End-to-end tests usually depend on an entire system, including networks, compute clusters, load balancers, and more. Use Checkov pre-commit hooks or linters to identify errors before getting pushed into run-time, identify common missing arguments, and explore security layering concepts like security groups and IAM hardening. Ill start at the bottom of the pyramid with unit tests and work my way up the pyramid to end-to-end tests. How do you know if you can run terraform apply to your infrastructure without affecting critical business applications? Terraform-compliance allows you to apply BDD, or behavior-driven development, principles. Run docker run again to test the configuration. Another interesting thing to notice, is that all four tools were performing relatively similarly on the AWS files, and there were lots of issues that were found by three (7) or even all four tools (6), while in the GCP files there were only 4 issues on which three tools agreed and there was no issue which would be discover by all four tools. Using the VM example, a compliance policy might be as follows: "If you're creating an Azure resource, it must contain a tag". (ELK stack, DefectDojo and similar). Terrascan is also available as GitHub action. If you use feature branching, merge your changes and apply them to a production environment. Run terraform validate to validate the syntax of the configuration files. To check that the monitoring tool has system metrics, you can check if it contains data from your system in the last five minutes. Revamped whole Security Groups functionality. Home / Blog / Introducing TerraGoat, a vulnerable-by-design Terraform training project. The unit tests do not need to cover the configuration in modules. The test will fail because - while the first rule requiring existence of tags succeeds - the second rule fails in that the. If terraform-compliance is not running quickly enough make sure to check the a lightweight, security focused, BDD test framework against terraform. They answer the question, Can someone use the infrastructure system successfully? For example, application developers should still be able to deploy to HashiCorp Nomad after you upgrade the version. We created a very simple shell script that installed the tools and made them scan the AWS and GCP codes. ", "Consul services monitored by Consul-Terraform-Sync", this repository with a list of infrastructure testing tools, Test-Driven Development for Infrastructure, Moving Security and Sanity Left by Testing Terraform with InSpec, Terraform Code Reviews: Supercharged with Conftest, Testing Infrastructure as Code on Localhost, Number of resources or attributes generated by, Values associated with interpolated values, Expected variables or outputs marked as sensitive. Aspects that we wanted to consider as the evaluation metrics were (ordered by priority): 1. One test checks that the target group does not use the default node address, and the other verifies that the target_id matches a valid IP address. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Secure example feature is a very good approach for showing secure code. However, none of these tests verify correct variable interpolation, list iteration, or other configuration logic. You can use the same testing framework as your unit tests to check that a Terraform configuration passes the right inputs to a module. Given the fact, terraform is used mostly against Cloud APIs, what was missing is to ensure Run docker pull to download the terraform-compliance image. As a result, implement as much unit and contract testing as possible to fail quickly on wrong configurations instead of waiting for resources to create and delete. and Scenario, as also seen in below ; server_side_encryption_configuration is coming from the terraform code, as shown below ; This policy ( Scenario ) will allow all S3 buckets newly created or updated must have encryption configuration set within the code. Then we changed the shape of the findings usingjqso that every issue finding contained: After that we concatenated all the results, sorted them by filename, resource, tool and issue finding ID. We deeply appreciate any effort to disclose vulnerabilities responsibly. Checkov supports running only / skipping specific checks: Checkov is also offering a paid version. In the AWS load balancer case, add a map representing service objects and their expected attributes and type. Check out the prototype. Worth mentioning is PR commenter which adds a comment to any area of the code which fails the tfsec scan. When you test Terraform modules, you want enough verification to ensure a new, stable release of the module for use across your organization. If youre not familiar, Checkov is the open-source static analysis tool for infrastructure as code that we released earlier this year. We saved the results in JSON, because that was the only output they all had in common (refer to the feature table). Although these are interesting tools (and we know that with some work we could use them to do the intended security scanning) there are other tools oriented towards this particular task that are more plug-and-play.In the end we decided to compare a specific set of tools. Terrascan performs very poorly in definitions of the tasks and remediation description. Terragoat is a vulnerable-by-design Terraform project designed to give DevOps engineers a place to learn how to identifying misconfigured infrastructure as code modules and test infrastructure code without polluting their own professional AWS account. Whether youve updated some HashiCorp Terraform configuration or a new version of a module, you want to catch errors quickly before you apply any changes to production infrastructure. We make the cloud work for you. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. The security finding (defined by ID and description). You ran terraform plan to manually check the IP address and continue to add more configuration to the module over time. Unfortunately, theres a major knowledge, skills, and access gap between those functions, making it difficult to achieve. You then run those policies against your Terraform execution plan. In addition to the testing tools and approaches in this post, you can find other perspectives and examples in the references at the conclusion. Marko Fbry, Cloud ArchitectMarek ottl, Cloud Security Engineer. They also communicate the expected values of configuration across your team and organization. At the bottom of the pyramid, unit tests verify individual resources and configurations for expected values. They answer the question, Does this module or configuration create the resources successfully? A terraform apply offers limited integration testing because it creates and configures resources while managing dependencies. Another common example is creating virtual machines from a defined subset of images. Many times, compliance testing is part of the continuous integration process and is used to ensure that user-defined policies are followed. capability of having fully-fledged functional tests that are mostly used for We found most of them either subjective, incomplete, not answering our questions or not meeting the needs we currently have. Snyk is a fantastic tool when you need more stuff than Terraform scanning. Configuration parsing, terraform fmt -check, and terraform validate do not require active infrastructure resources or authentication to an infrastructure provider. Since you have to set up and tear down the resources, you will find that integration tests can take 15 minutes or more to complete depending on the resource! You can use a known host file to define the connectivity to GitLab or GitHub via ssh. your terraform plan in a context where both We testedcheckov,snyk,terrascanandtfsec. To monitor and track best practices in cloud configurations, developers need to learn best practices for CIS, SOC2, PCI, HIPAA, NIST, AWS Foundations, Hightrust, and others across multiple versions. Idea of API server and container can be merged in usage of AWS EKS (alternatively GKE) or ECS. Interesting is that it adds some great features like scanning of Helm v3 and Kustomize v3. Ability to filter specific rules / ignore specific findings (mitigating false positives or accepting risk), 7. Terraform-compliance - a free and open-source tool - provides this functionality for Terraform configurations. We looked at the tooling to identify security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations for AWS and GCP. We understand that many users place a high level of trust in HashiCorp and the tools we build. Since they run independently of infrastructure resources, unit tests have a virtually zero cost to run frequently. Additional resources on practices and patterns for testing Terraform include: To learn about using Sentinel on Terraform Cloud, review our tutorial on Learn. Once deployed, youll be able to explore several violations of infrastructure security best practices such as: We welcome teams to fork the TerraGoat repo and practice troubleshooting and debugging bad infrastructure. The module contains contract tests in the form of variable validation, which will verify valid inputs for any configurations that depend on the module. The workflow runs unit tests written in Sentinel against a Terraform Cloud workspace. similar functionality only for terraform while it is free-to-use and it is Open Source. Everybody can find benefits in different tools based on specific needs and mainly integrations. Additionally, unit tests can validate: Overall, unit tests run very quickly and provide rapid feedback. Run terraform plan to create an execution plan. Huge comparison of cloud providers for the gaming industry. Development Principles. Depending on your integration testing framework, you may need to write scripts or automation to terraform apply for test resources, run the tests, and terraform destroy the resources. In its ideal form, a long-running development environment that accurately mimics production can help you catch potential problems. Once you define the policies, a tool like Terraform-compliance is used to ensure the policies are followed. To start with the easier part we decided to gather the features of the compared tools based on our requirements and also add other ones that we thought could be interesting or useful. Failed changes to active environments will affect critical business systems. Instead, use integration tests to verify that Terraform outputs include the correct values or number of resources. Interesting feature is error history which can show you when the engineering errors were introduced during the resource lifetime. Configure