And design for the first onboarding screen, Create an item container layout for the onboarding screen. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, MVVM (Model View ViewModel) Architecture Pattern in Android. // We want it to fade as it scrolls out View title = page.findViewById(; title.setAlpha(1.0f absPosition); // Now the description. Android Projects - From Basic to Advanced Level, Broadcast Receiver in Android With Example. How to Create and Add Data to SQLite Database in Android? import android.view.LayoutInflater;import android.view.View;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.annotation.NonNull;import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; public class OnboardingAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter{. Also, visit my website for more content like this. Dont forget to rate us!); itemEatTogether.setImage(R.drawable.eat_together); onBoardingItems.add(itemFastFood); onBoardingItems.add(itemPayOnline); onBoardingItems.add(itemEatTogether); onboardingAdapter = new OnboardingAdapter(onBoardingItems); The output of the first onboarding screen: , , , , , , , @NonNull @Override public OnboardingViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { return new OnboardingViewHolder( LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate( R.layout.item_container_boarding_two, parent, false ) ); }. Below is the code for the file. private void addDots(int position){ tv_dots = new TextView[4]; layout_dots.removeAllViews(); for (int i =0 ; i < tv_dots.length; i++){ tv_dots[i] = new TextView(OnBoardingForthActivity.this); tv_dots[i].setText(Html.fromHtml(•)); tv_dots[i].setTextSize(35); tv_dots[i].setTextColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.backfroung_forth)); layout_dots.addView(tv_dots[i]); } if (tv_dots.length > 0){ tv_dots[position].setTextColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.white)); } }}, You can also follow me on IG: @androidapps.development.blogs. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail. now, create an adapter to inflate the layouts. If you dont know how to create a new project in Android Studio then you can refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio? Please use, This is // a good place to show animations that react to the users // swiping as it provides a good user experience. Now create a new activity for the fourth onboarding screen. import;import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2; import android.annotation.SuppressLint;import android.content.Intent;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.LinearLayout; import com.codewithgolap.imageslider.HomeActivity;import com.codewithgolap.imageslider.R;import; import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List; public class OnBoardingDesignOne extends AppCompatActivity {. How to Increase/Decrease Screen Brightness using Volume Keys Programmatically in Android? Tell the features or functions of the application. The final output is shown below. Create an item container layout for the second onboarding screen. We will be working on Empty Activity with language as Java. One time screen because it only displays only for one-time, after that it wont show until the application is reinstalled. And design the main layout. Instate of Splash Screen which we have created earlier, we have to create the onboarding screens of our android spp. private ViewPager viewPager; OnBoardingAdapter onboardingAdapter; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_on_boarding_three); makeStatusbarTransparent(); viewPager = findViewById(; onboardingAdapter = new OnBoardingAdapter(OnBoardingActivityThree.this); viewPager.setAdapter(onboardingAdapter); viewPager.setPageTransformer(false, new OnboardingPageTransformer()); // Listener for next button press public void nextPage(View view) { if (view.getId() == { if (viewPager.getCurrentItem() < onboardingAdapter.getCount() 1) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(viewPager.getCurrentItem() + 1, true); } } }, private void makeStatusbarTransparent() {, if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { getWindow().getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN); }, if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { Window window = getWindow(); window.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS); window.setStatusBarColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } }}. How to Create a Splash Screen With Layer-List in Android? private TextView textTitle; private TextView textDescription; private ImageView imageOnboarding; OnboardingViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) { super(itemView); textTitle = itemView.findViewById(; textDescription = itemView.findViewById(; imageOnboarding = itemView.findViewById(; void setOnBoardingData(OnBoardingItem onBoardingItem){ textTitle.setText(onBoardingItem.getTitle()); textDescription.setText(onBoardingItem.getDescription()); imageOnboarding.setImageResource(onBoardingItem.getImage()); } }}. How to Implement Preferences Settings Screen in Android? Below is the code for the activity_main.xml file. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create walkthrough screens/onboarding screens in android studio using viewpager and viewpager 2. @NonNull @Override public Object instantiateItem(@NonNull ViewGroup container, int position) { LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.onboarding_item_layout_forth, container, false); ImageView img_banner = view.findViewById(; TextView tv_title = view.findViewById(; TextView tv_desc = view.findViewById(; img_banner.setImageResource(slider_images[position]); tv_title.setText(slider_title[position]); tv_desc.setText(slider_desc[position]); @Override public void destroyItem(@NonNull ViewGroup container, int position, @NonNull Object object) { container.removeView((RelativeLayout) object); }}. How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio? Fix "Unable to locate adb within SDK" in Android Studio. package com.codewithgolap.imageslider.onboardingThird; import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager;import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2; public class OnboardingPageTransformer implements ViewPager.PageTransformer{, @Override public void transformPage(View page, float position) {. Users go through a series of screens which finally directs users to the application interface. package com.codewithgolap.imageslider.onboadingOne; public class OnBoardingItem { private int image; private String title; private String description; public void setImage(int image) { this.image = image; }, public String getTitle() { return title; }, public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; }, public String getDescription() { return description; }, public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }}. How to Maximize/Minimize Screen Brightness Programmatically in Android? We also want this one to // fade, but the animation should also slowly move // down and out of the screen View description = page.findViewById(; description.setTranslationY(-pageWidthTimesPosition / 2f); description.setAlpha(1.0f absPosition); // Now, we want the image to move to the right, // i.e. // Get the page index from the tag. And design the main layout. // The page is selected. How to Change the Screen Orientation Programmatically using a Button in Android? How to Increase/Decrease Screen Brightness in Steps Programmatically in Android? now, create an adapter for inflate the layout. private int[] slider_images = { R.drawable.fa2, R.drawable.fa6, R.drawable.fa7, R.drawable.fa5 }; private String[] slider_title = { Food in your area, Food which is Health, Food you love, Food that matter }; private String[] slider_desc = { Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry., Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry., Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry., Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. }; @Override public int getCount() { return slider_title.length; }, @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(@NonNull View view, @NonNull Object object) { return view == (RelativeLayout) object; }. You can change the name of the project at your convenience. When We Need to Prevent Method Overriding in Java ? OnBoardingItem itemFastFood = new OnBoardingItem(); itemFastFood.setTitle(Choose your meal); itemFastFood.setDescription(You can easily choose your meal and take it!); itemFastFood.setImage(R.drawable.choose_your_meal); OnBoardingItem itemPayOnline = new OnBoardingItem(); itemPayOnline.setTitle(Choose your payment); itemPayOnline.setDescription(You can pay us using any methods, online or offline!); itemPayOnline.setImage(R.drawable.choose_your_payment); OnBoardingItem itemEatTogether = new OnBoardingItem(); itemEatTogether.setTitle(Fast delivery); itemEatTogether.setDescription(Our delivery partners are too fast, they will not disappoint you!); itemEatTogether.setImage(R.drawable.fast_delivery); OnBoardingItem itemDayAndNight = new OnBoardingItem(); itemDayAndNight.setTitle(Day and Night); itemDayAndNight.setDescription(Our service is on day and night!); itemDayAndNight.setImage(R.drawable.day_and_night); onBoardingItems.add(itemFastFood); onBoardingItems.add(itemPayOnline); onBoardingItems.add(itemEatTogether); onBoardingItems.add(itemDayAndNight); , , , , , , , , , , ,