See if there are avenues where you could apply your subject matter expertise at an NGO, in a non-profit organization, in government relations or in higher education. I am CEO of Cheeky Scientist, the world's largest career training platform for PhDs. If you want free insights on resumes, LinkedIn, interviewing, careers and more, just enter your details below. It can also be rewarding on a personal level to see students improve in their knowledge and understanding. Gemma has a PhD in Social Sciences specializing in sleep and circadian rhythms with a background in genetics and immunology. I watched as many early career researchers at my university failed to get grant funding, while the aging tenured professors were not retiring, despite being well past the retirement age. Many internships are unpaid or low-paid, so it can be helpful to do one over the summer while you are in school or during a semester when youre not teaching. Now is the time for you to leave academia. What can you learn about a companys culture? Your higher education experience as well as research, writing, and advising skills are valued in this eld. Would these perceived opinions mean that funding to social science research would get cut first? These websites will help you learn more about opportunities in the nonprot world: Financial services companies include banks, hedge funds, and trading companies. Think Tanks often perform research and advocacy on matters of government policy. While college counselors often have degrees in counseling, it is not mandatory. For example, you might look for positions in a particular industry or eld. Many teachers enjoy the chance to interact with students and the opportunity to develop a curriculum. And, in the US, the nonprofit sector is the third largest among all industries. Second, open-access is changing publication models, especially in the sciences. First, university budget cuts and increased journal costs are putting pressure on publishers. Private educational consultants help parents navigate the secondary school and higher education systems. Our two consultants independently search for the most informative articles in the categories of networking, CVs/resumes, interviews, transferable skills, academic blues, industry positions, and business acumen. There are also many positions outside the classroom in secondary education. She is currently transitioning from academia into industry. No matter how much preparation you do, you need to know what areas to target. I started to think about alternative careers outside of academia. Professionals working in development generally manage donor relations and engage in fundraising campaigns. Do not be strung along by the academic system and work as an underpaid postdoc for upwards of 10 years, only to be denied the academic position you wanted. Here is a list of five job families in which Social Sciences PhDs have found fulfilling work. High school teaching may not seem as enticing or lucrative as some teaching positions in academia. As a freelancer, you can choose what type of job you want, who you work for, where you work, and when you work. A portfolio of advanced programs that provide specific career training so you can get hired into top PhD jobs. On the literary agency side, there may be greater geographic exibility once you have established your career. As a PhD, you can learn anything. Pay is high, but less lucrative than in investment banking. The industry is centered in New York, but there are some opportunities elsewhere. Publishing provides an opportunity to stay involved with scholarship. 19211 Panama City Beach Pkwy #1047 Panama City Beach FL 32413-8712, * By opting in you agree to receiving emails and other messages from us about transitioning into industry. So, I resigned myself to staying in academia and hoped this was just a phase. With over 200,000 monthly readers from 150 countries and 15,000 individual subscribing PhD members from 60 countries, we are a global authority on getting PhDs hired into top industry careers. Like many PhDs, you might imagine yourself in a research position where you are developing and performing experiments, analyzing data, presenting the data to your research team, and so on. The best source of information about open positions will be a universitys human resources page. Marketing and public relations promote institutions to the public, and development raises money through grants from foundations and individual donors to help fund the institution. The websites below are also useful in searching for administrative positions in higher education: Consultants work with clients to provide support around strategic and/or operational issues. Common roles for social science PhDs include: Roles in investment banking are often very demanding and fast-paced. You may want to choose private schools as a rst step in a teaching career. Job areas include program evaluation, fundraising research, market research, or public opinion research. Nonprot organizations cover a wide range of organizations, including health, educational, religious, arts, and charitable organizations, as well as advocacy groups, professional societies, and research institutes. These positions may require skills in quantitative research, qualitative research, or both. For example, the American Anthropological Association offers a curated list of alt-ac career resources and workshops that could help you get started in your career exploration. Working in a think tank or research center provides an opportunity to advocate for important issues that might be neglected in government or public policy. For social science PhDs who want to have more flexibility surrounding their work situation, freelance positions can be a good industry opportunity. Also, you will work with people who share your passion for culture. PhDs, and in particular social science PhDs, are required to do a lot of writing during their degree. Think about how each job