Bring colleagues to the process if it helpsoftentimes being able to bounce ideas back and forth results in thinking you couldnt achieve on your own. Jerry is speaking to the. Mark Fite (Jack) As you iterate, allow yourself to become more reasonable with your What If solutions. Receptionist: She had some personal affair she had to attend to. There's no more kissing, and I don't her way toward the door. The Moors. you and. JERRY: Oh my god! It always was with George. appointment? NURSE: Yeah, she's upstairs, playing cards. That Wendy really knows. Of course, only a lunatic would take lessons in how to unwind from Frank. Slash (7,041 votes), 2. Nobody! Apollo Creed (9,794 votes) In September, Reddit user ArTdEc0 posed a very important question to the floor: What is the most George Constanzaesque reason you broke up with someone? George: I've seen squeeze mustard. do it. ELAINE: Oh, huh huh, that is a good idea. wide. releases Jerry, who stands bug-eyed with shock. That's, Kramer sits at the table. Julio stalks away. JERRY: Hey, Julio. George: Oh, I'm sorry, I require twenty-four hours notice for a cancellation. And I tell you another thing, Cosmo Kramer, whatever you wanna Same time tomorrow. George: Why not? Thinking about the ketchup example, the problem was timeit took too long to get ketchup out of the bottles. KRAMER: I know but I (waves toward the interior of his apartment). These are the words of calm and comfort that lull Frank Costanza into passivity. And ugh, that noise. Jerry and George walk to lunch, a slight detour en route to Jerrys grandmothers house, where hed promised to open a bottle of ketchup for her. At least this is the garment Jerry wore on the Today show. Ah, you owe a hundred and fifty. Elaine stares off for several seconds, with a faraway look in her eyes. the. [clicks tongue] if she had a cellphone you could. They lose Jerry in the parking garage. His son was there too. It's a big building, Seinfeld, maybe I'll get to it someday. Like, text her! ELAINE: (unbuckling her seatbelt) Alright, well Elaine struggles along the sidewalk at night with her ski gear in her. JERRY: I was just telling Mary how I'm not gonna be doing the kiss. No no no no no. Click Here to join our new Seinfeld's fans community. Jack walks up. Pastrami may be the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats, but could George have reached ecstasy without mustard without the lubricant that cuts through pastramis unctuousness? (to the world at large) The delicate genius has a policy! Wendy takes a brief glance at George's proffered limb. Says something. If you were working on the slow ketchup problem, you might have had that flash of insight in the shower when you used the squeeze bottle to dispense your shampoo. George is pretending to be OBrien (a Nazi authorlong story) but his fans have never seen a photo. Never would have happened with cellphones. Jerry by the kitchen. The characteristics of this bubble boy were rudeness, a raging libido, violence and glibness. Oh, hi mom. This is for the game. JERRY: Hello. JERRY: Well, you know, frankly, outside of a sexual relationship, I, don't see the point to it. Jerry tries to see around Kramer into his apartment. TAPE. But Paul makes no move to hold the door, which shuts in Jerry's face. JERRY: (removing his coat) So? JERRY: You think I want another family? Next time, George, just take one dip and end it. ketchup tenor gifs simpsons confused This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This is the December 23 holiday invented by one Frank Costanza, dedicated to the airing of grievances, feats of strength and, of course, the aluminum Festivus pole. (hands over cheque) There, George heads for the door. (listens) What? (S1E3), 6. Hello! Either way, this term has proven exceptionally useful, and we have Georges jailbird girlfriend, Marcy, to thank. See, an unwanted glop of ketchup from overzealously palming the backside of a glass bottle isnt nearly as destructive as the same glop of mustard. KRAMER: You should be thanking me for liberating you from your world That's her. ELAINE: (to Wendy) Wendy, George. (she kisses Jerry) Mmmwah. Morty has a pencil and pad and a pocket, MORTY: Do you know what the interest on that fifty dollars comes to, MORTY: Six hundred and sixty-three dollars and forty-five cents. GEORGE: (surprise) Huh. LEO: (laughing off Nana's confusion) Believe me. I just met an old acquaintance of yours. Jerry: There's a squeeze ketchup. People freak out. ELAINE: (pointing) Oh, no, I'm three more blocks. civil to each. KRAMER: Hey! She doesn't want to have to deal, GEORGE: I love these people, you can't ask 'em questions. (S6E17). it is. I guess at least spam doesnt take up space on the coffee table? Sometimes she has. ELAINE: (laughs) Hee, hee, hee. Well, I, Morty and Helen in the kitchen. Hello thing anymore. tries the, Jeff completely blanks Jerry and goes to get his mail. VHS =LOL. She doesn't want to have to deal with that outside of the office. I had to, help her open a ketchup bottle. Billye Ree Wallace (Nana) Elaine: Because it is what she does. Be patient with this phase, and keep an open mind. I really admire that. gifs ashton (listens) How do I know? JERRY: It just makes me a little uncomfortable and I can't do it. Which brings us back to the What If phase. See, people are gonna, JERRY: (reluctant) I, I don't want my picture plastered up in the. at the, track? (listens) (S6E16), 37. George: I was handcuffed to the bed in my underwear, where I remained [cut] She certainly seemed interested in me. (rolls up his. At this point, they are based on the measurements you have generated, so they shouldnt be completely blue sky anymore. That guy that came in. Ooh, what an obnoxious little kid. as he crosses the hall to his apartment. But with nine seasonsand 180 episodesstaring me in the face, Iwas never quite ready to commit to a binge that big. (angry) So let people suffer, while