As such, they do not require additional network devices or infrastructure as long as there is an existing cellular network. Learn how were partnering with municipal and cooperative utilities to help navigate challenges of aging water distribution infrastructure, rising consumer expectations, the increasing importance of water conservation, and the advent of new technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). With implementation and management barriers removed, utilities can use these advances to provide greater visibility into water usage and better management of the water system, while improving customer service. Typically, a meter change out takes about 20 minutes from start to finish. SET AMI Endpoints and Remote Smart Valves provide water utilities with all of the technology they need to deliver cellular AMI and valve control. They took action with Itrons AMI meters with leak detection. This data allows the City to more effectively monitor for leaks and residents to monitor consumption on an online portal. The communication technology for smart water meters has evolved in the recent past. Digital technologies are providing utilities with a wide range of operational and optimization opportunities. Recent years have brought many advances in metering that can help water utilities more efficiently measure, monitor and analyze their resources. Smart water solutions provide utilities with greater intelligence and visibility across the water cycle through intelligent measurement, reliable communication and actionable data. The equipment operates at a low-power radio frequency, comparable to a cordless telephone. Cellular networks are highly reliable with excellent uptime and resiliency. In the Zpryme study, 40 percent of respondents had plans to develop apps for residential and commercial customers. No, Lake Oswego water rates will not be increasing to pay for this updated technology. Built on the cloud from the ground up, Temetra allows you to collect water, gas and electric data from a simple, secure and affordable web interface. } As utilities apply technology to their initiatives and improve operations, four key innovations stand out. This means the utility can enjoy the most advanced features without added cost or effort. The cellular networks use the already mature technologies, easily scalable and future-proof. Metering and Technology Solutions is your trusted provider of cellular-enabled water meters for customers in Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska. In some cases, the most cost-effective solution is a utility-owned fixed network. SET makes it easy to remotely gather consumption and other meter data as well as control water flow. The list below shows some of the available options and their ranges. She can be reached at SETflow CIS has enabled my team to spend more time streamlining our business as customers largely help themselves using the great customer portal we now offer. Furthermore, cell providers in recent years have been proactive in working with water meter manufacturers and utilities to provide meaningful solutions to problems that plague municipalities and rural water concerns not the least of which are leak detection, real-time data, conservation, in-the-field workload and IT staff requirements. Currently, the City contracts for manual meter reading services, which cost roughly $90,000 per year. Seeing an opportunity to communicate pro-actively with customers beyond monthly statements, utilities are expected to explore these platforms. Th Water Meter Divisions plan is to install and replace approx. More than 1,000 utilities and 62 million endpoints leverage Itron Global Managed Services. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments. The Citys existing water services are metered, with a little over 9,000 water meters in varying sizes, with the majority being residential meters. The plan to migrate from a radio read drive by meter reading system to a cellular read system will take several years to accomplish. Besides consumer benefits, water utility companies can save a lot on operational costs. In practice, no single communication solution can meet all the needs of the entire system from the metering device at the consumer premises to the data processing server. Features typically available through utility apps include: Users can also set up profiles with specific criteria so that they can be alerted if they exceed their allotted monthly usage, or if the system detects a usage spike that could indicate a leak. Cloud-based platforms share several characteristics: These characteristics allow organizations to build IT resources rapidly, making it easier and less costly to adapt to changing requirements. Questions about the project can be directed to We will be replacing nearly 12,000 residential meters over the next 3 years. EyeOnWater consumer engagement tool empowers customers to manage their water use through easy-to-understand consumption graphs. With cost as a top concern, more utilities will capitalize on the benefits of new cellular technology. As such, most operates on long-lasting batteries which should ideally last several years before requiring replacement. Neptunes cellular endpoint allows you to progress at your own pace to AMI when integrated intoyour NeptuneR900System. It's that easy! Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming. 2022 Municipal Sewer & Water All Rights Reserved After a natural disaster, cellular networks are typically the first to be restored, especially because emergency services need to use them to coordinate responses. Despite the lower deployment requirements, the startup costs may however be significant since the utility needs to purchase the cellular meters. A smart water meter is basically a plug-and-play device that can transmit data in near real time. Box 369 These can be identified by their serial number. As such, as the adoption of the cellular-based AMI continues to grow, most utilities will find the cellular-based smart meters more cost-effective and reliable. Water meters are typically installed away from the house so potential exposure is very limited.. Metering and Technology Solutions is a distributor of solid state water meters in the upper Midwest. Web-based software services (cloud computing) are a key component of many managed solution models. As smart metering needs continue to grow, utilities are looking for cost-effective, scalable, and secure connectivity solutions and cellular provides [], The 450MHz Alliance organization has posted a news on its website about our new secure router. of General Wire Spring, Built-in infrastructure management services to keep pace with rapid changes in technology, Automatically implemented software updates, Rapid elasticity or expansion as needs change, Subscription pricing, providing a pay-as-you-go option, Expert maintenance of the system, allowing utilities to focus on their core competency, Graphics showing recent usage with a comparison against average usage, Recommendations to conserve water, with the ability to set up a customized profile to receive personalized tips and access to a savings calculator. Badger Meter is an industry-leading innovator in flow measurement, water quality and control products, serving water utilities, municipalities and commercial and industrial customers worldwide. You are assured a reliable, highlysecure, and easy-to-deploy cellular AMI data solution for both current and future needs. Usually, the cellular-enabled water smart meters are plug-and-play. It might even help you reduce your water consumption and save money. Our data management and billing solutions power the SET platform and are the key to solving your Meter-to-Cash and Non-Revenue water challenges. Learn how acoustic leak-sensing devices and water operations management can help. Here are some of the Neptune products you last viewed. Water suppliers have many choices when it comes to smart metering technology providers. Automatically and accurately adapt water pressure across water networks. View more examples on this interactive map1 (108 MB). The City of Benicia, California, comprised of nearly 10,000 residential water services, recently set out to upgrade its metering technology to better serve its residents. Features of this approach include: In a provider-managed, cloud-based system, the solutions provider takes charge of system operation and maintenance beyond the meters and meter communications endpoints. Optimize and efficiently manage water distribution networks. Also, as the AMI continues to evolve and expand, utilities will have a wider choice of communication technology to adapt. The digital solutions provide the water utilities and consumers with almost real-time usage data hence enabling the companies to predict the consumption patterns. What is the new system being installed & how does it work? The new AMI system eliminates the need for physical reads as meters can be read remotely through a secure wireless network. In particular, adding intelligent sensors and processing platforms enables smart metering which allows utilities to monitor their systems in real-time. Telecom providers have also provided lower rates for water meter cellular service as compared to consumer cell phone rates. Because of their flexibility, installations using cellular endpoints can efficiently meet almost any application need, from quick deployment of targeted implementations to full-scale roll-outs. Additionally, there will be a need to change the systems to receive and process data electronically as opposed to manual methods, train consumers, manage the data, and more. As utilities move to smart metering, cellular-based smart metering is likely to experience a higher growth compared to those using other communication technologies. Most often, the purchase and the installation costs could be double or even thrice than that of the traditional manual models. 1California Department of Water Resources, Water Use Efficiency Data. Especially when included as part of a managed solution, cellular endpoints have become a cost-effective and easy way to take advantage of smart metering. color: #999999; The cellular communication networks provide the most coverage and are available in densely and sparsely populated areas. We don't send these data to third parties.Learn more about Google's privacy policy: Street lights are vital components of urban infrastructures. The upgraded meter sends real-time data through cellular technology to the City. It also requires a server to process the received meter data, generate and send bills, and control signals. 1,100 water meters annually. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 . An easily deployable AMI solution, the cellular endpointallows you to start collecting actionable meter data immediately. Utilities can overcome the complexities of combining many solutions by using cellular wireless networks since they offer a wide range of cost and operational benefits. Known for convenience and efficiency, cloud platforms are being applied globally by nearly all types of organizations, including water utilities. Also, the automated meter reading AMR is more accurate. Whether you need on-site device installation, data systems integration, or ongoing technical support, you will be ready to go with the SET services team. Two-way solution using LTE-M cellulartechnology helps ensure maximized coveragewith FirstNet. Empower customers to actively monitor and use water responsibly with easy access to consumption data and conservation tools. Cellular networks are also proven safe and secure. SET has been transformational. Yet most vendors try to lock-in customers with proprietary networks and meters. Provide centralized monitoring, simplified control