics, telematics, and supply chain management. Remote access makes it possible for manufacturers to troubleshoot IoT devices locally or in the field, but it also makes those devices vulnerable to hacking. For example, the average user in the OECD today consumes about 5.8 GB per month per subscription. Standard SIM cards are confined to a single Mobile Network Operator. To achieve this, weve built a new IoT connectivity architecture from scratch. Instead of having a single service dedicated to key network functions, for example, using multiple microservices ensures that there are several that can handle crucial responsibilities. But in cities, these low frequencies have lots of traffic because theres a greater number of devices using them, so higher frequencies can have less interference. This is why traditionally connected devices consume so much power even when theyre not in useand its why extending battery life has been such a struggle for smartphones. Other connectivity technologies either miss the advantages of global standardisation and/or are not deployed globally with the capability of interconnecting (e.g., SigFox, LoRa, Bluetooth, WiFi). Our IoT experts can help you find the set up thats right for your application. EMnifys IoT SIM cards, for example, enable your device to connect to more than 540 cellular networks in over 180 countries. Some applications might be better suited for short-range connectivity solutions, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or Zigbee. But for IoT where businesses have thousands or millions of SIM cards, the subscription fee that you incur even when not using the SIM impacts any business case significantly! You can read more on soft SIMs and how they fit into the SIM landscape in this article from GSMA: Understanding SIM evolution (PDF). This will not only affect your IoT business case but your business as a whole. A few MVNOs, like Onomondo, rent access to the base stations themselves (this is very rare). For IoT manufacturers, cellular connectivity offers several huge advantages. This arrangement isnt just for some extra revenue; its also required by law in most countries (e.g. Visit our careers page to see our open positions, and apply today! 4G LTE (long term evolution) is capable of data speeds more than 10 times faster than 3G, and its the worlds leading mobile network technology. Cellular networks have several key factors that make them so popular with IoT manufacturers. Find out how Boost your projects chance of success with this 5-step guide from Chris Guest, CEO of LightBug - a device maker with over 2022 Onomondo ApS, Gothersgade 14 DK-1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark. If there is no PLMN list, 3GPP states that the radio module should attach to a strong enough network (also called -85 dBm, its a signal strength that is strong enough to deliver a consistent, stable data connection). Having different regional SIMs also means devices are locked into specific regions, and avoidable forecasting becomes an integral part of execution. What constitutes a prime use case for cellular in IoT is continually changing as cellular networks evolve. (You have to produce hundreds of thousands of units to make starting with a chip set result in a lower TCOf.). EMnify is hiring. Someone cuts the power to a private facility, disabling the WiFi-based alarm system. If youre trying to get a better grasp of cellular IoT, youll want to get familiar with basic concepts like SIM cards, modems, frequency bands, and the mobile network classifications (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Nb-IoT, LoRaWAN). SIM cards that are designed for IoT are network agnostic, meaning they can connect to any cellular companys network. Lets start by looking at what manufacturers tend to rely on cellular IoT for. A negative consequence of a PLMN list is that your device could prioritise networks with weak signals over networks with strong signals. Cellular IoT is the most popular type of IoT connectivity, primarily because it: Like smartphones and other mobile devices, cellular IoT relies on 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) technologies LTE-M and NB-IoT to transmit and receive data. However, interconnected Zigbee devices can create a mesh which allows them to relay data to and from other devices in the mesh. You'll need to contact your carrier to make updates, which involves creating a ticket and waiting for them to process changes (something known to take weeks at times). Tip: Make sure you have freedom to leave. However, transferring data over Wi-Fi uses more power than it does over a cellular network, so this isnt ideal for battery-powered devices. Zigbee connections are often used in smart homes, but they work for some medical, scientific, and industrial applications with low data usage as well. 5G networks can offer nearly real-time data transmission, and they can maintain a stable connection with devices moving at very high speeds. When you get a SIM card from MNOs or MVNOs, the SIM will often have a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) list on it. So its vital that you consider the countries you want to deploy in and the cellular carriers you plan to work with, so you can select a modem thats compatible with the bands they use. As you deploy in new countries, your cellular provider may have roaming agreements with another carrier that covers that region. 