This is most likely because their parents gave them the affection, control, and independence needed. Parents can give positive discipline to a child within a day to be improved but its impossible. Other methods take time, but with hitting a child it catches their attention right away, however, just redirecting a childs attention from one brief hazardous situation want save them from several others. To What Extent does Authoritative Parenting Impact Prosocial Behavior? The child, who is more submissive and obedient, often remains dependent on his/her parents. Developmental psychologists and researchers overwhelmingly approve authoritative parenting style as optimal for raising children (Steinberg, 2001). four different styles of parenting; indulgent, authoritarian, authoritative, and uninvolved (Darling, 1999, pg3). Privacy Policy This is 100% legal. The positive parenting is a way of looking after children with a positive encouragements and child care as to protect children by sending them into a right place or institution where they can settle and learned to develop both mental and physical. Whether it is a best friend, sister, or teacher we have learned something new from them. The challenges faced by blended families can be overcome through education and hard work. Although the ultimate responsibility resides within parents, authoritative mother and father usually engage in discussions or disputes with their adolescents. Just like authoritarian parents, authoritative parents create rules in which they want their children to follow. 40% of marriages now end in divorce and there. The main aim of the report is to discuss the psychological and environmental effect on mental health and some possible solution to minimize the, Introduction: Also you Rather than using insults, they need to use strong but controlled words to avoid generating frustration amongst the children (Ranga & Denise, 2006 53). Comprehension of various parenting styles and their influence on the relationship between parents and teenagers may help each parent and their children navigate and manage adolescence more rationally, smoothly, and efficiently. While an authoritative style of parenting is widespread among white families, an authoritarian style is common among ethnic minorities, including Hispanic American, African American, and Asian American families. Parents, who prefer permissive parenting, do not disappoint their children, and they dislike saying no. Consequently, parents allow their adolescents to make important decisions with no involvement and interference. Have no time to work on your essay? (2001 p 104) observes that children who are brought up under constant scolds from parents fear shun from initiatives, which ends up affecting their personality in future. 4- 6 An authoritative style involves supervision and parental monitoring. Owing to the positive interaction with children, parents can foster more robust and stronger relationship with them. Experience and good intention do not guarantee success. Spanking is an unethical form of punishment, not only is it detrimental to the child in the long run; it can be replaced with any other form of non-physical discipline that has been proven to work just as fine. Further, to be gay was considered as a mental illness. One parent can be an authoritarian individual while the other one can be permissive. This essay is a critique of effective parenting. By continuing you agree to our cookie policy, Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample. All rights reserved, Islamic Lessons On Marriage And Parenting, The Parents Roles In The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet. It is therefore important for parents to ensure that they do not discourage their children by not showing appreciation of their efforts.Insults and quarrels are a major threat to effective development of children. They are two different types of parenting styles which Mexican-American culture uses which are the authoritarian and authoritative. The term gay adoption simply means same-sex adoption. This assistance will lead to improved grades and, therefore, success in future life. These different parenting styles impact the attachment style that a child will emerge. need not be used. The number of uneducated people is higher than educated people who work and survive. Ranga, R & Denise M. What Affects Parenting: The Problems are Organizational. 2001 p 103). The Raising Children Network website is based on the philosophy that all children and families are individual and different. Consequently, these adolescents may face difficulties with self-control and show egocentric tendency that interferes with proper development of relationships between peers. This essay wont pass a plagiarism check! We provide scientifically validated information, translated into everyday language, to help parents and carers make decisions that work for them in their individual family circumstances (,, 10% of children and young people have mental health problems that affect their daily life in the periods and if they are not treated in time, that result in lifetime mental disorder (Membride, 2016). Some researches reveal that children of authoritarian parents recognize that the adherence to strict discipline and following the rules set by parents bring more values than independent behavior. We guarantee complete security, fully customized content and perfect services. Ask the Experts. Both parenting styles have their advantages and disadvantages. Benefit from Our Service: Save 25% Along with the first order offer - 15% discount, you save extra 10% since we provide 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page. 28 Nov. 2012
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