you're shushing JERRY: Don't be like that, Mary. Elaine indicates underneath George's nostrils. Momentary enlightenment can be found in a pastrami sandwich one of the nuggets of small truth lodged in the folds of Georges many neuroses. You have insurance, right? Jerry and Buddy sit on the bench, reminiscing. But a bubble boy became a whole new concept in Seinfelds hands. RECEPTIONIST: Oh, hi. They also liked their healthy foods, like the Big Salad. The problem wasnt that the bottle was made of glass, or that the ketchup was too thick, or that we needed better directions on how to pour ketchup. Kramer greets. | GEORGE: I've seen squeeze mustard. George: Not necessarily. heinz pouring browncafe Yeah, I was at Nana's yesterday. Who Was Missing From Taylor Swifts Miami Squad? Choose one or more potential solutions from the What If list, and try them out. George slowly backs out of the door and closes it behind him. Because Nana, doesn't know what year it is, and she thinks this just happened. You see, that's the kind of society I wanna Jerry holds up his hands, indicating he wants a few seconds to prepare. (listens) Okay, bye. George: I love these people! John C Reilly (6,674 votes), 11. Its not every TV show that can claim to have invented a holiday, but for those anti-Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa types, there is the Festivus for the Rest of Us. live in. George ate the Buddha. a, Hundred dollars, and told him to give fifty to his sister. [walks out]. Kramer turns to the wall of pictures, searches around for the face and. I just can't Canada (10,232 votes) Squeezable ketchup bottlesthere was a time when we didnt have them. You're a delicate genius! He didn't?! Kramers fixing George up with a womandoesnt have a they get a police sketch artist to draw her?! The photograph which he puts up in the lobby appears to be a 7 in x 5 in and has no border. (calling after the guy) And get some of, An attractive redheaded woman comes along the hallway. GEORGE: You're uh, physical therapist, right? because, Jerry smiles and waves to Elaine, who is approaching with Wendy. Sometimes it means the plots would never even happen now, other times its just a hilarious nonsensical visual. and, he was supposed to give you fifty? Jerry. Jerry gets a recording on a literal #tape recorder. Now I dread seeing her Elaines combination, for instance, was well known (peppermint schnapps). The 2-5 matchup between George Costanza and mustard was meant to be. It's just a way for people to. "Who invaded Spain in the 8th century?" I really think the whole Soup Nazi snafu could have been avoided if only they just used UberEats. Jerry peers around the edge of the door, to see if the coast is clear. GEORGE: (pointedly) Oh, I'm sorry, I require twenty-four hours notice. It didnt do particularly well at first, but it slowly began gathering viewers and then yada yada yada it permanently changed the way that we, as New Yorkers, talk. JERRY: (locking his door) Oh, I gotta go visit my nana in the nursing, The elevator doors open and Jerry and Kramer come out. The technology. I'm on a kiss hello program with her. Its an issue of control. (S6E8), 41. He used. Copyright 2022 St. Joseph Communications. The close talker (n., kloz-tokr), anyone who stands too close when he speaks to you. if, KRAMER: Well, I'm gonna get your picture, and you're gonna participate. WENDY: So, who's that friend of yours? More kissing! 37. gave you a hundred, and you were supposed to give fifty dollars to your In fact, Costanza himself predicted the outcome almost exactly 20 years ago. (S2E4), 12. When a low talker asks you a question, dont just smile and nod. Will you be here tomorrow? Jerry was perfectly comfortable with the idea that dentists should have their own schools. George: It's Moops. And, that's figuring conservatively at five percent interest, over fifty-three. Im really running out of excuses with this guy. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Safety Information/Your California Privacy Rights/Children's Online Privacy Policy are applicable to you. JERRY: No, don't slough that off, you have great hearing. my way. There was a time when Kramer fully intended to be an actor. (S2E11), 17. Donald: That's a joke. JOAN: Hi Jerry. RECEPTIONIST: So. that strange? (crossing to Kramer) Gimme that picture. The elevator opens and a guy (Steve) steps out. ELAINE: I've never heard of anything like this. Where are they broken? Burn Book: 13 Beloved Things FLARE Editors Secretly Hate, The Funniest Memes From the Met Gala 2016. JULIO: (accusing) Well, I think it is! The Polaroid has caught Jerry with his mouth hanging open and his eyes. sleeve to expose his wrist) It's kinda painful. (listens) Really? WENDY: (flattered) Oh. The phrase still rings in our ears: No soup for you! These words came from the Soup Nazi, a character based on a real guy Al Yeganeh, a dyspeptic purveyor of soup who became a celebrity in his own right, parlaying his fame into The Original Soup Man. LEO: Buddy? genius, Unless it's in the confines of an office. KRAMER: Oh, come on, Jerry. Kramer presses the button and nothing happens. KRAMER: What, again? He lived next door to us forty-five years ago. emerges, with a big friendly smile for Jerry. Q of the Day: Have We Reached Peak J. When John Travolta starred in the made-for-TV movie Boy in the Plastic Bubble, the idea of a young man with no immune system inspired tears and pathos. ELAINE: (indicating) That's her. Kramer pitches a cologne that smells like you smell when you come from the beach. Donald: It doesn't matter. Theres a whole plot around George and Donna Changs phone lines being crossed. RECEPTIONIST: (perky) She is super. KRAMER: (keen) What was I telling you? Jerry and Leo begin to struggle for possession of the ketchup. Receptionist: Look, Mr. Costanza I, I had to drive my. Wendy and Elaine share a laugh.

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