responsibility can be broken down into smaller tasks. If youre interested in this type of work, build a portfolio of writing for general audiences. For example, analysists read academic, government and white papers, as well as news stories that are contributed to reports that the think tank publishes and uses to influence policy. As a doctoral student, you have tremendous strengths and transferable skills to offer employers. You can develop classroom management skills and gain experience in various ways. Business leaders are interested in your methodology and thinking process, so this is a very practical exercise. PhDs who enjoy writing and editing may be well-suited to transitioning into a publishing position. Note that most mid- and upper-level positions require 5+ years of international experience. That said, you will likely be well-trained and work with smart, motivated colleagues. You may start a project to explore an interest or idea, and build it into a larger enterprise. Plus, this report by AAUP also indicates that non-tenure-track positions are increasing throughout academia. Most international development organizations are nonprofits and classified as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and offer opportunities both at an organizations headquarters and in the eld. You can approach your search in a couple of dierent ways. For these reasons, independent work is an excellent way to ease into hunting for a job outside academia. In publishing, you will get to work with people who love books and culture. Successful entrepreneurs are able to innovate, tolerate uncertainty, and bounce back from failure. Regardless of your field of expertise, government positions offer a variety of options for social science PhDs. These positions offer comfortable salaries, good work/life balance, as well as strong health insurance and benefits. The LinkedIn tips & strategies within have helped PhDs from every background get hired into top industry careers. My advisor kept asking me to do more and more extra work to earn grants that I would not benefit from. Apply to book a Transition Call here. There are also a number of organizations that help career-changers become certied quickly. The best way to understand new industries and roles is by speaking directly with the professionals who work in these spaces. But the reality is, your skills are needed in every area of industry. Most consultants travel extensively, spending three weeks a month on the road. University budget cuts have reduced library budgets and subsidies to university publishers. Many private and charter schools have writing and tutoring centers. 2022 Cheeky Scientist LLC. The federal government oers a range of choices for humanities and social science PhDs. I also realized that social science PhDs have transferable skills that are unique from other job candidates. Having a government job comes with predictable paths of promotion, flexibility, and excellent benefits, such as health care and good retirement plans. That said, salaries are generally low. See full terms & conditions and privacy policy links below. Given the large amount of reading, writing, and editing required in the social sciences, a position at a publishing house is a great option for social science PhDs. This program recruits public school teachers and helps them with certification. Some educational consultants advise students or parents on high school and college applications. Approach your informational interviews like a field study. A useful way to nd these and other positions is to do a keyword search on the USA Jobs site. Many PhDs often mistakenly think that to do research, they need to remain in academia. Positions in this job group include: Social scientists interested in human resources roles should look at positions in a variety of sectors, including government, nonprofit, K-12, and higher education. As a PhD, you have skills that you could put to work in a variety of roles, including editorial, management, marketing, sales, and production. One particular consulting area that would be well-suited for social science PhDs is educational consulting. You could also use skills gained from your PhD as a Central Intelligence Agency analyst or a researcher for the Government Accountability Office. Cultural and historical organizations include museums, libraries, and performing arts centers. Advocacy work helps others by supporting the cause of communities, groups, and/or individuals. While your PhD qualies you to teach a particular subject, teaching younger students requires a dierent curriculum and working style. Social Sciences PhDs work in a wide variety of jobs, and there may be career possibilities that you had not considered before. National Association for Community Mediation, National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD), International Association of Facilitators (IAF), International Ombudsman Association (IOA). Make sure to ask about state or national licensing requirements when you conduct informational interviews. Commercial banking is also more geographically exible and usually has more regular hours. A large proportion of TFA corps members come from graduate school or another job before joining. This may be because the term, nonprofit suggests that you wouldnt be getting paid. As one Cheeky Scientist member recently shared: , Like many PhDs, you may think that Research and Development is the only department in industry that hires PhDs. As in investment banking, commercial banks tend to have strong training programs. You may be well-suited to this type of position if you enjoy teaching and working directly with students and faculty. The supportive environments, structured promotion systems, and higher pay are just a few reasons its better to be a researcher outside of academia. All Rights Reserved. Second, independent work does not provide the security of a steady source of income. It seemed like there was no way to