Administer ketamine (5-10 mg/kg IM) and medetomidine (0.15-0.35 mg/kg IM) in combination. Wire flooring should be smooth, nonabrasive, and of sufficient width to prevent abrasions. Their daily average water intake is approximately 50-150 ml/kg of body weight. Suckling kits need to be removed from the doe as they may become infected with the bacteria and die from septicemia. (penicillin G procaine and penicillin G Simple lancing of mandibular and joint abscesses is ineffective because of the thick, caseous nature of the exudate. Pass the tube medially along the nasal passage to the level of the last rib. Most lesions develop on the external genitalia and perineum. Respiratory irritants such as excessive ammonia in dirty, poorly-ventilated cages, aromatic wood shavings (cedar), and cigarette smoke may predispose some rabbits to respiratory infections. The sense organs of rabbits are well developed. Eliminate urine contamination between cages through proper sanitation procedures. Identify bacterial pathogens by submitting fecal samples for aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture and sensitivity testing. donation, no matter what the size, is appreciated and will aid in the A variety of vegetables and fresh, leafy greens such as dandelion greens, cilantro, parsley, and romaine lettuce should be offered as a salad one to two times daily. Thus, the urine may be thick and creamy due to calcium carbonate precipitate. Fur-barbering is common in rabbits on diets deficient in roughage. Bacterial infection of the inner ear, middle ear, or meninges is the most common cause of torticollis in pet rabbits. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Severe diarrhea may be accompanied by lethargy, weight loss, anorexia, and dehydration. for the meaning of Prevent obesity by restricting the amount of pellets fed and not feeding sweet treats. Abscesses often re-occur and multiple surgeries concomitant with antibiotic therapy may be required for resolution. Pelleted diets are balanced and convenient; however most of these are alfalfa based and are low in fiber. To accomplish this, choose drugs that are effective against aerobic, anaerobic, gram positive and gram negative organisms. If wounds appear infected, submit samples for bacterial culture and sensitivity testing. Sanitation is of utmost importance for effective therapy and prevention. Routinely brush long-haired rabbits or heavy shedders. Distinguish between hematuria and hemorrhagic vaginal discharge occurring secondary to uterine adenocarcinoma by physical examination, history, urinalysis, abdominal radiographs, and abdominal ultrasonography. Soft-tissue abscesses can also occur in the oral cavity or joints secondary to a penetrating wound from a foreign body. Dietary Lactobacillus supplements such as Bene-bac may help repopulate the GI tract with normal flora. Dysuria, stranguria, urine scald, lethargy, anorexia, and depression may be seen in rabbits with cystitis or cystic calculi. Rabbits are not systemically ill. Females of several breeds of rabbits have a large pendulous dewlap under their chin. Respiratory disease is common in pet rabbits and can result from many interrelated factors. The administration for most antibiotics in rabbits is based on clinical experience. Correct the predisposing management and environmental factors. Psoroptic mites are large and sometimes visible with the unaided eye. infection: daily administration, or every 2nd day. In ferrets and rabbits, the enteral route is used extensively, especially with at home administrated antibiotics. The severity of disease is determined by the age at time of exposure, the species of Eimeria involved, the number of oocysts ingested, and environmental stress factors. Small-gauge catheters (i.e., 24-gauge) can be placed in the cephalic or lateral saphenous vein in most rabbits. Cultures and sensitivity testing can be helpful in identifying organisms and in directing antibiotic therapy. Normal fur coats have an undercoat with projecting guard hairs. Paul Flecknell, BSAVA Manual of Rabbit The virus denudes the intestinal villi; diagnosis is made by identifying the virus in feces or cecal contents. Usually, the antibiotics that are safe to use in dogs and cats are safe to use in ferrets. Apply an ophthalmic antibiotic solution such as ciprofloxacin (Ciloxan, Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX) gentocin, or chloramphenicol four to six times daily for 14 to 21 days. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press 1996. Treat rabbits with simple bacterial cystitis with antibiotics. Bony changes in the bulla may indicate osteomyelitis. The tibia, radius, and ulna fracture easily with traumatic events such as getting a limb caught in wire caging or accidentally being dropped or stepped on. The following technique can be used to intubate medium to large rabbits. Injections of penicillin G benzathine/penicillin G procaine (40,000 IU/kg SC q24h for 2 weeks, then q48h for 2 or more weeks) have also had reported success in the treatment of pasteurellosis. 0000018232 00000 n Red, pink, or orange discoloration of the urine occurs periodically in healthy rabbits. John E. Chronic pneumonia is characterized by labored breathing, weight loss, cachexia, and anorexia. Supportive therapy includes supplemental fluids, vitamins, and force-feeding of anorectic animals. Mastitis in rabbits can be either septic or nonseptic. And not all small mammals die from antibiotic-induced gastrointestinal disease. Use amikacin at 8-16 mg/kg q24hrs IM/IV. Anesthesia usually is maintained at 0.25% to 2% isoflurane in oxygen. 0000003930 00000 n for treatment of bacterial infections. Do a direct fecal smear or fecal flotation to check for spore-forming gram-positive bacteria and coccidia. Healing is often prolonged. Other areas, such as the dewlap and feet, sometimes are involved. Cheyletid mites are easily identified through microscopic examination of cellophane tape preparations of affected skin. Use liquid or paste preparations when possible because rabbits have a long, narrow oropharynx that makes pill administration difficult. 2000.Virginia Richardson, Rabbits: Health, Husbandry and Disease, Blackwell Lesions produced by cheyletid mites consist of a scaly dermatitis with a flaky, grayish-white exudate. Stress is an important factor in disease. Fresh water should always be available. Rotavirus may be present as normal flora, but may act as a mild pathogen by destroying cells that produce disaccharidases and by contributing to carbohydrate overload. Mange mites produce a crusty dermatitis with alopecia. Intubation can be difficult because of the long, narrow oropharynx, large incisors, and large fleshy tongue that can obstruct the view of the pharyngeal cavity. Veterinarians do not have studies directing them to either dose or length of treatment or frequency of administration of antibiotics in ferrets and rabbits. Rabbit veins are thin and fragile, so small-gauge needles (i.e., 25-gauge or smaller) should be used. These tests are used for screening in rabbit-breeding colonies. Definitive diagnosis requires histopathologic examination of affected tissues. xvLQH%o Although, this does not change the fact that antibiotics are important medications for ferrets and rabbits, it is best that owners be informed of this information. Ivermectin is effective against ear mites (see. The tip of the tube is located in the distal esophagus. Early or mild lesions are areas of erythema and thinning fur on the plantar surface of the hock. Because the lesions are usually very painful, and the aural crusts resolve after ivermectin treatment, avoid pulling off the crusts to clean the ears. Cheyletid mites may cause a self-limiting, transitory dermatitis in humans. Decreased reproductive performance such as small litter size, stillbirths, dystocia, litter desertion, and infertility are seen in breeding does. Is used sometimes to treat Incisors can be cut with a diagonal cutter or, preferably, a dental drill. Treat antibiotic-induced enteritis and enterotoxemia aggressively to save the patient. Place the tip of the short, flat-blade laryngoscope blade (i.e., Miller blade), at the base of the tongue. Skin irritation or formation of sterile abscesses Reference ranges for hematologic values, serum biochemical values, and urinalysis are listed in Table 176-2, Table 176-3, Table 176-4 Make sure no sharp surfaces or wire edges are present that can traumatize the teats. Determine the primary cause of the alopecia to make a diagnosis. Apply eye lubricants several times daily if the blink reflex is diminished. the type of infection, daily or every 2, To avoid Joint abscesses are most frequent in the distal limb joints. Ulcerative pododermatitis (sore hocks) usually develops as a result of management-related problems. Isolate affected rabbits from healthy rabbits. Thoracic radiographs are useful in differentiating between pneumonia, cardiac disease, and neoplasia. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help veterinarian. Rabbits like sweet foods. Presumptive diagnosis is based on identifying Eimeria oocysts in a fecal sample or intestinal scrapings. Treat dermatophytosis with antifungal agents, administered topically or orally depending on the extent of lesions. It may be associated with high estrogen levels, uterine hyperplasia, and uterine adenocarcinoma. With septic mastitis, the affected gland is swollen, firm, erythematous to blue-tinged, and warm to the touch. Uterine adenocarcinoma is the most common tumor in domestic rabbits. Submit samples of fur from the edge of the lesion for culture on dermatophyte-culture medium. Results of a complete blood count (CBC) may reveal a relative increase in heterophil numbers or a reversal of the lymphocyte/heterophil ratio, indicating an inflammatory response. Postmortem lesions may include acute fibrinopurulent pneumonia, pleuritis, and septicemia. Cuterebrid larvae burrow into subcutaneous tissue and cause one or more firm, fistulated, subcutaneous swellings surrounded by necrotic tissue. Screen young rabbits for coccidiosis or give prophylactic therapy. Rabbits are usually pruritic. With cystic mastitis, glands became swollen, firm, and blue-tinged with a clear-to-dark serosanguineous discharge from the teats. Preventive serologic screening is not necessary. Ulcerative granulomatous lesions involve the plantar surface of the hocks and may be unilateral or bilateral. Rabbits with bone fractures or luxations are acutely lame. Anorexia is also common with metabolic abnormalities such as kidney disease and lead toxicoses and with any severe systemic infection. Examine the back molars with an otoscope or nasal/vaginal speculum. Rabbits with severe disease may be anorexic and lethargic. Results of serum biochemical analysis often reveal electrolyte and metabolic abnormalities in animals with moderate-to-severe diarrhea. Intense pruritus results from mites burrowing in the epidermis. Because the necrotic centers are often sterile, collect samples from the inside of the abscess capsule wall. Anorectic animals should be force fed replacement diets such as Critical Care for Herbivores (Oxbow Pet Products, Murdock, NE; If young rabbits test positive for coccidiosis, administer appropriate therapy (see Coccidiosis). The glottis cannot be seen while trying to pass the tube. 7. Correct the diet to include adequate roughage if fur-barbering is suspected. No antibiotic pharmacokinetic studies have been performed in ferrets so drug dose, treatment length, and frequency are based on clinical experience and extrapolated from other species. Molar malocclusion requires dentistry with sedation. Unlike most mammals, intestinal absorption of calcium does not depend on vitamin D. Increases in dietary calcium intake results in large amounts of calcium being excreted in the urine. Premedicate with a combination of ketamine with medetomidine, diazepam, or midazolam as needed, especially if using isoflurane. 0000031152 00000 n Rabbits are popular pets for both children and adults. Separate or cull carriers from colonies. Topical astringents such as Domeboro solution (Bayer, Inc., West Haven, CT) are beneficial in treating moist wounds. Hematuria or a serosanguineous vaginal discharge is often the first clinical sign noted. 0000001116 00000 n Alternatively, while supporting the back of the rabbit against your body, the forelegs can be grasped between the fingers of one hand while the hind limbs are supported firmly between the fingers of your other hand. procaine (long lasting) in the treatment of the abbreviations, click here. Perform ovariohysterectomy in females with a suspected hormonal basis for fur-barbering. Supplemental isoflurane may be necessary to further relax the rabbit for intubation. A limited amount (approximately 2 tablespoons per 2 pounds of body weight) of fruits such as papaya, melon, or berries can be provided as a treat or to entice an anorectic animal to eat. Check rabbits with mild cases of otitis for the presence of mites. If exudate is visible in the ear canal, clean and flush the ear thoroughly. Anorectic animals can be syringe fed specialized hand-feeding formulas for herbivores (Critical Care for Herbivores, Oxbow Pet Products, Murdock, NE; Nasogastric tubes can be placed in medium-to-large rabbits that require long-term nutritional support or that have had extensive oral surgery. and other dermatophytes occur much less frequently. Diarrhea may develop in some animals because of changes in the cecal microflora from decreased gastric motility (see Diarrhea/Enteritis). Diagnosis of septic mastitis is based on clinical signs, history of lactation or pseudocyesis, and isolation of bacteria on culture of gland tissue or exudate. The head tilt may be mild or accompanied by torticollis, incoordination, and the inability to stand. Infection of the nose, eyelids, lips, and chin may result from autoinfection. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract has a simple glandular stomach, a long intestinal tract, and a large cecum. Tetracyclines and chloramphencol have also been effective against T. cuniculi. Many rabbits remain active and alert with no other clinical signs. Mandibular abscesses occur as firm swellings in the ventral facial area. Euthanasia often is selected in debilitated rabbits if no clinical improvement is seen after several days of therapy. Because of their size, the intramuscular route is rarely used for an extended period of time in ferrets and rabbits. trailer <<7334AAE690A54F4F896610E10A040B3A>]/Prev 196812>> startxref 0 %%EOF 44 0 obj <>stream Endometrial changes such as atrophy of the glandular epithelial cells and increased collagen content are associated with development of uterine neoplasia. FOIA Keep cages and bedding clean to minimize spread through contaminated fomites. Allow the rabbit out of the cage as much as possible to exercise. Prevent possible contact between pet rabbits housed outdoors and wild rabbits or rodents by elevating cages off the ground or housing pets in a rodent-proof enclosure. Since aminoglycosides are potentially nephrotoxic in ferrets and rabbits, use this class of drugs with discretion. Penicillin, in some cases of renal failure > nephrotoxic, Exceptionally leads to a decreased Long-term therapy may be necessary with chronic disease. Use a tongue depressor or the speculum to isolate the arcade and prevent damage to the tongue or buccal mucosa. Euthanasia usually is recommended in rabbits with complete transaction of the cord resulting in complete rear limb paralysis and urinary and fecal incontinence. Infection is spread by direct contact with infected rabbits or contaminated fomites, aerosolization, or from does to offspring during birth and nursing. Lippincott PMC legacy view Rabbits can be housed indoors or outdoors at temperatures ranging from 40F to 80F. Medical management is successful in most rabbits. treatment leads to: Depending on Submit a skin biopsy specimen for histologic examination if the causative agent cannot be determined by other diagnostic tests. Rabbits with urinary pigment changes or excessive calcium in the urine usually have no other clinical signs. 0000039986 00000 n 0000022163 00000 n The nose, lips, and periorbital area are less commonly involved. No known treatments are available. indicate that. Allen, J. K Pringle, Dale A. Smith, Handbook of Veterinary Drugs. Dermatophytosis is associated with alopecia and a scaly dermatitis, particularly around the head and ears (see Superficial Mycosis). Lubricate the tip of a small infant feeding tube (e.g., 5 Fr., Bard-Parker, Becton-Dickenson and Company, Rutherford, NJ) with topical lidocaine (Xylocaine) jelly. The principles of antibiotic use in dogs and cats apply similarly to ferrets and rabbits. Metronidazole (20 mg/kg PO, IV q12h) has been effective in treating rabbits with enterotoxemia caused by C. spiroforme. Excessive salivation is common in rabbits with malocclusion. Fractures are usually palpable on physical examination. Microscopic examination of crusts and exudate usually reveals mites and eggs. Cytologic examination of the exudate shows neutrophils and proteinaceous debris; bacteria may or may not be visible. 0000010396 00000 n benzathine). Some rabbits have painful abdomens and may stay in a hunched position. Use a face mask to maintain anesthesia during short procedures or if intubation attempts are unsuccessful. giving the treatment at home. Lesions may progress to raw, ulcerative sores with scabs. Some selected bacterial species known to infect rabbits include pathogenic species of staphylococcus and streptococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Listeria, Actinomycoses, and Actinobacillus. (, When examining a patient on a table, keep the rabbit close to your body and always keep a hand on it to prevent it from jumping off the table (. Dana G. Treponematosis (rabbit syphilis), caused by Treponema paraluiscuniculi causes a scaly dermatitis in the genital area. Psoroptes cuniculi is a large, non-burrowing mite that spends its 3-week life cycle on the host rabbit. Pruritus is not a major clinical sign. The prognosis for successful therapy is guarded. 