*Please note thatdue to changing regulations in the U.S. & Canada, we are phasing in a Small Parts warning on the Baltic amber teething jewelry. Do your research when purchasing an amber teething necklace. Just as they havent been proven to work, they havent been disproven. We have a long and trusted relationship with our supplier there. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We start with gentle foods for a reason. Stir well. I bought one for my First son eight years ago and have used the same necklace on every child since. We usually had both onhazelwood wrapped twice around the ankle and an amber necklace around the neck (which you can remove for naps). so if you have a loose bead available and need a definitive answer, burning a bead is the best way to go. The Polarized Light Test -Place the amber between two sheets of polarized glass, then rotate one of the pieces. The Static Test -Rub your amber vigorously with a soft cloth. In fact, we recently made a visit to Lithuania to check out their operations in person and you can see pictures from our visit! Great! Happy, smiling, and ate twice as much as she normally would. Baltic Amber necklaces are sold in pharmacies in many European and Asian countries. Baltic amber is distinguished from other amber from all around the world by the presence within it of high levels of succinic acid, hence Baltic amber is otherwise known as succinite. I always rinse the outside of my sons mouth afterwards because I cant stand the smell haha but trust me it works! Have abdominal cramps or lower back pain? Try a bracelet. Please note that if the safety release is triggered, the necklace is no longer useable and is not repairable. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Baltic Region, home of baltic amber for teething necklaces, Free Updates on First Year [In-article], Maura Winkler Certified Nurse Midwife square, Teething Symptoms: 7 Signs Your Baby is Teething, When Do Babies Start Teething? We found the needle test really hard to do (try holding a hot needle with tweezers!) Also over time the surface of the beads tend to get coated with soap scum and other substances that inhibit their ability to release succinic acid into your skin. Its best to take amber necklaces off before entering a chlorinated pool. Could baby choke on an amber teething necklace? And we already know about the health hazards (they are mentioned in this article in case you didnt see it). The necklaces that we sell are certified authentic by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), a nonprofit institute dedicated to research and education in the field of gemology and the jewelry arts. My son had not slept well for over 3 weeks and the past few days hes been catching up on some serious zzZzz!!! These amber necklaces are not proven to work. Code "10OFF"Saves 10%! While the following scale is entirely made up, it gives you some idea of the range were talking about. You should be able to see a display of rainbow colors in either amber or copal. Yes, we could always lock our babies in empty boxes to remove any and all risks in life, but everything is a balance between risk and reward. The acid, in turn, is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. There is also red amber (sometimes known as "cherry amber"), green amber, pink amber and even blue amber, which is rare and highly sought after. -Real Baltic amber will fluoresce under UV light while copal wont. There IS a giant fake amber market out there, but it's dealing primarily with large pieces of amber, much, much larger than what you would typically find in a teething necklace. This is very encouraging news, as each year in the USA nearly three million people get antibiotic-resistant infections. Please contact us! Real amber has air bubbles, and if clear enough to let light pass, youll see imperfections within the bead, cracks, etc. Your baby can and will probably want to use other physical forms of teething relief like teething biscuits,a frozen washcloth, or the types of teething necklaces made from silicone or wood that moms wear and babies can chew on. To perform the smell test you have to either burn a bead (hold with tweezers into a candle flame) or, if you dont want to destroy your jewelry, stick a hot needle into a spot thats less noticeable. If you suspect its no longer working and youve already tried cleaning it, it may be time for a new one. With ambers age somewhere in the tens of millions of years, theres little surprise that extensive lore exists as to both its metaphysical and medicinal properties. However, the pain really bothers her at night and keeps her (and me) from sleeping. (or would it be risk-free?) As you look through the Internet youll find some version of the following list of tests copied over and over again without any more real information. It's also easily coated by oils and soaps, which will reduce its effectiveness. Baltic amber comes in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, brown, black, red, green, and blue. As you shift hues into darker yellows and oranges with shades of Honey, the non-fluorescing colors within the bead mix with the blue color and generate greens and whatnot, with much less brightness. Sterilize the bottles but rinse a pickle? Definitive scientific studies that show how much succinic acid is released from an amber teething necklaceand whether this amount is substantial enough to have an impactdo not exist. 