This is especially true of shrubs and small trees. Four ways rhythm can be created in residential site design are repetition, alternation, inversion, and gradation. When a phase of work is completed, the designer can then telephone the clients to set a specific date and time for a meeting. This approach is suitable for richly colored and textured materials such as gravel and brick that have inherent visual appeal, but it does not work as well for bland materials such as concrete. A residential design company that offers design, construction, installation, and maintenance services is generally known as a design/build firm or full-service firm. The first is careful consideration of the aesthetic organization and appearance of the design based on knowledge and application of three basic design principles: order, unity, and rhythm. In essence, the site analysis is a justification for the design proposal. In some instances, one or more layers are intentionally omitted to create a desired spatial effect. (Right) White-tinted plants allow for a strong contrast against a darker, twodirectional patterned background. for their context. Furthermore, choices about materials are vague with only broad-brushed determinations (brick versus wood, evergreen versus deciduous, and so on) and little consideration for the exact texture, color, or pattern of the materials. There are two general categories of walls and fences that can be used on the residential site: (1) retaining walls and (2) free-standing walls or fences. This is sent to the clients a few days after the meeting. One of the most critical ecological factors is sun exposure. Similarly, materials and their patterns are often drawn in too much detail Figure 81 The spaces in a functional diagram should be drawn as freehand bubbles, not as exact forms. Size On preliminary designs, it is typical to represent shrubs as masses without distinguishing the individual plants within these masses. ground plane. See Amine copper quat Acute angles, 277279, 287, 297 Advertisements for designers, 133 Aesthetic uses of plant materials, 340344 Allendorf design (Project #3), 492, 497, 498, 501 Amine copper quat (ACQ), 106 Angular theme, 296298 Arc and tangent theme, 294296, 316 Architectural attention, design themes and, 300306 Architectural character, 2122 spatial composition coordinated with, 380383 Architectural styles, 20 plant materials and, 345 Architectural uses of plant materials, 334340 Arrival space, outdoor, 3142 zones of entry, 3242 Asphalt, 106, 108 Availability of materials, 390 Awnings, 7879 Backyard, 4, 1217, 514516 comments/designs for, in Macintosh project, 485490 entry/view to, in Meleca design, 514516 with limited space, 450 microclimates in, 15 in relation to house interior, 1516 separation of, 12 sun in, consideration of, 16 urbanizing, 454456 walled/fenced, 13 Baseline measuring, 166168 Base map, 115, 155, 162 drawing procedures for, 183190 drawing scale for, 186 for Duncan residence, 185 graphic style of, 186 layout for, 187190 preparation for, 114 size of, 186 Base plane of outdoor space, 2425 Base sheet, 155, 163 drawing procedures for, 183190 drawing scale for, 186 for Duncan residence, 184 graphic style for, 186 layout of, 187190 size of, 186 Black markers, 530 Boulders, 423, 425, 427 Boulevard, 159 Brick patterns, 405, 407, 428 pavement, 405406 used for landscape structures, 426428 Broad-leaved evergreens, 334, 364 Brochure for designers, 133 CCA. Ultimately, the design will be something the clients live with day in and day out, and so it must be acceptable to them. Preliminary design concludes by drawing the preliminary plan (Figure 47), which is then presented to the clients for their review. Lawn Area with Contours (Left) Highlight each contour line with peppering and fade from darker to lighter from one edge. Increased wind speed and shade make the space below a tree canopy feel cooler, an occurrence regularly appreciated by players who seek respite under a tree on a golf course on a hot summer day. Owing to the importance of producing this feeling, the arrival and entry space is one of the most significant outside spaces on the residential site and consequently deserves a great deal of attention on the part of the designer. Lead is a common soil pollutant in older urban landscapes, especially near the foundation of structures where lead-based paint has chipped and fallen to the ground. There should be some balance between using some plants for repetition throughout a site (Figure 922) and other plants primarily to extend the plant palette (Figure 1170). Unity in landscape design is established using the principles of dominance, repetition, interconnection, and unity of three. Existing vegetation that is to remain D. All elements of the design drawn and illustrated with the proper symbols and textures, including the following: 1. In summary, numerous techniques can be implemented on the residential site for properly designing with wind. One other suggestion is to make mounds or berms look as if they were part of the existing site. All weak and diseased woody vegetation should be carefully pruned or completely removed depending on the type and extent of the problem. Concrete can be cut into geometric slabs or