Energy 185, 19651970. In fact, since vapor-solid sorption is preferred to achieve larger heat storage density and improved adsorption/desorption dynamics, sorption heat storage systems typically require de-pressurized reactor vessels, vacuum pumps and various valves and tubes for managing the sorbate flow from/to the sorbent bed (Zettl et al., 2014). Westwood, NJ: Elsevier. Description and analysis of adsorption heat storage device. In these experiments, hydrated zeolite samples have been regenerated at 250C for 20 min. Eng. As the figures show, temperature has a strong effect on the regeneration grade, which, for e.g., water, increases from around 60% at 100C to 90% at 250C after 60 min. AL and MZ performed the experiments and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. (2016). Energy Fuels 27, 16251631. 42, 11061112. J. Prog. ethanol-water mixture. Typically, materials such as rock, concrete, steel, thermal oil and water are used for sensible heat storage (Hoogendoorn and Bart, 1992). Conclusions are finally drawn in section 5. A. Coffee-based colloids for direct solar absorption. Technology Brief. Such pre-heating of the lubricant would have a positive impact on the Friction Mean Effective Pressure (FMEP) required to overcome the engine friction during the cold-start, which would be lowered from 6 bar (20C) to either 3.5 bar (mixture) or 4 bar (ethanol) (Roberts et al., 2014). A. 1669. Figure 6. Flick, E. W. (1998). Eng. In detail, the mean hydration of regenerated zeolites is: = 0.42 0.04 for water, = 0.40 0.01 for ethanol, and = 0.47 0.02 for the mixture, where quantities are reported in terms of mean 2 standard deviation. 116, 364371. Twelve repetitions have been performed, using a new sample of zeolite for each test. However, in our case, the liquid water should be vaporized before being able to adsorb on the surface of zeolite pores: considering an enthalpy of vaporization equal to hvap = 2,454 kJ/kg (T = 20C) and = 0.34, the residual thermal energy available from the adsorption process is estimated to be E = 79 kWh/m3, in good agreement with our measures on new samples. Regeneration grade (Rg in Equation 2) as a function of time obtained by the experimental characterization tests on the 13X zeolite samples at different controlled temperatures for (A) distilled water, (B) ethanol, and (C) 30:70%wt. J. Phys. During the discharge phase (Figure 6A), the liquid sorbate hydrates the dry zeolite, the thermal energy released by the hydration process is collected by a heat transfer fluid and then exchanged with the fuel and/or oil and/or coolant tank via an heat exchanger. The surface barrier phenomenon at the loading of metal-organic frameworks. Jarrier, L., Champoussin, J., Yu, R., and Gentile, D. 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Here, the regeneration of the zeolite is intended as the dehydration process, which restores the heat storage potential of the sorbent material, and it is quantified by the following parameter: where the mass of loaded liquid (mliq) is compared with that in case of fully hydrated conditions (mliq,fh) at ambient pressure. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, Vol. 132, 308320. Baerlocher, C., McCusker, L., and Olson, D. (2007). While distilled water-zeolite is one of the most common working pairs for sorption heat storage (Mir et al., 2016), hereconsidering potential outdoor applicationsfluids with lower freezing point have been also tested. Appl. Nanoscale Res. Experimental and numerical investigations of different reactor concepts for thermochemical energy storage. Sustain. 38, 98104. Eng. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.12.061, Mir, L., Gasia, J., and Cabeza, L. F. (2016). 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Besides chemical reactions (Donkers et al., 2016), thermo-chemical storage can be based also on sorption processes. All tests are carried out for the three considered fluids, that is, water, ethanol and their mixture. (A) Maximum regeneration grade (Rg,max) and (B) characteristic time (or time constant, ) of the dehydration process for the tested sorbates, obtained by best-fit of Equation (5) on the experimental series in Figures 3AC. 40, 11761181. Energy Convers. The characteristic regeneration time is the time constant of the exponential-decay term in the above equation, and represents the time at which the regeneration grade is around 63% its maximum value. Figure 3. The different sorption pairs have been experimentally characterized in terms of hydration capacity, dehydration dynamics and heat storage density at ambient pressure. Rep. 9:4701. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39032-5, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Alva, G., Lin, Y., and Fang, G. 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(A) Sample of the commercial 13X zeolite used in the experimental characterization as sorbent material: Kstrolith 13XBFK by Chemiewerk Bad Kstritz GmbH (CWK-BK datasheets, 2019). Given their auxiliary scope, these generators are not typically subject to frequent start-stop cycling, which makes them lend to a TES system able to store thermal energy for long periods with negligible losses. Ther. This latter technique relies on the capacity of a sorbent material to take up a sorbate in the vapor or liquid phase. 71, 555561. The editor and reviewer's affiliations are the latest provided on their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review. Experiments show that the heat storage density of the first hydration is significantly higher than the ones from regenerated zeolite samples. 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Hence, heat storage systems based on sorption processes present the advantage of having: a large range of operating temperatures, depending on the chosen working pair; a larger heat storage density with respect to sensible and latent heat storage; negligible heat losses during the storing period, which makes them particularly suitable for long-term energy storage (Stritih and Bomba, 2014). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Sci. The zeolite beads (10 g per test) are first placed into the adiabatic cap; the liquid sorbate is poured into the flask. Pinheiro, J. M., Salstio, S., Valente, A. 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Thermal energy storage is a key technology to increase the global energy share of renewablesby matching energy availability and demandand to improve the fuel economy of energy systemsby recovery and reutilization of waste heat. The Use of Flow Improved Diesel Fuel at Extremely Low Temperatures. doi: 10.4271/2017-01-0150, Stritih, U., and Bomba, A. Rg is measured as a function of different regeneration temperatures and for the different tested sorbates. Sci. Received: 23 April 2019; Accepted: 02 December 2019; Published: 18 December 2019. *Correspondence: Pietro Asinari,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), Department of Energy, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. Cabeza, L. F., Gutierrez, A., Barreneche, C., Ushak, S., Fernndez, G., Ferndez, A. I., et al. As a representative application example of long-term storage, we verify the feasibility of a sorption heat storage system with liquid sorbate, which could be used to improve the cold-start of stand-by generators driven by internal combustion engines. Lithium in thermal energy storage: a state-of-the-art review. Acta Chimica Slovaca 1, 4357. MF and LB analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. This is the case of the proposed solution that, relying on a simplified thermo-chemical heat storage approach, has the pivotal advantage of long-term heat storage over technologies based on sensible/latent heat. Energy Res. doi: 10.1016/, Andreozzi, A., Buonomo, B., Ercole, D., and Manca, O. Nanomaterials 8:522. doi: 10.3390/nano8070522, Wang, M., Craig, T., Wolfe, E., LaClair, T. J., Gao, Z., Levin, M., et al. In this work, we aim at characterizing the feasibility of a sorption TES cycle with liquid sorbates at ambient conditions, thus not requiring auxiliary systems for vapor generation. The authors acknowledge Antonino Monteleone and Paride Ottaviani for supporting the experimental activity; Marco Rossetto, Cristiano Massano, Matteo Biglia, and Domenico Vitali for technical discussions. While chemical reactions allow to achieve the highest energy densities (about 150400 kWh/m3 Lizana et al., 2017) but also require large reaction temperatures, sorption processes generally provide a good compromise between high heat storage density (about 50300 kWh/m3 Lizana et al., 2017), moderate reaction temperatures and cyclability (Cot-Gores et al., 2012).

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