3. If it works for you, great. Succinic acid is found in many vitamin supplements, heart medicine and topical creams for arthritis. Thank you! Again, this is the number one test that we have people have issues with, theyve tried to do the hot needle test and/or even burned a bead or two and have mistaken the strong pine and smoke scent as a more plasticy smell. Amber burns because amber is a resin, and resins burn. If a necklace were to get caught on something, the clasps are designed to either pop or break open when a certain amount of force is applied depending on the type of clasp you choose, of which we have two options, Pop and Twist: Pop Clasps - Will pop open if tugged on, so the safety mechanism is reusable, but they also come open much easier and this can sometimes lead to a lost necklace. Today, the Baltic region still carries amber products in its pharmacies. 4. Never allow baby to wear amber necklaces unsupervised. NOTE - We've had a customer report a skin reaction issue with leaving Baltic amber on during an extended hot bath. But, Im definitely a fan! Give it a shot! It works great and my baby feels calmer and happier when she wears it. It is currently on my fifth child, Mac, who is five months old. Did you read her whole post? I know when I bought the necklace it said they make great heirlooms and can be used generation after generation, but Im wondering if the succinic acid can be depleted from the Amber. IR-spectroscopy -R-spectroscopy is the most effective scientific method for identifying fossil resins. Many natural mamas swear by them, but do they work? Because the original pieces of amber have been compressed, the singular power of each piece is compromised. Definitely recommend Baltic essentials!! How on earth do you get the Chinese herb medicine-ish, smell out. Does this amber work for calming down adults? Tap Here to Learn More. 2. :). I am going to keep using my amber necklace because it works great for me and my baby : ). 2. Celluloid is more solid and not so combustible. The Baltic region is so well known for its amber deposits, theyre sometimes referred to as Baltic gold. Other forms of amber from other regions of the world also exist, though Baltic amber is known for having higher levels of succinic acid. Did you try that?! How early can I use the teething biscuits on my child she is now 5 months. ?- at 3 1/2 months and Im ready to try anything! There are better ways to deal with teething. Copal -Copal, which was mentioned above, is often sold as Baltic amber. Not sure of the age or when I can start this? Always complaining or crying with his temperature out of control. Darker amber wont fluoresce hardly at all. And Other Teething Questions Answered. However, we do offer an at-cost replacement option should this occur, please contact us for details. Wow! What kind of amber teething necklace should you buy for your baby? If it smells like burnt plastic, thats bad. In the unlikely event that a bead should be ingested, amber is a non-toxic substance and is not harmful. I know that sounds completely odd but I have a 4 month old that started teething about 2 weeks ago (fussiness, crying, screaming at the top of his lungs the whole nine yards) and my mother told me to try an old traditional remedy that she used on my siblings and I while we were teething. Also it should not be stored with other jewelry where it can rub up against other pieces, especially metal ones. Amber used to be worn to protect the swapping of newborn babies, not to mention preventing snake bites. :). Insects are inserted in them that are too big and too good-looking. We used them in conjunction with homeopathic remedies which were also very helpful. So overall we suspect that the fear that sweeps through the amber teething necklace community every few years is largely unnecessary. Try onions! The common belief is that the childs body heats the amber, causing it to release oils containing succinic acid. The traditional golden and darker colored beads are most likely cooked to enhance the color, and may be less effective as a result. We work with our supplier to develop consistent styles of color and shape, however as Baltic amber is a natural raw material that must be mined, the end product will fluctuate along with the natural flux in the Baltic Amber market. A good, standard length for an amber teething necklace is 30 centimeters or approximately 12 inches. 