The use of radio, regardless of set, should be limited at best due to Jamming/EW/Interception. 6 months ago Poutine your great leader elected by massive russian people told to everybod that Ukrainians was russian brother another lie ! Compromised 5G networks in countries where US troops are present could be a serious vulnerability, allowing malicious actors to collect information about who those troops are, what they're doing, and how they operate. NATO promised Russia that if Russia withdrew their forces from Eastern Europe, that NATO would not seek to expand into eastern europe. You seem to be unaware of the fact that there is no outcome in this situation where there is glory to ukraine. Why wont you side with the civilians of every country, instead? (Required). Your supposed facts and statistics (please cite the DoS or DIA/DoD sources and do not give me some Internet or esp. Get a grip, the hobby can be put on hold as can all the rules if it helps attack Russia. Cynics might say exactly the same happens in the good old free world. It doesn't matter if a special-operations unit has the latest encrypted comms if it can't communicate securely with the artillery battalion that is supposed to be covering its operation. A native Engllish writer/speaker would not make this mistake. #hamradio #hamr But many Russian forces are communicating on unencrypted high-frequency (HF) channels that allow anyone with a ham radio to eavesdrop. It is no wonder that European countries have NATO to protect them and prevent the Russian expansionism which Ukraine now suffers. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Russian forums discussing the radios also feature complaints of childhood illnesses and short battery lives for the Azart family, as well as further evidence of Chinese parts in the radios. Except that that is nothing funny about this meme, it is disgusting and sick, because it is true. The paper also questioned whether Russias much revered electronic warfare capabilities had refrained from a heavier weight of electronic attack to avoid friendly fire against the civilian communications that their troops rely on. lmao I am a Kiwi too someone sent me this link to look at beef jerkys comment and I burst out laughing when I read it. NATO promised Russia they wouldnt expand into ex-USSR countries, and then did just that, knowing what would happen to us civilians. Is it because France has no history(recently) of invading neighbouring countries? Only when Staline saw he was tricked by Hitler. In particular BJ writes in an accusatory style as in You seem to be unaware.. This style of address is typically used by those who wish to belittle the reader and is not used by those proficient in either writing or argument. Parts of the programme were eventually cancelled. A tweet by Scott Tilley @coastal8049 has noted that they have seen reports of SSTV activist activity occurring on the 484 MHz Meridian transponders. Meanwhile NATO aircraft flying near Ukraines western borders are hoovering up radio signals from Russian forces. They didnt properly prepare for this at all. And the quarantine facilities for travelers are freakin five star hotels. Instead we attacked Trump with false Russian collaboration claims while Senator Hillary (Boeing & Uranium One), and DoS Hillary (violations of basic USC / NISPON cybersecurity management and contractual laws/policies) , and adding to the cake of criminal activities, the hiring of foreign agents (3-5 of which by proxy were Russian government employees) and willful destruction of ISG property before the FBI could examine it for cybersecurity violations (aside form using a foreign contractor and illegal server for DoS sensitive to classified traffic and that also wound up on her aides laptop along with her husbands porno files). , Windows will not let me open the SDRSharp application. Scott Tilleys Twitter feed also shows some interesting other pieces of news and information, including frequencies and orbits of Meridian satellites, images of a destroyed Russian command and control satellite communications vehicle, and links to now deleted, but Google cached pages with information about Russian satellite communication systems. While not as eye-catching as tanks, guns and helicopters, radios are key to the functioning of armies with clear communications allowing commanders to manoeuvre their troops effectively. What are the hypersonic missiles Russia says it used in Ukraine? What is going wrong with Russian radios? If we receive information about the cut-off of the Internet in the region in danger, we will be QRV daily as SP0MASR @ 18-20 UTC on the frequencies 3770 kHz +/- QRM, 7110 kHz +/- QRM. Radio problems may also be indirectly killing Russian generals and other commanders. At the same time unconfirmed reports suggest that some parts of the Russian army may be relying on civilian Baofeng radios. Funny isnt it? We've also seen waterfall text based jamming: UVB-76 I get the following error: Windows protected your PC Microsoft Defender, Great software! We could have stopped this invasion when the Crimean threat started and the Obama and Democratic leadership did not. So France has nuclear weapons but Germany does not make a fuss about it. 5G also brings security concerns. The Russian then explained that shortages in long-range radios had prevented contact with generals commanding the entire invasion. The Russian army does have some modern tech. Less normal is that western! The term "childhood illnesses" is a uniquely Russian term, Also in German, "Kinderkrankheiten" -> literal translation of childhood illnesses. Nor is it clear if Azart works as intended. Yes it does. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Of interested is a Russian R-187PI Azart, a handheld digital software defined radio. Radios may be less lethal than weapons, but Russias failure to invest in its communications is hobbling its forces. NATO countries claim WMDs and go in guns blazing. The Ukrainians aren't the only ones tuning in. There is a parallel in Russian/Soviet murder of Polish officers in Katyn in 1940 where 22000 officers were murdered by NKVD. And propangada either with Covid The day after the story from RUSI came out about the Russian Air Force being absent was the worst day of the war for Russian aircraft shot down. Comments essentially wishing for genocide of a people are not appropriate for this blog, neither are comments spreading misinformation, sarcastically or not. Stavros Atlamazoglou is a defense journalist specializing in special operations, a Hellenic Army veteran (national service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army HQ), and a Johns Hopkins University graduate. EPA. My impression was Plan A was a lot more dependent on a coup of some sort, but after the US leaked this plan and literally listed who was involved, they went into Plan B, which is this clusterfuck. This is useful as even if the local wired internet were to be destroyed, or be censored by Russia, the Starlink system will be able to connect to uncensored internet as long as there is power. How crowdfunding is shaping the war in Ukraine. The Royal United Services Institute is a British think tank, My point is dispel the left wing media propaganda that is rather ignorant and basically fabricated or filtered, and the fact that Biden is a coward like Hunter (I bet they are giving back that foreign money, some of which was Russian sourced), get ready to do your duty as a man, as an American. An R-187P1 Azart radio. Shooting in North Carolina claims the life of one soldier and injures four others. although Poland is already a slave, but only now with US .. It is a very crazy world we live in. His ancestors murdered anybody who was seen as a potential threat in the future. Been waiting for it for a while now. This had resulted in troops using mobile phones to contact officers and gain some situational awareness, said the report. That Zelensky might be deposed, or that their puppet government forces would make a coup in Kyiv. Let me restate that just to make sure you read it at least once: Russias sacrifice fighting against Hitler and Germany was far greater than any other country, except for china (but China was fighting Japan so this is a side topic). BS as sanctions have worked only 20% of the time for the US during its entire history. Read more of our recent coverage of the Ukraine crisis. USA reporting in here, pretty sure we are slaves to NATO. Soldiers are deceived into believing that they are fighting for their country, but in this modern age, they are not fighting for their country, they are fighting for their leaders, and these leaders could not care less about the civilians nor the soldiers that fight for them. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I wish I could troll you in Russian, but the only foreign language I ever took was a spanish class and the only phrases I remember are how to ask for a beer, and how to ask where the bathroom is. It can be received from all over the world. I wonder how they will respond to this one. Thomas Withington is a writer and analyst specialising in electronic warfare, radar, military communications and air power. The device is a Chinese-made BaoFeng radio that lacks military-grade encryption. People playing peace music on 7055 KHz LSB, the infamous #radiowar frequency.#Ukraine #Russia #shortwave #swl #OSINT Source: I live in Wellington, New Zealand. WW2 was started by CCCP & Nazis ! We should remember that Russia had a history of mass murder of its own citizens and many others being sent to gulags where they would probably die. It is possible that the delivery of the Azart radios has been troubled by corruption. Russia is to blame for its own troubles. Taken together these observations suggest to me that BJ is not a native English speaker. During the war, Ukrainian military and security services have repeatedly intercepted communications between Russian units in the field and even discussions between senior officers on the ground and their superiors in Russia. Meridian satellites are a "family of telecommunications satellites for civil and military use developed by Russia in the 2000s placed in aMolniya Orbit" (Wikipedia). Just because Russia has killed countless millions of its own people with its absolutely idiotic communist methods does NOT justify NATO killing anyone!!! After the victory over Germany, Rus retained the sovereignty of all countries, including the GDR (Germany). Litearlly everyone involved, including the Ukranian government is in the wrong. I love SDR, I love frequencies, I love everything about radio (voice, data,everything), but what happens within SDR, radio communities as regards to war, which should never exitst in first place (not in 2014, not now), Im very sad that intelligent people with knowedge and interest in SDR are failing to one or other proaganda and are making part of this war Photographs of captured military equipment, and verified intercepts, indicate that Russians are using Motorola, Kenwood and Baofeng walkie-talkies. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider That troops may feel more confident using a cheap Chinese hand-held radio would say much about the quality of Russian equipment, they added. When the communists engaged in their mass murder campaign in the Terror they unfortunately removed the best people from their own country. Basically a repeat of Crimea on a massive scale with a bit of extra work from the air force. For any eastern European man not to answer the call of duty to God, country and family, one was exiled from the family for good. The opinion of nearly every single person I know is the same If our corrupt government decides it wants to get involved and send soldiers (i.e. They basically advanced into Ukraine as though they were just there to occupy the country followed up by national guard with riot gear. Sure sounds like your idea of a defensive conflict involves a bunch of dead people. You can also subscribe without commenting. We note that there have also been reports about fake Russian frequencies being posted on the internet. What you did in your post is literally a meme. Some known frequencies are listed here and here. 1. Dismountedatgrid FL.". We decided not to link to his Twitter account in this post, just in case he needs to delete his account for safety in the future as he appears to be very close to the bombing. Ukrainian forces have captured Russian prisoners and vehicles and found them to be using commercial radios or even cellphones that were taken from Ukrainian civilians. All rights reserved. There has been very little talk of line being run, or dispatch riders or signals dispatch service by Russian forces. It really feels like they haven't improved much from how they