progressBar(); // // headerCats.removeClass("header_cats_mobile_fix"); angel perfume violette mugler stars garden fragrance pivoine notes } break; .wrap_basket { margin: 0; if ($(window).width() < 767) { #favBrandBannerContent { text-align: center; /*a.header_top__link.header_top__link-store_locator.Store_Locator { position: absolute; if (window.location.href.indexOf("/chloe") > -1) { margin: 0 0 0 10px; return text + "%"; // GLOBAL FOOTER // STORE PAGE ENDS $category.find('a[title="All Offers"]').addClass('offersNavAllOffersLink'); waitPageElement(elementPath, callBack); right: 0; They\'ll receive the video via email at a date/time chosen by you.

').insertAfter('.basket_cart__product:last-child'); .giftVideoCart .container:hover input ~ .checkmark { }, 500); color: rgba(0, 82, 147, 0.7); case 'Men\'s': { // var headerCats = $(".home .header_categories"); .loginRegFullWidth { 32.99, ONLY -moz-user-select: none; $category.find('a[title="Offers For Her"]').addClass('offersNavOffersForHerLink'); top: 52px; $('.Track_order').each(function() { " more for Free Standard Delivery or as a VIP member for " + function checkStock(data) { /* PEERIUS CAROUSEL */ Learn more about our services. appointmentBooking.classList.remove("FREE_PARKING"); }); transition: 300ms linear; //call back function to check if content is loaded or not it'll loop until it's loaded document.querySelector("body").classList.contains("guest") const skews = document.querySelectorAll(".product_variants__item"); left: -25px; textLeftoverCost + I received these products complimentary from In fluenster and Mugler for my honest review. } -webkit-transition: 300ms linear; height: 24px; i can still smell it on me when i wake up which is super impressive!! appointmentBookingParent.addEventListener("click", appointmentBookingLink); setTimeout(function() { if ((window.location.href.match("/formula")) && (window.location.href != "")) { left: 6px; /* ADD LINKS TO DESKTOP NAVIGATION */ var $this = $(this); .body-delivery-threshold { } } RRP } background: #ccdce9; } else { } element.classList.add("APPOINTMENT_BOOKING"); align-items: center; function updateFormulaLandingTitle() { .flashSaleNav div.content { width: 80%; appointmentBooking.innerHTML = ""; // $('.header_mobile__link-brand').on('click', function(){ max-height: 400px; // } 'Women\'s': 'womensTopLevelLink', promoMessageItem.classList.add("favBrand"); $category.find('a[title="Gift Sets For Him"]').addClass('giftsNavGiftSetsForHimLink'); }); This product is available only at The Perfume Shop - you won't find it anywhere else. function hideRecommendationsOnComingSoon() { $category.find('li a.header_mobile__category_item[title="All Offers"]').parent().parent().append('
  • '); font-size: 16px; $category.find('a[title="New In For Him"]').addClass('mensNavNewInForHimLink'); } $category.find('.header_category__content_items[data-title="All Offers"]').append(''); // #10 MISS DIOR - LEFT NAV LINK const url = window.location.href; fragrance mugler $category.find('a[title="Women\'s"]').addClass('faceBodyNavWomensLink'); } }; } console.log("Jonny"); if (window.location.href.indexOf("/finishing-touches") > -1) { } function percentage(partialValue, totalValue) { background:#f3f0f0; border-radius: 0.25rem; } } position: relative; content: ""; } noteTitles.forEach(element => { document.querySelector("body").classList.add("body-delivery-threshold"); }; }; .giftVideoCart .container .checkmark:after { }; console.log(skews); .flashSaleCart div.container { .loginRegFullWidth { // headerSearch.addClass("header_search_mobile_fix"); Save } } } "Free Standard Delivery on all orders.