simply broken apart and reused for new areas of pavement or retaining walls. Consequently, coniferous evergreens are good plants to place as backgrounds to deciduous plants or accents (Figure 1173), or near the ground as visual anchors in a design (Figure 1174). The relationship between an owner and a house gives rise to a home, a unique place for a unique individual or family. The designer usually does not determine the actual appearance of walls or fences or the specific pattern that the materials will have on these vertical planes. So, one of the first considerations for designing with a circle is to realize that any line that directly points to a circles center will create a strong relationship with the circle (right side of Figure 105). One of the first steps in preparing the master plan is to seek the clients feedback about the preliminary design. 4. The grill is located in the southeast side of the terrace. The basic principles of design are also taken into account to create an overall design pleasing to the eye. When a designer decides to add color to a basic plan, it is important to follow another simple yet important guideline: When coloring a basic plan, use the pencils and fine-tipped markers in drawing a variety of line types to provide visual texture to some symbols. See Space, outdoor Overhead plane for outdoor living/entertaining space, 45, 4647 of outdoor space, 2729 for townhouse garden site, 475, 476 Overhead structures, 7879, 80 patterns for wood, 431 spatial composition of, 378380, 381 Pavement adhesive materials for, 410411 of driveway, 34 of entry foyer, 41 grass, 98 loose materials, 391394 material palette, 391412 porous, 9798 techniques for drawing, materials, 538539 unit materials, 394409 Pavement patterns, 412423 contextual fit of, 420, 422423 pattern complexity, 412414 suitability to area shape, 414417 Pentagon, 270 Photographs measurements and, 183 review of, 144145 for site inventory, 193 use of, 201, 203204 Planes of enclosure, 2529 for outdoor living/entertaining room, 4547 in outside foyer, 3940 Plant(s) drawing techniques for, 535537 ecological habitats of, 364368 invasive plants and, 6970 layering of, 351354 locations and sun/shade exposure, 365368 masses, 351, 537 organization and selection of, 354356 566 index Plant(s) (continued ) preservation of existing, 6061 seasonal variations and, 356359 selection and regional precipitation, 9496 shade-tolerant, use of, 460 texture, 364 using variety of types of, 359364 Planting foundation, 811 plan, 126, 127, 442 site measurements and locating, 180183 Planting design See also Garden graphic guidelines for, 368 ground layer/middle layer/canopy layer of, 352353 guidelines, 350368 preliminary, 333368 process, 346350 Plant materials aesthetic uses of, 340344 architectural uses of, 334340 categories of, 333334 to define subspaces, 473 engineering uses of, 344346 process for drawing, in master plan, 439 Plastic lumber, 105 Plastic wood pavement, 408409 Plot plan, 155, 156160 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 106 Porous pavement, 9798 Precast concrete pavement, 400401 Preliminary design, 118121, 162, 262, 369 See also Form composition; Spatial composition definition and purpose, 236239 design principles, 240260 of Duncan residence, 385387 example of, 436 process and content, 239240 Preliminary plan, 122 Privacy on corner site, 450451 establishing, 454 on townhouse garden site, 471472 transparency of walls/fences and degree of, 373374 Project #1: Macintosh residence, 478490 backyard, comments for, 485 backyard, design for, 485490 front yard, comments for, 479480 front yard, designs for, 480485 Project #2: Fleming residence, 486, 492496 designs for, 492496 program elements for, 492 Project #3: Englewood, Glengary, and Allendorf residences, 492, 497501 Allendorf design, 498, 501 Englewood design, 497499 Glengary design, 498, 500 Project #4: IES International Condominiums, 498, 502510 Project #5: Meleca residence, 511523 backyard, entry/view to, 514516 entertaining area, view into, 518519 front entry approach/terrace, 512513 garage, 514, 516 master plan, 519523 property-line buffer, 514 side driveway entrance, 513514 side yard, 518 view along/from walkway and patio space, 517518 Proportion in functional diagrams, consideration of, 216220 Proposal for design services, 147149 for Duncan residence, 151152 Public zone, 3233 PVC. The second-story screened porch is positioned to have a direct view into the Meleca property. This allows for some strong privacy to the right side of the yard, where it might be needed, and more open space to the left, where views are important. Each should be drawn as a freehand bubble to approximately the correct size and proportion using the same scale as the base sheet. There is no separate drop-off area as in the previous designs. 