4. The beads have a cloudy, turbid yellow color. When can my baby start using an amber teething necklace? Others get a little more woo woo, praising amber for its psychic protection, ability to balance emotions, and release negative energy. It took a day before it kicked in, but once it did, there was hardly any crying and his temperature regulated by itself. But from very early on, those who grew up with it believed it to have healing properties. For example: Fever Growing Pains Sports Injuries Early onset Arthritis Other inflammation pain. Copal is young tree resin (1 thousand to 1 million years old) whereas true amber would be closer to 40 million years old. I received my necklace & anklet from mycutiepie.com.au when he was 6 months! Many people also put them on the babys ankle and tuck them under their sock, works the same. Super weird I know!) Pressed Amber -When small remnants of amber are fused together using high pressure or major heat source, the result is called pressed amber. Wrist pain, arthritis, carpal tunnel? Because it used to be soft and sticky, tree resin amber can sometimes contain insects and even small vertebrates, known in the jewelry world as Inclusions. White, milky yellow, butter-colored, lemon yellow, or green in color. Your child can bathe with his/her necklace on, too. Real amber will develop a static charge allowing it to pick up small bits of paper, whereas copal wont. Is unpolished or raw amber better than polished amber? Fasten an appropriately sized necklace around babys neck (we recommend a pop clasp safety release), You may need to distract baby momentarily so baby forgets the necklace is there, Leave the necklace alone; let the amber lay against babys skin, Remove necklace during naps and at bedtime, Never allow baby to wear amber necklaces unsupervised, Enjoy the benefits that so many natural mamas attest to. To clean your amber, use a soft flannel cloth or an unused toothbrush dampened with clean lukewarm water. Information supplied is for general reference & educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. If it is genuine amber, it will give off a pleasant pine or forest smell, along with a slight smokey smell. Free Updates on First Year [In-article]. She was gnawing away at anything she could get her little gums on. I used one for my first born from 4months old till she was 2 and swear by it. *Please note thatdue to changing regulations in the U.S. & Canada, Purchase 3 or more items & automatically receive Free Shipping within North America, North American Postal Insurance (under $100), North American Postal Insurance (over $100), International Postal Insurance (under $100), International Postal Insurance (over $100), recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, customer testimonials regarding pain issues. As a mom to young children, I know firsthand that we cant always be on our game and on constant alert around our children. Milk & Butter and Super Butter show up like yellow highlighter at the Friday night Glow-Bowl. And it also affirms why people in the Baltic nations have used amber for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. Besides, I cant see pickle juice (all that vinegar) being so great for a 4 mo old whos only just been introduced to oatmeal. However it is also EXTREMELY old and brittle, and eventually beads will break. We have become very accustomed to the appearance, weight, texture, and smell of the real thing, and would know immediately if something was wrong with our shipment. A: Yes. Living comes with risks, let us be smart about our choices rather than prisoners to fear and policies. Almost painful to look at, extremely easy to identify the real thing. Why not? Historians dont know when, exactly, humans began using amber as a medical tool. This makes the amber easier to work with, but it disqualifies the amber from being truly raw. The Acetone Test -This test checks of the solubility of the amber in acetone, you can use alcohol (isopropanol or ethanol) or even nail polish remover. :) Seriously though, here's a couple of examples, reports on Baltic amber that our supplier provided us: A: Unlike hazelwood (which seems to work about the same no matter where you wear it) Baltic amber seems to be the most helpful if you can get it as close to the source of the pain as possible. We recommend these two tests: Heat the tip of a needle or nail, and then touch the heated tip to your amber bead. Should I buy a new one? Can my baby wear an amber necklace while she sleeps? However, amber teething necklaces may pose a risk if used improperly, or if the child is unsupervised while wearing one. Secondly, we suspect that much of the fears around this issue are unfounded. Baltic Amber is fossilized resin. Succinic acid itself is considered safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), because it occurs widely as a natural constituent of the plants and animals which are commonly used for human food. Succinic acid received attention and testing from the FDA since its often added to ingestible products. Would you trim your Bonsai Tree with a chain saw? Another recommendation of amber as a traditional remedy was the use of it against common coughs or stiff-neck pains. I was