    Existing VIP members can login during checkout. }); = "pointer"; margin: 10px auto; // $category.find('li a.header_mobile__category_item[title="Gift Shop"]').parent().parent().append('
  • '); function changeToLargestSkew() { align-items: center; background: #ccdce9; $category.find('a[title="Men\'s Fragrance"]').addClass('mensNavMensFragranceLink'); grid-template: "header" auto "threshold-para" auto "progress-bar" auto "table" 1fr "footer" auto / 1fr; } order: -1; /* ADD CLASSES TO NAVIGATION LINKS - FACE & BODY */ right: unset; let text = num.toString(); Absolutely my everyday go to perfume. .giftVideoCart .container input:checked ~ .checkmark { flex-shrink : 1; case 'Brands': { } if ($(elementPath).length) { } case 'CHRISTMAS SHOP': { Fragrance Family: Florals Scent Type: FrMore, Fragrance Family: FloralsScent Type: FruMore, More Information Ingredients Alcohol, PaMore, For the modern heroine, making her dreamMore, Compare prices and products from your favourite online stores. document.write(''); $(".basket_subtotal__sum").insertAfter(".basket_cart__products"); /*.header_search_mobile_fix { margin-top: 20px; font-size: 18px; width: 90%; $(".personalized-component").insertAfter(component).fadeIn(1000); Eau de Parfum for her } MUGLER Angel Nova Eau de Parfum opens with an explosion of Raspberry notes, followed by Upcycled Rose at the heart. $category.find('.header_category__content_items[data-title="Sustainability"]').append(''); max-width: 1168px; } progressBar(); font-size: 14px; text-align: center; }; display: none; .giftVideoCart { if (element.innerHTML == "Formula 1") { width: 6px; } $category.find('a[title="Free Gifts"]').addClass('offersNavFreeGiftsLink'); // #32 Land on Larget Skew if (window.location.href.indexOf("/gucci") > -1) { 'Men\'s': 'mobileTopLevelMens', } } position: absolute; padding-top: 0; } // #9 DIOR SAUVAGE GROOMING - LEFT NAV LINK .giftVideoCart p { .giftVidImage { // var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); width: 24px; } if (url.includes("28360EDPJU") || url.includes("28440EDPJU") || url.includes("283617EDPJU") || url.includes("28390EDPJU") || url.includes("28393EDPJU") || url.includes("28393EDPJU")) { margin: 18vh auto; trackingID = trackingID[1]; } } min-width: auto; /*ADD GLOW TO LOGO FOR BLACK FRIDAY*/ position: fixed; } /* ADD LINKS TO MOBILE NAVIGATION */ } $( display: block; },1000); Toni Garrn perfectly embodies Angel Nova: a heroine who knows what she wants and stands out from the crowd. position: initial; } function waitForPDPContents(elementPath, callBack) { //run changeToLargestSkew function on page load THEY LAST ALL DAY LONG, AND I THINK THE FLORAL NOTES ARE JUST ENOUGH AND NOT OVER BEARING. switch (name) { background: #000000; .home .personalized-component--standalone { -ms-transition: 300ms linear; - 125ML, ONLY $('.j-rollover').each(function () { /* ADD CLASSES TO NAVIGATION LINKS - WOMENS 2ND LEVEL */ let num = roundToTwo((100 * partialValue) / totalValue); // #13 CHLOE GIFT FINDER - LEFT NAV LINK // } } /* FREE GIFTS CAROUSEL - BUTTON STYLING */ /*.header_cats_mobile_fix { justify-content: center; } /* ADD LINKS TO MOBILE NAVIGATION */ 'Brands': 'brandsTopLevelLink', var stockLevel = data.stock.stockLevel, } An infusion of Damasc Rose oil & White Magnolia. } }, 1000); margin: 0; cursor: pointer; } This is my go to summer perfume when I want a lighter floral scent. /* PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ANCHOR IN PDP */ }; $category.find('li a.header_mobile__category_item[title="All Offers"]').parent().parent().append('
  • '); @media (min-width: 768px) { } } // #5 FINISHING TOUCHES window.location.href === "" && // #30 Function to move the presonalised component color: #ffffff; } $('').insertAfter('.product_info__review_link'); } var trackNo = trackArr[0]; } ._hj-widget-container button { AMAZING. } font-family: 'DIN Condensed Bold', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 10px; $(document).ajaxSuccess(function (event, xhr, settings, data) { // $category.find('li a.header_mobile__category_item[title~="Niche"]').parent().parent().append('
  • '); 24.99 /* ADD LINKS TO DESKTOP NAVIGATION */ console.log(largeSkew); var $category = $(; Pungent raspberry open this perfume, and it carries an intense berry smell throughout. if (window.location.href.match("/chanel/")) { #yslBlackOpiumSampleOverlay, #yslLibreIntenseSampleOverlay { 'Offers': 'mobileTopLevelOffers', $category.find('a[title="New In For Her"]').addClass('womensNavNewInForHerLink'); $('
    ').appendTo('.brand_navigation'); /* DEVATICS FLASH BANNER STYLING*/ if ( let textLeftoverCost = leftoverCost.toString(); function waitPageElement(elementPath, callBack) { callBack(elementPath, $(elementPath)); font: 12px/140% Muli, sans-serif; if (CartDataModule.attributes.subTotal.value >= totalCost) { Immediately putting it on it's a lot for me, but after a few hours it becomes this overripe fruit scent that lingers on skin and clothes and is honestly kind of intoxicating. mugler cologne fragram promoMessageTitle.innerHTML = "You receive 10% off your favourite brand and will only pay " + favBrandPrice + " today"; } else { } display:none It's light and sweet bouquet of floral tones but not overly sweet. /* ADD LINKS TO MOBILE NAVIGATION */ "" + > -1) { padding: 0 0 0 30px; } if (window.location.href.indexOf("/dior") > -1) { case 'Women\'s': { Spray onto pulse points; wrists, neck and chest. } display : flex; // FIXED SEARCH AND NAV ON MOBILE }); $category.find('.header_category__content_items[data-title="Discovery Shop"]').append(''); waitForPDPContents(elementPath, callBack); top: 4px; margin:0; #favBrandBannerContent.icon_heart::before { Save window.location.href === "" && width:calc(80% - 20px); // $('