4 0 obj <> endobj xref Rabbits with malocclusion should not be bred. 6. Antibiotics that are highly likely to cause gastrointestinal dysbiosis include amoxicillin, ampicillin, clindamycin, and lincomycin. Although some rabbits can be asymptomatic, rabbits may appear to be in pain, reluctant to move, or lame. Keep outdoor rabbits in screened hutches, especially during summer and fall. Use a short vaginal or nasal speculum with an attached light source to examine the oral cavity. sterile abscesses, if injected. Thoroughly clean and debride necrotic wounds. Oral penicillin is associated with gastrointestinal disease in this species. Use either a tuberculin or insulin syringe to minimize the risk of collapsing the vein with too much negative pressure. M. Michael Swindle, Handbook of Rodent and Rabbit Medicine. Submit a second urine sample for bacterial culture and sensitivity testing after 4 to 6 weeks. Cheyletid mites can exist off the host for short periods. when used over a longer period in young rabbits. Consider surgical drainage or excision of mammary abscesses. Twelve species of intestinal Eimeria infect rabbits. The treatment period should extend through the life cycle of the mite. The cardia and pylorus are well developed, and, due to the anatomic arrangement of the cardia to the stomach, rabbits are unable to vomit. The most commonly used class of drugs in ferrets and rabbits are the quinolones. This provides a completely circular field of vision with the exception of the small area below the mouth. Mandibular or joint abcesses require extensive debridement and wound care (see Mandibular and Joint Abscesses). Ultrasound examination can provide useful information about abdominal organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, and reproductive tract. 0000001449 00000 n For prevention, decrease dietary calcium levels, especially in mature or aged rabbits. Antibiotic-impregnated polymethylmethacrylate (AIPMMA) beads can improve the success rate of surgical treatment of mandibular abscesses if abscessed tissue cannot by completely excised. Fur-barbering is characterized by alopecia of the dewlap, back of the neck, and paws. Clinical signs of encephalitozoonosis are similar to those of the neurologic form of pasteurellosis. The dental formula is 2/1 incisors, 0/0 canines, 3/2 premolars, and 2-3/3 molars. REFERENCE RANGES FOR PHYSIOLOGIC VALUES IN RABBITS, REFERENCE RANGES FOR HEMATOLOGIC VALUES IN RABBITS, REFERENCE RANGES FOR SERUM BIOCHEMICAL VALUES IN RABBITS, REFERENCE RANGES FOR URINALYSIS IN RABBITS. An enlarged, thickened uterus or multiple rounded caudal abdominal masses may be palpable on physical examination. A combination of medetomidine (0.15-0.35 mg/kg SC, IM) and ketamine (5-10 mg/kg SC, IM) works well and can be reversed when the procedure is finished. The roots often become infected, resulting in mandibular, maxillary, or retrobulbar abscesses (see Mandibular and Joint Abscesses). Straw or hay bedding should be provided in one area of the cage. The best antibiotic to use is based not only on the spectrum of activity of the antibiotic but also on the safety of that antibiotic in rabbits. Lawsonia intracellularis, an intracellular, gramnegative, curved to spiral-shaped bacteria has been associated with proliferative enterocecocolitis in weanling rabbits. Foggers containing enilconazole or formaldehyde can be used for carpeted areas. osteomyeltitis. See Section 8 for treatment of orthopedic disorders in dogs and cats. Co. 1997. 0000001341 00000 n Continue treatment for 4 weeks. An enlarged stomach may be visible on plain radiographs. The highly pathogenic Eimeria stieda infects the liver. Skull radiographs provide useful information about the nasal passage and sinuses. Not all rabbits develop gastrointestinal disease from the more dangerous antibiotics. When the antibiotic is dissolved in The swellings are large, firm, and warm to the touch. Diarrhea is associated with antibiotics that are active against gram-positive aerobes and selective gramnegative anaerobes. Nasal lesions in pet rabbits are commonly mistaken for dermatophyte lesions. Avoid antibiotics that may induce enteritis. Although rare, rabbits with acute pyloric obstruction must be treated surgically. Thick, creamy to sandy, white urine indicates the presence of excess calcium in the urine. Place the rabbit in sternal recumbency with an assistant extending the neck and head forward. Inadequate fiber in the diet results in cecocolic hypomotility and ultimately changes in cecal microflora. Lesions initially consist of erythematous vesicles that progress to papules, ulcerations, scaliness, and dry crusty lesions. 0000002519 00000 n The skeletal system is light and delicate compared with most mammals. Pulse therapy is ideally suited for ferrets and rabbits. Other rabbits become depressed, anorexic, and lethargic.

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