progress or succeed in academia. Use key words in the industry descriptions below to help you find positions in your field of interest. All industry areas are extremely eager to hire PhDs, who they know already have the invaluable research skills needed for the job. But dont limit yourself to the area of your PhD. PhDs dont often consider government positions to be a viable career option. With over 1.7 million jobs and over 400 occupational specialties, the federal government is one of the largest employers in the United States. She has experience in communicating science to lay audiences and believes in sharing scientific knowledge with the public. You may be familiar with some examples. Nonprots are funded by foundations, government grants, membership dues, and service fees. However, PhDs can continue to do research outside of academia. Look for social sciences alumni working in the following roles: Social Sciences PhDs with strong interpersonal skills may be suited for a career in development. Lastly, you will likely not get benets like paid holidays or vacation, a retirement plan, or insurance. For one, you will be responsible for managing your business and guring out (and paying for) benefits and taxes on your own. A successful entrepreneurship can be a very lucrative career option for social science PhDs. Academic publishing companies print and distribute scholarship in journal, book, or thesis form. If you still attend academic conferences, propose or organize a panel discussion on job searching for Social Sciences PhDs. Social Sciences PhDs who have ventured in the field of advocacy work as: Social Sciences PhDs working in organizational management oversee the operations of businesses, organizations, and institutions. This stress slowly became too much for me to deal with. Dont underestimate the depth of your strengths and transferable skills, which are highly valued in many industries. One area where social science PhDs definitely have an edge over other job candidates is their data analysis, quantitative analysis, and analytical skills. This might include attending information sessions, networking with industry professionals, or researching companies. Higher education offers many rewarding employment options outside of faculty positions that use the skills you have developed in your humanities or social science PhD program. I quickly realized that there were many job options for me outside of academia. There are also various opportunities to work as an educational consultant. Learn about the top 20 industry careers for PhDs (regardless of your academic background). If you are an obsessive organizer or planner and enjoy personnel training or supervision, a career in this job family might be worth investigating. This belief is simply not true. The finance sector offers a broad range of specializations including, but not limited to, insurance, actuary jobs, and investment banking. At a nonprofit, you can make a positive impact on behalf of the organizations mission, and that is very rewarding. Cheeky Scientist is the world's largest job-search training platform for PhDs. Many institutions including non-profit organizations and universities need philanthropists with grant-writing and public speaking experience. When libraries cannot afford to buy monographs, presses are less able to publish them. Even full-time faculty members can find themselves on a non-tenure-track. Advising and support roles are available in student and academic affairs offices. But if the thought of spending a life-long career conducting experiments fills you with dread, start looking beyond the bench. My goal was to get out of academia and into industry and as quickly as possible. A series of projects may target several aspects of society at a global level. I spoke to my advisor about my concerns for my future in academia and my desire to leave. The industry is currently experiencing several changes. Listen carefully and take notes. And, of course, salaries are high. Areas of international development can include: A theoretical foundation in policy development and analysis provides excellent career preparation, but isnt always necessary. As in academia, you may have little geographic exibility. Another path is higher education consulting, which is a small but growing industry. They are a great t for PhDs in many elds, like history, musicology, literature and cultural studies, and art history and oer a range of opportunities. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and a top overall article for the week if its a recent article that can help readers find and acquire PhD jobs, then we want to include it in this weekly digest., PhDs in the sciences and humanities are not qualified to work in finance or business. These organizations value the subject knowledge and experience that you bring as a PhD, such as research, writing, analysis, and presentation skills. Another such program is Teach for America. Newspapers, academic journals, media outlets, and grant-writing organizations are always on the lookout for professional writers. There is no other position with this type of flexibility. Corporations, governments, and nonprot organizations all hire consultants. They often work 60 to 80 hours a week. By working with talented scholars and editing the latest research papers, you will have endless opportunity to expand your knowledge. Universities are hiring more part-time faculty and the length of postdoc assignments is increasing because there are not enough academic tenure-track positions to support PhDs. Depending on the role, you may be asked to travel with senior leadership and represent the university in visits to foundations and potential donors. In fact, there are five core industry career tracks that can provide PhDs with meaningful and rewarding work: Information and Data Management (this is a broad category that includes everything from Patent Analyst and Informatics Specialist roles to