Terraform: If you haven't already done so, configure Terraform using one of the following options: Terraform-compliance tool: Install the Terraform compliance tool by running the following command: pip install terraform-compliance. Currently HashiCorp provides You can add an API call in kitchen-terraform to check an endpoint after creating infrastructure. Some frameworks, such as Terratest or kitchen-terraform, orchestrate this sequence for you. Add them to the community forum! Previously in this article, you read about a compliance-testing example of creating a VM for a test environment. As a result, it takes time to scroll through the planned changes to check your IP address. There are very few readily available examples of what bad infrastructure code looks like, and there arent any resources out there to help train and test your infrastructure as code skills. For example, you might define geopolitical naming conventions for your Azure resources. Run terraform validate again to verify the syntax. You can terraform validate and terraform plan to check your configuration, but will that be enough? We also believe that DevOps, security, and engineering teams strive to do this. With fuzzing, a system that receives input is tested to ensure that it can safely handle unexpected input. Once you verify the changes, you apply the execution plan to deploy the infrastructure. You see a message indicating that the Terraform configuration is valid. Then, run terraform apply and the integration tests to check that the module can still run without errors. I manage the modules release through a GitHub Actions workflow. PART 2: AWS, AZURE or GCP? When you focus purely on Terraform files, the performance is very good but the description of the issues is very vague and missing links to documentation of AWS/ GCP/ Terraform. Sign up below to stay up to date with new projects and Bridgecrew announcements. optional faster_parsing pip install flag in the Installation Guide. You can write end-to-end tests in any programming language or framework. Lower-level tests communicate system knowledge and expectations to teams that need to maintain and update Terraform configuration. Terrascan supports around 500 policies similarly as other tested tools. The goal of BDD is to encourage teams to build concrete examples that express a common understanding of how the system should behave. Coincidence? Integration tests check that a configuration using a Terraform module passes properly formatted inputs. These types of tests overlap with security testing done as part of policy as code because you check attributes in Terraform configuration for the correct values. Fix the error by modifying main.tf as follows (where a Role and Creator tag are added). When choosing a framework, consider the existing integrations and languages within your organization. Another person then applies a different version of the code that provisions different version of that VM. A resource group is created with a name following the pattern. terraform-compliance is a lightweight, security and compliance focused test framework against terraform to enable negative testing capability for your infrastructure-as-code. Run terraform apply to apply the execution plan. Some companies can benefit from paid versions due integrations and reporting options. Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay up to date with all things Bridgecrew. Depending on your systems cost and complexity, you can apply a variety of testing strategies to Terraform modules and configuration. Initially, we tried different internal repos as the testing dataset (Terraform files), but since we wanted the results to be shareable with the community and replicable, we decided to go with the publicly available repositoryterragoat. In an ideal way, this Scenario (among with all other Scenarios) will run on a CI/CD pipeline that will ensure that nothing is deployed by violating your policies. Unit and contract tests may require extra time and effort to build, but they allow you to catch configuration errors before running terraform apply. Compliance testing is done through the inspection process and the outcome of the review process should be documented. These checks are defined as simple JSON or YAML so you do not need to write additional GO code. The Web part of Checkov offers a very good remediation description for CLI steps. Instead of using a separate testing framework for contract tests, use a custom validation rule. to ensure everything is up-to-date between the local configuration and the remote API(s) responses. More about this topic, maybe, in one of our next posts. Because. The new HashiCorp Terraform Azure Stack provider 1.0 includes several provider behavior improvements, 19 new resources, and supports a new service for Key Vault. Manual testing involves spot-checking infrastructure for functionality and has a high cost in time and effort. Why? They create a load balancer, listener rule, and target group to verify that the module configures additional listener rules and target groups. Even if configuration tests have less accuracy in development, they can still catch a number of errors and help you practice applying and rolling back changes before production. AWS, AZURE or GCP? With compliance testing, there are two important concepts to consider: compliance testing and compliance checks. Unlocking the Cloud Operating Model: Thrive in an era of multi-cloud architecture. After that we picked very simple metric - number of unique findings per tool: Its interesting to see in these results that Snyk performed exceptionally well on the AWS Terraform code, because it found more issues than checkov. 