really reluctant to buy these out of skepticism, but I am going to buy these for every baby I know when their parents complain about teething coz THEY TRULY WORK!!! My son is 2 months old and just began teething is it not safe to use the necklace this early on for any particular reason? On this page youll find all sorts of information about Baltic amber teething necklaces: how they work (theoretically), how to care for your amber, common forms of imitation amber, how to identify them, and how to test your Baltic amber to confirm its authenticity (see our updated test section below). The key component affiliated with Baltic ambers healing properties is succinic acid, which accounts for 8% of its make-up. I live in a country where access to all this stuff is very limited. As a food additive and dietary supplement, succinic acid is generally recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Theres written mention of amber as a healing agent as far back as 79 AD. Here are some arbitrary numbers to give you an idea of the range of effectiveness (scale of 1-10): 11 Super Butter <- Goes up to 11!10 Milk & Butter10 Lemondrop9 Lemon9 Cinnamon9 Nutmeg & Lemondrop9 Milk & Honey8 Honey8 Nutmeg8 Multicolored (semi-polish)8 Milk & Cognac7 Lemon & Cherry7 Multicolored (bean & round)7 Rainbow (bean & round)7 Coffee7 Cognac7 Asteroid6 Dark Cherry6 Dark Green5 Lemon & Rose Quartz5 Honey, Butter, & Amethyst4 Turquoise, Green Peridot, Honey, Butter & Amethyst4 Nutmeg & Lava Stone3 Dark Cherry & Turquoise3 Honey, Aqua Stone, & White Agate3 Cognac, Tiger Eye, & Lapis Lazuli2 Dark Cherry, Rose Quartz, & Amethyst2 Mosaic. Please exercise caution with exposing your amber to high heat or with wearing amber after it has been exposed to high heat (left in a hot car, etc.). You can find more information in our customer reviews on individual product listings (such as this one) and customer testimonials regarding pain issues. There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Are they safe? Genevieve Howland is a childbirth educator and breastfeeding advocate. Lets just say we wouldnt burn it as incense in our home. I put the necklace on and I think within 30 min- 1hour she was totally different. Did the onions work? Try a necklace. Do NOT hold a flame to the amber, as it will burn andnotsmell like pine. The necklace should not be long enough for your child to bring it to his/her mouth since it is not meant to be chewed on! Copal will dissolve so itll be sticky and fingerprints can be made in the surface, amber will be unchanged. So how exactly does succinic acid work in amber teething necklaces? If this has happened to you, our apologies! This is in line with the FDA and AAP who have also released warnings regarding amber necklaces for children. Not a great test because it damages your amber and its easier to tell amber from glass by temperature and weight (glass is colder and heavier, see the Saltwater Test). How to find real Baltic amber teething necklaces. Raw amber contains the highest levels of succinic acid (up to 8%), which can naturally help quell inflammatory processes in the body. This WILL hurt your amber (if its real) so attempt to scratch in a unnoticeable area (kind of hard to do on an already small bead). If you get through this whole page and still have unanswered questions, please contact us! Real amber is warm to the touch and has a slight tacky feel (verses slick like glass). Ecommerce Software by Shopify, Please note that all products & claims regarding properties & effects have. Again we recommend the Saltwater and UV tests as the easiest and most non-invasive ways to test your amber. We get all of our Baltic amber direct from Lithuania. And I honestly questioned whether or not she had in fact truly began teething since she had ZERO fussiness! Many amber teething necklaces feature breakaway closures (aka pop clasps) and double knotted beads to provide additional safety measures against strangulation and choking. Find out now. Ive tried the narural teething gel (didnt realize it had clive oil in it ?) Oh, I remember well, the hippie girl aromas. As mentioned above, glass wont scratch. Baltic Amber, in particular, is often found as an active ingredient in Chinese medicines. No. I guess we can always lock our babies in sterile empty boxes for life to guarantee a risk free life. How can my 3 1/2 month old be getting her molars already?!?! This test wont hurt your amber if its real. Baltic amber can be characterized by IR-spectrum segment called "Baltic amber shoulder". Let us know if youve tried an amber teething necklace and how it worked! Much Aloha. :), Below are other traditionally listed tests that are a bit harder to pull off and often involve damaging your amber :(. However it will burn and smell like real amber, so you have to rely largely on a visual inspection to tell pressed amber from the naturally formed beads. As a result, I no longer recommend amber teething necklaces for children and infants.

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