Medical Writing and Data Scientist roles), Research and Development, Clinical and Regulatory Affairs, Classical Business (e.g., Management. Plus, high school teachers enjoy an especially long vacation time, compared to other industry positions. Alternatively, you might focus on particular think tanks or research centers. These roles can be in individual giving, corporate and foundation relations, and alumni affairs, and often involve a significant amount of writing and research. Many PhDs seek out nonprofits as their rst step after graduate school because the culture of these organizations can be particularly PhD-friendly and they often need staff with the skills you have gained in your PhD program for positions in: Nonprofits also attract people who are passionate about particular social and civic issues. Freelancers control their own salaries, as you determine how often you work and how much to charge for the services you provide. Entrepreneurs work in business, social enterprise, and on solo projects. In this eBook, you will gain insight into the most popular, highest-paying jobs for PhDs all of which will allow you to do meaningful work AND get paid well for it. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) reported that 30 years ago, only 32% of all university faculty were hired on a part-time basis. At least thats what I thought. One of these is the New York City Teaching Fellows Program. I was surprised to learn that their skills were needed in the financial and business sectors of industry. Newspapers, magazines, and online publications also hire PhDs to write in their areas of expertise. Other options are volunteering as a mentor, tutoring, or working in an after-school program. There are many ways to learn about the industry and decide whether consulting would be a good t for you. Government (local, national, international) and global businesses need professionals who demonstrate cultural competency as well as mediation skills. Companies that publish trade books, consumer magazines, and many online outlets typically target a more general readership and are usuallybut not alwaysfor-prot companies. There are endless industry opportunities available to social science PhDs. Examine each facet of your graduate school experience, from working as a teaching assistant to publishing papers in journals. For example, you could look for jobs teaching in a summer program run by private schools or you might contact schools for substitute or part-time openings. Its worth spending some time looking at an array of roles and industries before you begin to apply for jobs. Common topics to write about include foreign policy, security, microeconomic policy and social policy. It felt like watching animals around a drying watering hole. Where did I see myself in 5 to 10 years? Unfortunately, not all professional associations have made proactive efforts to find solutions to the shortage of tenure-track positions in their respective fields. What job did I want? Strong written communication skills are essential. Understanding dierent cultures and regions is a necessary qualification, however, and makes good use of the knowledge you developed in your humanities or social sciences PhD. However, the lack of job prospects within academia means that this doesnt happen. You may even be able to transition into a full-time job at a company where you are working as a temp or contractor. Begin networking and doing informational interviews during graduate school if you are interested in staying at Columbia in an administrative position. As always, it comes down to your transferable skills. Most academic presses believe that PhDs long commitment to scholarship makes them better editors. Work weeks often exceed 50-60 hours and projects may be due at 9am the day after theyre assigned. You might find out that you could happily fit in. All PhDs, including Social Sciences PhDs, have these essential skills: As you explore your career options, you may be concerned that you do not have real work experience. Below youll nd a list of a few agencies known to hire PhDs, though there are far more. For more information on this career option, reach out to alumni working in roles such as: The list provided here is by no means exhaustive. A single, transformative project can address a specic problem. Beyond that, I hadnt thoroughly considered my options. In entrepreneurship, its up to you, as the CEO, to make your company profitable. Another option within the nance industry is commercial banking. In no uncertain terms, I was told that moving to industry meant I was selling out. The term, nonprofit is used to describe an organization where profit is not the main purpose, rather they are committed to a certain goal. Why consider consulting as a PhD? Within government, there are multiple job options, ranging from diplomats and scientists, to consultants and politicians, making this an area with options suited to all PhDs. There are multiple career options for social science PhDs outside the ivory tower. To be a successful freelancer, you will need to have excellent management skills, organizational skills, and have a self-starting mentality. Independent and freelance work is increasingly common across many industries. While the average salary for a CEO ranges upwards of $100,000, you are only as successful as your company. Currently, independent workers represent 30-35% of the US economy. Many entrepreneurs start their rst ventures as students. These positions require strong interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to help others navigate the complex systems of university resources. Are you a fan of public policy or feel passionate about helping underserved and vulnerable populations? You may meet some interesting people in the process. You might also consider the eld of educational publishing. These companies often seek candidates with the kinds of skills acquired in quantitative social science fields, like