and real-time alerts for smart city applications without having to worry about designing, building or maintaining citywide communication networks. However, the smart meter sends much less information compared to a cellphone which has the capacity to send high-quality images. Cellular endpoints erase those concerns. More than a third of water pumped through the distribution system is lost to water leakage. At Itron, we have the deep industry expertise to help you solve your current problemswith the vision and technological leadership to equip you for the challenges of tomorrow. These meters have no moving parts and present advanced data points, including consumption, rate of flow, reverse-flow and temperature and pressure alarms. Additionally, the cellular communication networks, available in almost any location, including densely and sparsely populated areas, are more stable and can withstand harsh conditions such as floods, storms, and others. Usually, smart metering requires reliable 2-way communication since the meter needs to send and receive data to and from the processing server or control point. Today, the advances in long-lasting batteries ensure that the smart meter can last several years before requiring a charge or replacement. Hosting software and data offsite also leaves critical metering data less susceptible to natural disasters. font-weight: bold; Moreover, as documented in the Zpryme study, 56 percent of utilities did not plan to hire new technology personnel in the near future. We were immediately attracted to Smart Earth Technologies modern, cellular, standards-based approach SET has delivered on their promises to reduce our AMI capital outlay, and deliver exciting recurring operating savings. The full text of [], As data volumes and transfer needs continue to grow, the communications technologies are evolving into newer and better systems that [], As the smart grid evolves, electrical utility companies are using various communication technologies to efficiently connect the distributed energy resources, [], As demand for water increases amidst dwindling resources and high operating costs, the utility companies are increasingly adopting smart metering []. Enter Itron, whose AMI and analytics solutions not only sent read rates soaring but also dramatically improved Bismarcks ability to detect and prevent leaks and waste. Our smart water solutions combine measurement, communication and data to streamline processes, improve operational efficiencies and help you better manage water resources. Protect your revenue with leak detection and analytics solutions from Itron. Get Flow Control articles, news and videos right in your inbox! Smart metering is a digital technology that enables utilities to streamline their activities, reduce operational costs, wastage, and outages. You will be notified when we expect to be in your neighborhood. Most important, todays solutions ensure that the decisions utilities make now will pay dividends well into the future. Through reliance on existing cellular networks, cellular endpoints can minimize capital investments by reducing or eliminating reliance on traditional network infrastructure. Wireless smart meters provide a wide range of benefits including lower deployment and maintenance costs, faster data acquisition, and more. For example, smart solutions, whether on AMI or cellular, supports remote water metering, hence eliminating the need for workers to go to read the consumption. AMI meters ensure that customers are billed for the water they use no more and no less. However, one challenge in the water industry is the lack of underlying infrastructure to support two-way communication. Just like the way a mobile phone works, the cellular-enabled wireless smart meter collects consumption and other relevant data which it then sends to a processing server over the cellular network. Benefits of cellular-enabled water meters. Remotely monitor wastewater flow patterns to optimize system performance, mitigate pollution, and improve public health. Since the cellular networks are built to accommodate voice and data, the meters will not need additional components such as cabling, antennas, repeaters, data collection units, and others that may increase the complexity and costs of deploying the smart metering system. Unlike the traditional AMI that requires the utilities to install and/or use and maintain propriety, fixed communication networks, the newer systems do not require these and have fewer vendor lock-in risks. Todays smart meter cellular technologies offers benefits to consumers, commercial customers and utilities. Will AMI cause my water bill to increase? Unlike the traditional meters, smart metering utilize digital technologies such as sensors to measure consumption, a communication network to send and receive data, and control signals. A router DCU is an electronic device that delivers a combination of hardware and software functions to support smart metering and automation. Further, customers may be tied to a particular provider, which is not the case with cellular where you are likely to find multiple different providers in any one area. Cloud computing can be a viable alternative to investing in server-based MDM systems. Another advance in metering technology is the use of cellular metering endpoints for systemwide communications. .note { Leaks can be detected faster and promptly addressed. E-Series Ultrasonic meters are a leading choice in smart water applications for their extended low flow accuracy. Water is the most precious resource of all. Find out how much water and money you could be saving with AMI. How much time does it take to change out the meter? Itron Global Delivery Services has more than a quarter-century of delivery service experience. By illuminating the streets, roads, pavements, and other public spaces during the night, the lighting provides a