2022 Bridgecrew inc. All Rights Reserved. E.g. Higher-level tests in the pyramid take more time and cost to create or configure resources. Run terraform show to convert the execution plan to JSON for the compliance step. The previous rule is translated as follows: The Terraform HCL code would then adhere to the rule as follows. Example code and resources: Using the DownGit tool, download from GitHub the compliance-testing project and unzip into a new directory to contain the example code. The workspace uses a CLI-driven workflow since its integration tests have external dependencies. Note: Consul Terraform Sync generates the services object outlined in the example. For a more comprehensive list of Terraform testing tools, check out this repository with a list of infrastructure testing tools. Compliance testing is also known as conformance testing. Run terraform init to initialize the working directory. that creates/updates/destroys entities. Write unit, integration, and end-to-end tests for configuration of active environments. What is your choice? After the integration tests pass, I can tag and release a new version of the module. Ideally, your infrastructure testing strategy should align with the test pyramid, which groups tests by type, scope, and granularity. For larger, more complex configurations with many resources, you should not manually check individual parameters. Let's say one person works on a change and applies resources such as creating a VM in a test environment. Since Terraform is mostly used against Cloud APIs, we still need a way to ensure the code deployed against the infrastructure follows specific policies. Run docker run to run the tests in a docker container. Youll learn how infrastructure tests fit into your organizations development practices, the differences in testing modules versus configuration, and approaches to manage the cost of testing. Doing compliance checks is straight forward. In production, run end-to-end tests against the system to confirm system availability. We didn't focus on additional testing of Kubernetes, Ansible or other IaC platforms. Integration tests can check that changes successfully run in a long-lived development environment, and end-to-end tests verify the environments initial functionality. The result of these efforts can be seen in the following table. You signed in with another tab or window. Coordinating infrastructure as code configuration best-practices across multiple engineering teams is difficult, not to mention that not every development squad has the right DevOps security skills. Using Terraform, you create configuration files using HCL syntax. Also when you will look for your SAST tool for IaC, ask yourself if you also want to test kubernetes configs, open source libraries and docker images. without having any encryption. Be sure to this project on GitHub, and keep an eye out for whats coming next, CfnGoat, a vulnerable-by-design training project for CloudFormation. Terrascan also underperforms on GCP terraform code. If you need Software composition analysis, Kubernetes configuration scans etc., then it is a very good choice. proving a component of code is performing properly. terraform-compliance mainly focuses on negative testing instead If you need to report a non-security related bug, please open an issue on the Terraform GitHub repository. If you do not want to use public reporting and maximise the output enrichment, you can choose to utilise snyk-to-html. Were excited to release TerraGoat , a training project for developers to learn about how to identify and avoid infrastructure as code misconfigurations and security risks. In the same vein as RhinoLabs fantastic penetration testing training tool, CloudGoat, TerraGoat is a complementing resource for Terraform, the popular infrastructure-as-code framework from HashiCorp. Regarding the feature file format - radish is used to parse files with extension .feature - https://radish.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial.html. Ability to be run by engineers on demand. But what we want to raise is known_hosts file for Terrascan in Docker container. The output of each phase is compared against the documented requirements. One more, a rather peculiar thing is that terrascan rule descriptions for GCP are pretty much identical to the ones used by Checkov. Important additional feature is the ability to create custom checks. You could, but it may not be the best use of your time and effort! Checkov uses Bridgecrew's API to enrich the results with links to remediation guides. 