advanced quantitative research and programming skills, and mastery of statistics, stochastic calculus, and experience working with large data sets. Each of these roles uses the skills you have built during your PhD in different ways. Your PhD, in other words, was a job. Consulting rms can have a specic industry focus, such as education, or serve a variety of industries. These include textbooks, indexes, abstracts, and study guides. Educational consultants might work in the nonprot division of a large management consulting rm, at smaller educational consulting companies, or independently. As reported by Nature, of the more than 40,000 US postdocs, nearly 4,000 had been in their postdoc position for more than 6 years. Unlike public schools, they do not require a teaching certication. However, if you are a PhD who enjoys sharing your knowledge with others and you are passionate about teaching, high school teaching may be a good career option for you. She is also committed to mentoring students across all demographics, helping them reach their full potential. But, if you dont know what types of jobs are out there, you wont be able to successfully transition into industry. These projects may create a niche market or address a social need. That was until I started hearing more of my former colleagues talk about their transition into consulting and financial service roles. Gaining experience and making connections outside your department will help position you for these opportunities once you graduate. The academic system leads PhD students to believe that the only thing that comes after a PhD is an academic postdoc, which then leads to a tenure-track university position. Others work as high school college counselors, and help students navigate the application process. According to PayScale, the median salary for industry scientists is $77,000 and can be as high as $120,000. This industry is ideal for PhDs who want to get away from the hierarchical structure associated with academia. Teachers get to interact with students in a variety of arenas: classrooms, athletics, theater, student clubs, and class trips. Many colleges and universities have multiple offices dedicated to fundraising and connecting with alumni. The humanities have been particularly affected by this pressure. Many social science PhDs are required to work with large data sets while earning their degrees. PhDs who enjoy the writing aspect of their degrees may also enjoy becoming professional writers. At a commercial bank, you may have more opportunities to work with clients and use your verbal and written communication skills. These sectors are seeking highly, I was defending my PhD in 6 months, and I still had no idea what I wanted to do. That said, salaries at nonprofits tend to be lower than in the private sector. But, if you dont know what types of jobs are out there, you wont be able to successfully transition into industry. Financial positions offer high salaries and high levels of job satisfaction, even at entry levels. Think tanks and research centers often hire PhDs for their research, analytical, and writing skills. Independent work can be very appealing to recent PhDs accustomed to setting their own schedules in graduate school. Note that a number of psychology careers require a license. Many projects involve solving problems that reflect the unique culture, politics, geography, and economy of a region. As your own boss, you set the rules, but you also need to be confident in your ability to generate new ideas and sell them successfully. As a science PhD, thats what I was qualified for, right? Projects may offer short-term relief or long-term social change through sustainable practices. In recent years, this eld has focused on projects to empower women, build local economies, protect human rights, and care for the environment. As a social scientist, you have valuable skills that can be applied in a variety of industries. The transferable skills you gained during your PhD mean that you could work for a publishing company in any discipline. Consultants also have an impact within their companies and get to see results quickly. In fact, when I finally sat down to apply for jobs, I blindly searched for open positions using standard terms: Researcher, Scientist, Biologist, and so on. Communications and public affairs offices produce internal and external newsletters and magazines with information about the university, their projects, students and alumni. Look at your professional associations website to see whether they have published a list of job searching resources tailored to your field of study. Consultancy positions offer vast opportunities for career advancement, from entry level positions, all the way to CEO positions. We encourage you toschedule an appointmentto speak with a GSAS Compass career advisor regardless of where you are in your career decision-making process. As a Social Sciences PhD, your area of specialization may have some direct applications in other industries. For instance, in the case of an IRB approval, you should be able to explain: When pitching yourself to prospective employers, you will need to translate your work experience using the terminology of your new industry. You may be familiar with positions in curation and research, but cultural and historical organizations often have departments in outreach, education, and program development that run educational programs and build community relationships. For example, if you had to apply for and obtain approval to conduct research with human subjects from your universitys Institutional Review Board, list all of the steps and elements involved. These quantitative and qualitative research skills make social science PhDs great candidates to transition into the financial industry. These companies publish materials for secondary schools, colleges and universities, and training programs.

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