5G is the future of IoT. IMSI is easy to transfer; however, the Ki and OPC keys are typically held by operators. Here are some things to consider regarding future-proofing devices. As carriers continue to phase out their 2G networks, IoT devices that depend on them will become obsoleteunless theyre compatible with other networks. For example, managing eUICC profiles requires an eUICC platform which is hardcoded on to SIMs during production, something that's not possible to switch. As a basic example, if you take a UK SIM card to the US, you cant see BBC online anymore because a local network has given you a local IP. This technology has a lot of potential for IoT, particularly for mobile, data-intensive applications where speed is cruciallike self-driving cars and emergency services. Now lets look at the first piece of the cellular IoT network puzzle, the SIM. may seem like a complex myriad of acronyms, international organisational bodies like the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) keep everything in check. Many MVNOs are merely resellers of SIM cards who use roaming agreements and dont have any technical access to RANs. But revisiting devices isnt financially viable, practical, or possible for most use cases. Groups of base stations are called radio access networks (RANs). This helps future proof IoT devices because firmware upgrades may introduce new functionality that requires greater data consumption. This has made it ideal for consumer IoT devices and smart grids. But those networks werent designed to accommodate the massive influx of new devices that would need to share bandwidth. Now lets drill a little bit into the network core (alert: heavy use of acronyms ahead). The advantage of using these mobile networks to connect devices is that theyre everywhereyou just have to connect to them. 3G cellular networks built on the capabilities of 2G technology, providing faster data transmission, and enabling mobile devices to connect directly to the internet. Additionally, setup becomes more complicatedeach individual device has to be manually connected to the network. Bluetooth signals are weak and the devices need to be close together (usually within 10 meters or less), but Bluetooth connectivity can work well for some specialized indoor applications. Hopefully, you have a better understanding of how cellular networks work and have gained some valuable tips on managing your IoT cellular connectivity. For large-scale, global deployments, cellular M2M connectivity is generally considered the most reliable and beneficial connectivity method. And in the case of applets, theyre not allowed on soft SIMs. Starting with more basic components like a chipset (which come built-in when you choose a modem) may sound appealing because it lowers your cost per device, but it also drastically increases your time to market and development costsso the total cost of ownership (TCO) is typically much higher. I co-founded Onomondo to make a lasting impact on how IoT connectivity works. Virtual private networks (VPNs) let you create secure connections to your devices, but if youre using WiFi to facilitate your IoT connectivity, this becomes a lot more challengingyoull have to manage different VPNs for different customer locations. In auto racing, teams use 4G connectivity to transmit immense amounts of data from race cars to engineers. For starters, check out our free guide. If these devices have a security issue, it puts your devices at riskand the inverse is true, too. You may have noticed that IoT SIMs are not priced the same as everyday SIMs. But as carriers phase out their 2G and 3G networks, that doesnt mean IoT manufacturers are stuck choosing between too much power consumption and too little coverage. Cellular connectivity depends on several key components. Many IoT SIM providers put proprietary code on their SIM cards. The consumer SIMs you see advertised are cheaper per MB/GB than IoT/M2M SIM cards. The demand for cellular ubiquity has driven the development of global standards and means that everyone is aligned. In fact, cellular IoT is so widely used that if a device is being used in a B2B application (where the end user depends on having a reliable connection), it probably relies on cellular connectivity. But newer, low-latency technology, new connectivity methods, and modern cellular devices have changed the game. Its also fairly common for manufacturers to build-in multiple connectivity options to give their IoT devices more flexibility. How do we do this? You can switch operators by transferring the SIMs International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), subscriber authentication key (Ki key) and Derived operator code (OPC key). Typically though, youll use a third-party network server or network management tool which will charge a subscription. Buildings, tunnels, and other large structures are also less likely to interfere with signals you transmit on low frequencies. In cellular IoT, 2G networks have worked well for logistics, telematics, and supply chain management applications because they allow devices to transmit basic alerts, status updates, and location data while using very low power. Otherwise, we operate with network whitelists which tell the device which networks its allowed to connect to without the prioritised order that a PLMN list has (more on whitelists later). Its also widely used in healthcare and car entertainment systems. A forbidden network list (FPLMN), on the other hand, tells your device that it cant connect to AT&T in the US, but anything else it finds is fine (you can find out how to clear FPLMN lists with AT commands in our help section). 5G can use bands up to 35 GHz. However, it comes at the cost of more idle power consumption and more expensive modems. In general, IoT devices capable of cellular connectivity contain a modem, antenna, microcontroller (MCU), SIM, and some sort of sensor. Competition policy in telecommunications: The case of Denmark (PDF)). This drastically decreases power consumption. More complex networks also tend to have more expensive modems. With cellular IoT, you can use a cellular network firewall to ensure each device wont become a doorway to the others. Much the same as with a PLMN list, Onomondo's network whitelist system tells your device to connect to TDC in Denmark, Orange in France, and AT&T in the US, and only those operators in those places. And regardless of what causes the failure, the end user isnt going to blame the cellular carrier, a third-party data center, or the manufacturer of a specific component. eUICC makes it possible to host multiple operator profiles on a device. Unlike other connectivity options, Wi-Fi puts the burden on the manufacturer or the end user to maintain and scale their network. Thats why redundancy is an essential component of cellular IoT. Well, theres a problem with these systems they are expensive! Cellular IoT uses cellular networks to connect physical devices to the Internet. This is one of the reasons why redundancy is so vital for cellular IoT. Manage your IoT solution faster and with confidence, Best coverage in 180+ countries with a global SIM card, Full insights and control over SIM, connectivity, and cost, Fast, secure