safe and comfortable environment for both drivers and pedestrians. With growing pressure to conserve limited water resources, smart metering provides the utilities with the opportunity to streamline their water distribution processes through data-driven decisions. The digital systems deliver various other benefits including providing timely data and the ability to track usage in almost real-time. P.O. In the past, cellular was used to communicate small amounts of data within AMI systems, typically requiring gateways to communicate the data back to the hosted environment. This allows consumers, businesses and utilities to monitor usage remotely and detect leaks or abnormal water usage in near real time instead of monthly, which can and will result in cost savings and better water conservation. The exchanging of meters is quick and not complicated! Most companies are gradually replacing the traditional meters that require manual reading with smart models that utilities can read remotely. There will be no rate increase or surcharges a result of this project. Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitor Bureau, Flathead County (includes Animal Shelter & Senior Center). Combine our smart devices and analytics solutions to gain actionable understanding of water metering and use, water distribution, water leakage and more. That said, there is still a wide range of potential wireless technologies for any given application, and the choice may depend on cost, available infrastructure, and environment. Encouraged by an increased focus on customer service and efficiency, consumer engagement websites and smartphone/tablet apps continue to evolve. In todays water and waste- water industry, water metering technology is important. Bismarck struggled with a horrible, horrible read rate, with estimates standing in for accurate usage reads on half of its approximately 22,000 water meters. Two Minutes. In January 2014, one study estimated that 58 percent of American adults owned a smartphone and that 86 percent of the time spent on smartphones was spent on mobile apps. As such, it eliminates the many human errors that often occur with manual reading hence reducing the consumer complaints and time spent to resolve them. Are there any health hazards associated with the new technology? In less than four days after Hurricane Irma, the entire water system was re-pressurized and all customers were online. 2022   Neptune Technology Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. Today, the various hardware manufacturers, telecommunication companies, and technology integrators are working together to deliver solutions that address smart metering needs. searchTermVis : searchTerm}}", Learn More About E-Series Ultrasonic Meters, Learn More About ORION Cellular Endpoints, Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), Ultrasonic Meters for Residential Applications, Ultrasonic Meters for Commercial Applications. Learn more about the future of smart water networks. Please use the buttons below to enable if you accept use Google Analytics, or indicate if you do not enable it. strong { Eight Questions. Prefer to call?Customer Care representatives are available by phone MondayFriday, from 9am5pm CST. As demand for water increases amidst dwindling resources and high operating costs, the utility companies are increasingly adopting smart metering to improve efficiency and savings. The other key differentiator is our complete meter-to-cash platform that combines all important software elements into a complete solution. Thus, if a utility wanted to deploy a system immediately, it would have to find locations for gateways, get approval to install them, run electricity to them and clear various other hurdles. Comments on this site are submitted by users and are not endorsed by nor do they reflect the views or opinions of COLE Publishing, Inc. Easy to install and use plug-and-play battery-powered metering devices. Water utility officials in Clayton County, GA, discovered their non-revenue water losses were nearing 20%. Take the guesswork out of detecting potential leaks. Advances in technology mean water utilities can begin to enjoy all the benefits of AMI and AMA without previous operational and technology concerns. will send service requests to customers who currently have the oldest meters in the system. Furthermore, todays systems allow utilities to set alerts that help monitor potential problems and determine, for example, when to roll a truck and when not to, thus optimizing staff time and saving money. Well get back to you within 24 hours or the following business day. No. How long will my water be off? This will provide more frequent and accurate recording of water usage. Additionally, smart metering supports the use of other sensors that can detect leakages, theft, and water quality. Driving innovation is key to our shared success. Will City of Lake Oswego water rates increase with the new meters? We will begin in the northwest area of the city (South Mountain Park, Westlake) during summer 2019 and continue each summer. Additionally, City employees spend significant time following up on reports of leaks, unusually high bills, and obstructed or misread meters. Smart Water Distribution Network Management. Identify, prioritize and take action to detect and reduce real and apparent losses. The cellular endpoints eliminate the need for the water utility to install and maintain its AMI supporting infrastructure. For example, this has resulted in delivering easy-to-install plug-and-play cellular-based smart water meters that utilizes existing cellular networks infrastructure. The managed solution model provides a flexible approach that reduces the resources needed to operate and maintain the meter reading system, freeing personnel to support other critical areas of operations.

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