performed back in 1914 when they were sending unencrypted messages that the Germans could easily read and know all their moves. Why do you side with any of these evil world powers? Just my own little conspiracy theory. Now if only we could help the soldiers of NATO and Russia see this truth. A few days ago Elon Musk and SpaceX activated their Starlink wireless satellite internet system in Ukraine, and have sent over a shipment of ground terminals. Yes, NATO is supposedly a defensive alliance So would you care to describe the number of conflicts NATO has been involved in over the past 4 decades? You know, the same NATO that has been boming women and children in the middle east for decades. This thread will discuss the legality and how to avoid interference. Never. It appears this may be aimed at helping Ukrainians communicate, however in these modern days of electronic warfare, it is important to take into account the warning from DARC above too as transmitting stations could easily be located by Russian electronic warfare forces. The estimates for Russia are nearly 14 million That is 7 million soldiers, and 7 million civilians. Uplink for these transponders is in the amateur 70cm band. "The Russian army is equipped with secure phones that can't work in areas where the Russian army operates," Christo Grozev, executive director of the Bellingcat research group, said of the incident. Dear HAM operators, in the face of the latest threats in our region and a possibility of an incoming wave of refugees, with over 2 mln already living in Poland, we would like to remind you that we are at your disposal. The only policy that could possibly be contentious is that workers in health, education, emergency services and defense are mandated to be vaccinated which is something the majority support. At least some of the radios had been manufactured in China before elements were added in Russia, the defendants claimed. Russian troops' social-media activity led to high-profile security breaches before the war, and if those troops don't maintain electronic or digital discipline in the field, entire units are in jeopardy. Mindless drones all around. #OpRussia #OpKremlin #FckPutin #StandWithUkriane We advise you to download the software, install it and check its operation. This entire conflict is NATO vs. Russia, and Ukraine didnt help things one bit. left as burned out hulls on the battlefield.". These intercepts are possible for several reasons. There was a Ukranian soldier on a bbc report yesterday who said they fight just like ww2 - they come straight from the front, no maneuver, Sam Cranny-Evans: Research Analyst, Military Sciences. To read about a major military power operating just a few miles from their nation and having problems of this nation is incredible. First, Ukrainian electronic-warfare capabilities are notably good, and they've been bolstered by generous assistance from the US, including real-time intelligence and an unprecedented level of information-sharing, which may make it easier for Ukrainians to know where and when to listen in on Russian forces. Germany would have won ww2 without russia blablablabla NO WW2 would not start without the help of Russie this is the point ! We have not mentioned Russian/Soviet police states established in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and others. Fascinating to see someone take sides with one evil world power, and claim righteousness and point at the other evil world power and call them evil. Some NATO countries are very close, look at New Zealand, if you choose to think as an individual regarding this corona virus (which has mysteriously disappeaered off of the news after 2 years of media hysteria) and act peacefully as an individual, you are questioned, detained, or even quarantined in a quarantine facility which looks a lot like some camps that Germany created less than 80 years ago! Lol! The serious weaknesses of Russian radios have probably played a significant role in the stalled Ukraine offensive, leading military analysts have said. WunEnemySection. We are Legion ! "It appears that our information on Russian capabilities is outdated or inaccurate," likely because the US and its allies weren't able to get physical access to the systems Russian forces use prior to the war, Herm Hasken, a partner and senior operations consultant at MarkPoint Technologies, told Insider. Your comments are shamefully misinformed. It is likely that these stations are being jammed mostly by civilian activists, or members of the activist hacker collective known as Anonymous, rather than any military organization. it is both confrontational and aggressive. JUST IN: #Russian state TV channels have been hacked by #Anonymous to broadcast the truth about what happens in #Ukraine. I remember being told way back when, quite furiously to speed up on the radio, that every second you're holding down send, the enemy would be homing in with you. Education is supposed to open your mind and your eyes, not close it and send you to the Dissenters to my opinions are Russian Trolls insane assilem. Nor does Germany threaten France. No more fighting. Stay up to date with what you want to know. I agree with you. Reuters. They are purely evil. Let me develop this a little. There's a translation of the article here, but the link to the original in Russian is in the intro: But here you are, trying to justify killing, war, violence. Bringing the covid pandemic into the conversation is a favourite of conspiracy theorists but thankfully beef jerky has not yet brought 5G mobile networks into the argument. This situation was absolutely predictable and expected. When you really dig down to the roots of all of this, does it even matter? You can try to deform history , but the fact is But many seem genuine. If you are a licensed amateur radio operator, you can send information by e-mail to your relatives in Poland or Emergency Services with via the Winlink system, which works on HF bands, independently of access to the local ICT infrastructure Had Russia suceeded in the invasion there would undoubtedly have been a campaign of mass murder of Finnish citizens in order to eliminate dissenters. As mentioned in the previous post it has been found that since the start of the invasion, Russian Strategic bombers have been very active on USB voice at 8131 kHz.

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