integration into your AWS, Azure or Google stack, Multi-layer network security to protect IoT devices, Get to market fast with a complete cellular IoT solution, Scale your business with custom, affordable connectivity, Count on consistent and high-quality connectivity for your corporation, Everything from EV charging to micromobility and telematics, Secure cellular communication for mobile and stationary IoMT, Aggregate agricultural data across vast, rural farmland, Make each broadcast a success through automation and centralized management, Discover why 1800+ IoT businesses worldwide trust EMnify, Read our latest articles about the IoT universe, Expand your IoT knowledge with our free webinars, Read our in-depth Whitepapers to improve your IoT solution, Step-by-step guides for EMnify cloud integrations, A complete list of all EMnify API functions and their documentation, Cellular IoT: What Business Leaders Should Know, Establishes a more secure connection than other shared networks, Performs well in mobile, indoor, and outdoor applications, Why redundancy is critical for cellular IoT. to whats happening once it has attached. To differentiate, sometimes youll hear an operator call themselves a full MVNO, which means they run the entire network technology stack. A cellular network, also called a mobile network, is a collection of base stations which link back to the core network. This integration gives them full access to data on the integration and devices on their network, but not for other RANs in the world not operated by e.g. Since IoT devices often have sensitive data, its important to think about how youll protect your customers and how various connectivity options impact your devices vulnerabilities. Its fine to roam on an iPad or a phone; you can get an SMS, make a call, and access the internet. In short, youre roaming when you go outside of your home network. Connecting to the Internet will always create security challenges. The core interfaces with other operators and the cloud, for example. Of course, its also important to consider which frequency bands your modem can connect to, particularly when it comes to 4G LTE, where different countries and companies use different bands. As a default, we dont add any custom code to SIMs and make it possible to update Onomondo SIMs over the air (OTA) when needed. Cellular networks use SIM cards to authenticate devices, associate them with a legitimate subscriber, and provide secure connectivity. You dont need different modems for different regions, so global connectivity is both simple and cost effective. And since NB-IoT was designed for the Internet of Things, it works on all frequency bands. Devices connected via LoRaWAN operate on license free frequencies, which means if you use your own gateway and server, you wont be charged for data usage. This connection enables these devices to transmit and receive data, making them part of the Internet of Things (IoT). At the moment, there are very few modems that can facilitate 5G connectivity, and they are far more expensive than other options. First up, lets quickly look at why cellular is a good option for IoT connectivity. This came with a downside: 3G networks use 50 percent more power than 2G networks. 4G LTE connectivity uses more power than most IoT processes need (50 percent more than 3G connectivity), but a range of power saving features can make it a viable option. Zigbee is another low power, low-bandwidth wireless network. The crew is scattered, but a single leader tracks the exact location of each team member and sees what they see, enabling them to accurately assess risks and allocate resources. This fee doesnt matter much for consumers as its only a tiny fraction of their overall subscription. But when youre roaming, youre not on your operators core network, and they dont have access to all of the information you might need. Its also helpful to think about the environments your device will be used within. An increasingly popular method of dealing with global IoT roaming is eUICC (Embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card), also commonly known as eSIM. However, the problem of vendor lock-in still exists for eUICC. Manufacturers can remotely access the device via VPN without exposing a public connection. Well help you explore your options and navigate your applications unique connectivity needs. These are just a few examples of how cellular IoT is shaping the way we engage with the world today. But to see the value of doing things differently, its essential to understand the norm. This is mainly because Mobile Network Operators (aka MNOs, mobile network carriers, wireless carriers), such as Vodafone, Telenor and T-Mobile, know that consumers dont get anywhere near their data limits on average and adjust their pricing model accordingly. If your devices require global coverage, mobility, low power connectivity, or high data throughput, cellular networks may be your path to the Internet of Things. Cellular is a WAN (wide area network) with the long-range ability to connect globally using radio waves that are sent and received via cell towers. With them, our customers can switch to any GSMA certified entity without friction (like revisiting thousands of devices to change SIMs!). The more IoT devices a company or consumer connects, or the more data-intensive processes they use, the more strain it puts on the Wi-Fi network. To keep it simple, you could say the main parts of the cellular network core are the HLR/HSS and the GGSN/PGW. But for IoT manufacturers, power and speed usually arent the main factors to consider. Weve rebuilt the complete network logic and dont have the same data storage expenses that MNOs and MVNOs face.. Not adding custom code also means we stay 100% GSMA compliant so every device (that is also compliant) can use Onomondo SIMs. Here are some crucial points to consider when choosing a globally deployable IoT device: When choosing cellular connectivity for your device, youll need a Subscriber Identification Module (aka SIM). The Home Location Register (HLR) or Home Subscriber Server (HSS) is the database of all the SIM cards an operator has. But unlike your smartphone, you dont want your IoT device to be limited to a specific cellular providers network.

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