2. whereas others possess small protrusions along their sides (Figure 1227). Second, the designer may revise or improve certain areas of the design. Although this principle applies to all elements of a design, it has particular relevance in the arrangement of plant materials. the typical residential site Figure 128 Narrow side yards minimize privacy between adjoining houses. For example, Figure 327 illustrates how different locations of houses and vegetation on adjoining properties influence where wind is either concentrated or screened from a site. Collectively, the designer must be prepared to encounter many different situations and create design solutions appropriate to each. Consequently, the furniture usually is organized to allow conversation to happen in a comfortable and relaxing manner. Calcium, gypsum, phosphorus, nitrogen, or other minerals might be added to affect fertility and pH. Two other commonly used materials that ideally should not be used in the sustainable landscape are asphalt and oil-based paint. Diagonal lines and spaces may actually provide longer chapter ten 293 294 section two design process Figure 1053 A diagonal design theme can establish a strong angled orientation toward a desired area in the landscape. 1. The grill is located in the west patio and is focused on an espaliered plant on the fence. The use of on-site stone further establishes a site character that is compatible with the region. Its dimensions will vary depending on the size and number of tables and chairs that need to fit into the space. Wood used for pavement material is milled in standard sizes of 2 2, 2 4, 2 6, 2 8, and so on. She is quite busy, sporadically, but still finds time to enjoy her family. When this occursand it willthe designer should feel free to build on the better idea. Figure 1192 Percentage of openness depends on the amount of solid area versus open area. Which approach is most frequently used? The left side of the illustration shows an opening that can be adjusted with an exterior blind. Collectively, these living organisms form an interconnected web of life embracing the entire residential landscape. Not so with a lawn. This can permit the designer to see whether or not the clients expressed desires and needs were in fact understood correctly. 3. if the modified diagonal theme is used in a subordinate fashion, the design will most likely be perceived as a rectangular theme with a few corners angled in a weak manner (Figure 1062). First, it may be helpful for the designer to summarize what has been heard from the clients. (Right) More contrast is evident with yellow and orange plants against a blue and green swirled ground cover. Planting areas are woven in and around these spaces to help define them and to provide visual interest for a person walking along the entrance walk. site measuring and base map preparation chapter six 175 Figure 628 A method for noting the door and window jambs. These locations are noticeably cooler and more comfortable than other potential locations on the residential site for the summer season. Concrete Concrete is the most commonly used adhesive material that is relatively inexpensive and adaptable to numerous landscape uses. Second, photographs document existing conditions and serve as before pictures prior to any construction. Problems arise when a space is too large for a particular area of the site. for year-round green color, are often manicured to establish such geometric forms as cubes, pyramids, and spheres (or, if you like, footballs, pop cans, ice cream cones, boxes, and so on; Figure 113). Analysis of existing on-site and immediate off-site conditions. chapter four 113 114 section two design process RESEARCH AND PREPARATION During the research and preparation phase, the designer is getting ready. Necessary information required later as background information in the design phase is collected and evaluated during research and preparation. A fence or wall can likewise be used to support hanging plants (Figure 1195). A good form composition is a sensitive blending of all these factors. It is a time when both parties can get to know each other and discuss the prospect of preparing a design for the site. Removing the chain-link fence and constructing a taller wall or fence will certainly help with keeping views within the space. By comparison, Mylar or drafting film is a thin transparent plastic film used when either pencil or ink is the chosen medium for drawing. A base map is useful for two reasons. If there are any additional tasks required, they should be identified as well. Both steps should be undertaken with the utmost care in organization and accuracy because later steps of the design process use these drawings as their starting point. The extent to which this information is presented varies widely depending on the media used, the targeted audience, available space or time, and budget. Figure 344 Surface water from pavement should be drained toward lawn and planting areas. The designer should not expect the clients to make hasty judgments that both parties may regret later. The most common placement is the bottom right corner of the sheet. Sections and elevations illustrate parts of the design regarding length or width and height. Figure 1192 illustrates several examples of varying percentages of openness in fences that are constructed of 2 2 wood. 2. I would like to dedicate this 6th edition to my colleagues at The EDGE Group who have supported my continued interest in residential landscape design. and the exterior, budget limitations, and the opportunities and constraints of the existing site conditions. The steps widen as they