2. For example, use a custom validation rule to ensure that an AWS load balancers listener rule receives a valid integer range for its priority. Terraform enables the definition, preview, and deployment of cloud infrastructure. Ability to add and develop your own security rules, 8. Your Terraform testing strategy does not need to be a perfect test pyramid. Although it may seem biased to use the testing repository of one of the compared tools as the dataset, we still went with it because it just meant that findings of checkov in terragoat will be the baseline and other tools can perform either better, the same or worse. The Terragoat contains most commonly used IaC resources like EC2, S3, IAM, RDS, EKS or their GCP / Azure equivalents, so we expected the findings of the different tools to be mostly from the same category. Terragoat is a code repository containing intentionally vulnerable terraform codes with the resources for AWS, GCP and Azure. Unit tests for the plan representation require Terraform to authenticate to your infrastructure provider and make comparisons. A fully managed platform to automate infrastructure on any cloud with HashiCorp products. We hope that TerraGoat helps bridge the knowledge gap for those looking for ways to start down that path. As a result, it provides confidence in the modules successful usage but not necessarily in applying module updates to live infrastructure environments. This directory is referred to as the example directory. Terraform providers include acceptance tests that resources properly create, update, and delete with the right configuration values. Negative testing is the process of ensuring that a system can gracefully handle unexpected input or unwanted behavior. On occasion, you can omit integration tests because of their high financial and time cost. Problem comes with adding new Terraform files which require reimport of the repository/project. Quality of security issue findings (positive vs. false positive findings) and also their connection to AWS/GCP and Terraform documentation. Instead, focus on unit testing any configuration not associated with modules. End-to-end tests can verify that changes did not break expected functionality. In the journey toward a modern service-based networking solution, core workflows are needed for discovering services, securing service communications, automating networking tasks, and controlling access. We started our own testing PoC and evaluation based on various metrics including false positive and false negative rating, integration options and quality of the recommendations itself. The Broker client is published as a set of Docker images and provides secure connectivity to on premise JIRA. Auto-detection of terraform executable & downloading (, Move orjson to be an optional dependency (, https://radish.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial.html. Upon merging the changes, my GitHub Actions workflow runs integration tests written in Terratest. Working in the gaming industry as a game developer, CTO, CEO, game analyst or any other role is Keep up to date with the latest news and updates! From a practical standpoint, you may not always have a development environment that fully replicates a production environment because of cost concerns and the difficulty of replicating user traffic. Machine processable output like JSON, XML or CSV is needed for future integrations. terraform also provides the Position of the finding (defined by filename; resource; code line or line range in which the issue was found). Ability to run in the GitLab pipeline (direct integration and/or JUnitXML output is a plus), 6. Often working simultaneously to improve the standards that, in turn, lead to increased quality. Questions about this post? Sentinel for Enterprise Products. Module testing applies mostly to immutable resources because of its create and delete sequence. If possible, avoid creating entire systems. Using HTML report generator for snyk in code directory example: The harder part of this task was to fairly compare the selected tools based on the quality of the security findings. Tfsec is having quite good remediation and recommendation details with links to AWS, GCP or Terraform documentation. The difference between development and production will affect the outcome of your tests, so be aware of which tests may be more important to flagging errors or disruptive to run. This was done by installing the tools, experimenting with them, checking their websites, code repositories, documentation, command line help, outputs, etc. Fortunately, Terraform is an abstraction layer for any API that creates, updates, or destroys cloud-infrastructure entities. terraform-compliance is providing a Synchronize HCP Consul services as backend address pools for Microsoft Azure Application Gateway using Consul-Terraform-Sync (CTS). The main motivation for this task was to find the best tool to include in our infrastructure pipeline that will help us identify security issues in Terraform code defining AWS and GCP infrastructure. Note: We have ongoing research for terraform test, which supports module acceptance testing. I included a few testing examples with HashiCorp Sentinel. These can be considered more like warnings or good practice reminders than real security issues, but to be fair all the tools had such findings. The module uses a dedicated Terraform Cloud workspace with an attached Sentinel policy of its unit tests. None of the tools is able to list insecure protocols or their non-encrypted versions. The first policy could be written as a BDD feature scenario as follows: The following code shows a test for a specific tag: In this section, you download and test the example.

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