approach the lawn, making for an easy and open connection. See Concrete masonry units Color content, 525 landscape design drawing in, 524562 media, 524 Color pencils, 524 color effects of Sanford Prismacolor, 529 techniques, 530534 Color rendering, 541546, 561 basic plan, 543545 at various stages, 545546 Complex configuration, 221222, 224 Compost, 68, 106, 107 Computer rendering, 549 Concrete as adhesive, 410411 pavers, 402404 precast, 400401 used for landscape structures, 428429 Concrete masonry units (CMU), 428429 Configuration in functional diagrams, consideration of, 220222 Coniferous evergreen plants, 333, 363364 wind protection and, 8588 Construction, 128 details, 126, 128 documentation phase of design process, 121126 drawings, 126 Contract acceptance, 149 signing, 114 Corner site, 449456 See also Design guidelines for corner site backyard space in, 450 entry walk, 453 front entry, 450 front yard, double, 449 privacy on, 450451 in public realm, 449450 Curvilinear areas, pavement patterns for, 417, 420 Curvilinear theme, 282, 286288, 317 Cut, 320 stone, 425426, 427 Deciduous plant material, 333, 362 microclimates and, 456 wind and, 90 for winter sun exposure, 81 Design phase of design process, 117121 philosophy of design firm, 135 principles, 118, 240260 program, 117, 204, 206 563 564 index Designer client learning about, 132136 information provided about, 134136 portfolio of, 146 Design guidelines for corner site hierarchy of emphasis, 452 identifying entry walks, 452453 locating uses in front, 453 privacy on, establishing, 454 unifying street frontage, 452 urbanizing backyard, 454456 Design guidelines for sloped site, 463468 accommodating movement, 466467 controlling runoff and erosion, 468 fitting uses to slope, 463466 taking advantage of views, 467468 Design guidelines for townhouse garden site, 472477 dividing into subspaces, 472473 increasing perception of spatial size, 473475, 476 providing overhead planes, 475, 476 using existing perimeter walls/fences, 475477 Design guidelines for wooded site, 457460 designing around trees, 458 maintaining existing grade, 458459 minimizing lawn, 458 minimizing soil compaction on, 459 using shade-tolerant plants, 460 Design process See also specific phases of design of design firm, 135 overview, 112131 phases of, 113 Design themes See also specific themes architectural attention and, 300306 combinations of, 298300 form composition and, 280300 Diagonal grid, 275 Diagonal theme, 292295, 317 modified, 292294 pure, 292 Dining room, indoor, 51 Dining space, outdoor, 51, 52 Direct measuring, 166 Drainage, 320322 on sloped site, 462463 ways, 64 Drawing media, 529530 Driveway, 5, 6, 7, 33 pavement material of, 34 side entrance, 413514 in side yard, 18 Duncan residence, 149151, 194195, 196, 448 base map of, 185 base sheet for, 184 design program for, 206 form composition for, 314317 functional diagram for, 231235 master plan for, 440, 443445 preliminary design for, 385387 proposal for design services of, 151152 site analysis of, 202 site inventory for, 200 Easement, 160, 161 Edges in functional diagrams, consideration of, 223225 of spaces, typical examples of, 263 Elevation changes in functional diagrams, consideration of, 229230 Embodied energy, 104 Enclosure. Some utility lines are above ground and are fairly easily to locate. The central focal point of the courtyard is the octagonal herb garden. paved walks, structured outdoor spaces, walls, or even lawn areas if they are part of the design. Photographs can also be taken during the process of site inventory if that occurs at another time. On the left side of Figure 923, the different areas of the design are segmented. 3. plant materials. Thus, where necessary, the designer should take the liberty of slightly altering the position of the edges to relate to the lines of force and to establish pleasing form relationships. 2. The rendering on the left uses a variety of techniques developed by changing the patterns of the brushes and the mixture of colors used for each design element. More standards for site deign are expected in the future. It would be supported by columns that would have some detail taken from some of the interior or exterior trim work. The ornamental trees are shown as in the similar plan, with some branching added for texture. Using white on the upper left and green on the bottom right indicates the round form of a tree. Front Yard. In addition, the designer might carefully select certain architectural details of the house and replicate them in nearby site structures (Figure 1273). This color plate was prepared by The EDGE GroupPlanning, Landscape Architecture & Graphic Design, Columbus, Ohio. Ideally, the garden needs to be near a water source such as a well or outside water spigot. A third option for creating pavement patterns is to combine different materials within the same paved area. As with the other techniques discussed here, this, too, gives the designer insight about what will or will not be satisfactory for the clients. These general patterns are further modified by the presence of mountain ranges and large water bodies. different orientation; establish a contrasting visual direction in the pattern to counter the overall shape of the paved area (bottom right, Figure 1243). Majority of Site in the Public Realm Figure 131 The street frontage is two to three times greater on a corner lot than on a typical lot. Then, in the spatial and material composition phases of design, decisions can be made regarding the detailed forms, materials, and patterns. Each manufacturer has its own color palette, so it is best to contact them to determine the exact colors available. EUGENE, OH Landscape Designers 30 site measuring and base map preparation chapter six UTILITY LINES CRABAPPLE RUSSIAN OLIVE SPRUCE SWING SET NORWAY MAPLE W SPLIT-RAIL FENCE G TERRACE E FAMILY ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN LIVING ROOM EATING AREA FOYER TWO-CAR GARAGE PURPLE_LEAF PLUM SPRUCE CRABAPPLE ENTRANCE WALK SUGAR MAPLE DRIVEWAY NORTH ASH WILLOW BEND ROAD BASE MAP 0 5 10 20 DUNCAN RESIDENCE DESIGN RESPONSE II 4140 WILLOW BEND ROAD 2047 Bedford Ct. Eugene, OH 10548 Figure 640 Base map for the Duncan residence. The pavement is of one material and pattern. These architectural elements will have a strong relationship to the existing architecture. 169 170 section two design process Measurements should be recorded in pencil, because sometimes mistakes are made. For example, wind originates mostly from the south and southwest during a warm front but shifts to the northwest following the passage of a cold front. A lawn requires relatively large amounts of water to maintain its health and attractive green carpet appearance. An overhead arbor might be nice. Trees and shrubs located in the front yard are sometimes placed randomly throughout the yard so as to fill the lawn area (Figure 116). To support these functions, the outdoor foyer should be larger in size than the entry walk and have approximately equal plan proportions so it feels like an arrival space. DESIGN Once the research and preparation phase of the design process is completed, the designer can proceed to the design phase. 224 functional diagrams Figure 821 The planting areas on a functional diagram can be subdivided into more specific plant types. Desired Site Character. The amount of shade desired will depend on the use of the space, the regional location, and the time of day when shade is needed. Figure 1258 shows how the unique arch of the house portico has been repeated in the adjacent pavement. Material: probably plant materials, due to available space. The secondary axis is parallel to the front of the house and provides the entry from the driveway, with a decorative bench as a focal point at one terminus of the axis. Major elevation changes on the ground plane by the use of contours and spot grades. An advertisement, although sometimes costly, has the potential to reach a wide audience. Creating Space There are several aesthetic purposes for grading on a residential site. Where are they located and for what lengths of time? design process overview chapter four Figure 44 Design program. Other than the two pots adjacent to the steps, there is a lack of annual/perennial color to help highlight the space. The partial completion fee is the amount of money paid at the presentation of the preliminary plans. The front entry space is divided into two walkways around a central tree, providing a canopy as one walks from the driveway into the entry space. One is other low-growing, native grasses that can be found in almost all climatic regions. However one approaches season, it is one of the most challenging aspects of residential landscape design. The fireplace located on the east wall between corners D and E is not labeled because the fireplace corners are not major house corners. Any axis of a symmetrical layout also has the ability to direct views to an end point or terminus in the landscape. 10. Control joints are vertical cuts that extend to about 1/4 below the surface and are located in order to control the location of cracks if they occur. The designer should periodically visit the project to make sure it is being suitably maintained. This location is usually not good for many outdoor uses and may be best set aside as a planted area or place where native vegetation is allowed to grow. Angle the pencil even more so as to develop even wider lines. 1. Brick is used to create a low wall to lean or sit on, as well as for the higher wall to the right. Brick Figure 1232 Sample brick patterns. A series of large shade trees is designed with an alternating pattern of flower beds and shrubs to add variety and rhythm along the property line and fence. I will begin work upon receipt of the signed contract. Figure 111 General types of existing slope conditions found on residential sites. He loves sitting outside, reading, listening to music (all kinds), and writing humorous fiction. 4. Although there are some existing trees in these spaces, they are not very healthy. On the other hand, a winter landscape with too many evergreen plants (middle of Figure 1172) will look too dark and gloomynot a pleasant sight when the general climate conditions are similar. A number of variables need to be considered when designing overhead structures. In the front yard, low shrubs, ornamental trees, and medium-sized trees have all been used to accent the curve of the arc on the ground plane.

Sitemap 10