Frank, Larie have you looked into Freeze Dried Food? Frank, we know now that your older family members (mother) and who-ever are not important to you !!! they own the land on which my condo stands; lease-hold property, more accurately. How would we know where we really stood if the ground wasnt shaken up once in a while. Frank frank f u kn frank..I PROMISE! if you need to leave your house make sure you have protection from the elements, hat,sunscreen, clean pair of socks and undies. I go to the frozen food sections of stores, the veggies are ready to dehydrate. Well said Mr.Dewitt. Hey Frank Im 64 and I double care you to come fuck with me and see how long you live to tell about it. I thought that by now, the I am younger than you, and therefore more important people were weeded out and settling for dying while trying to get a signal on their cell phone after an event. That was NOT a very nice thing to say to someone. How can I do this for you? Other basic materials such as fold-away rain coats, sleeping bags etc. These are all amazing ideas and that is a great list, I would just add Aspirin to it. A few other ideas, organic popcorn is a good addition and several bottles of an organic Non- GMO ( no dyes, no hydrogenated oil) powdered protein drink with all the essential vitamins and minerals. You might want to be more respectful. you would also be surprised how fast you could build a pantry just by getting a couple extra things each time you go to the store. 0:). Your email address will not be published. Thirdly, hygiene products for cleanliness, protection from some illnesses and for morale. Will anyone feel bad about your demise? They typically will keep for 6-10 years and theyre an excellent source of protein. I am looking at a home freeze dry appliance from Harvest Right. Ill use the extra tiny grunt to keep my Bible, plus have a machete swinging grandma. Even NASA has warned its staff to prepare for potential disasters with survival foods and other precautions with their Family Preparedness Program.. The Mormons say Honey, Salt, powdered Milk and whole wheat grains (with a mechanical grinder of course or modify this to oatmeal) The Mormons are good at survival. ?Im 44 and if you want to say my mother is old then its its an opinion.Fact is my generation dont know half of what your elders do. Living in Texas I have watched the land turn from a dry tinderbox to a swamp in a matter of hours so the land is extremely unpredictable. Dont get a new one. And any debate (serious only please) on freeze dried vs. Dehydrated. !even for guns you may not have. Buy a 6-lb can ($12) and store in a cool, dry, and dark place and it will stay good for 2-3 years or longer. Come on over to my neck of the woods and join me. Most of the time grey water is used for irrigaton, but it is also good for toilets, pre-rinsing, and some outdoor cleaning. I SO wish my grandmother were here. Also a small caliber weapon like a .22 or .22 mag would come in handy. I promise !!! And goods to barter for milk and eggs. legal disclaimer, 10 Best Survival Foods At Your Local Supermarket. My father in law at 78 needs Depends. It will take up more space in your food bank than rice, beans and cornmeal, so plan your space the best you can. Larie, keep strong, and ignore idiots like frank. I couldnt but I would have never prepared to care for an infant since my children are older. It is a good idea to get to know a friendly, athletic neighbour and let him know that when a disaster strikes, youd appreciate it if he remembers to come help you out and not to leave you behind. There are so many things to put away that it boggles the mind when you think about it. ), medical bandage tape, antibiotic ointment like neosporin, Lugols iodine AND tincture of Iodine-you can get Lugols and tincture on Au contraire yll. Your an evil vile and nasty little man with no humanity! having support of anyone is always good in emergency situations. Its stupid thinking like yours that will end your life at a very young age. I guarantee I may b the most experienced in many of the aspects that are requied, Ya Frank you are pretty much humpin the pooch when it comes to Karma. could you be more specific or include a visual aid for us dummies lol? And one last comment: Never, ever, put all your eggs in one basket. :). Im 66 and could feed my family with the knowledge of wild foods in my area. and aside from eating politicians and homeless, people like him can serve one of the most important services. But her head knowledge is priceless. Protein, carbs, sugars, sodium and packed with calories. I would sugget adding a machete or large hunting knife because being older people will probably try to take advantage of you.. A grandma with a machete ? i also dont have a separate freezer. Older people have different needs. Remember, your not the biggest baddest meanest out there princess. Id take 10 men and women my age against the same your age any day. A few best foods to have are rice (number 1 choice), dried beans and canned foods (without the easy pop-top lids since they burst when stored for long periods). My mom is pushing 70, and she is the hardest worker I know, most men 1/2 her age cant even keep up with her. So dont make the mistake of thinking everyone in my generation would be dead in a week. Any medicines you need, try to get extra prescriptions. 73 list includes: Some by computer. I am sure Frank is trying to be light hearted and funny. By now most people should be aware that grocery stores only have about 3 days of food in stock when crises strike. they are constantly under-ground bombing and testing, shaking the very core of my foundation(literally and theoretically). Keep this in mind you new generation know-it-allssome of the elderly have lived through the Great Depression and had to live off the land, make meals stretch to feed their large families, hunt and prepare their own food. my hubby isnt too into it but puts up with my doing so. (And color has nothing to do with telling whether or not its raw). They all have long shelf live, if stored in someplace cool. Check around the web and see what works for you. Paul III. Thanks Tami. Additionally, if the power grid is down during a mega disaster, it is much easier to make good corn breads and tortillas with cornmeal in a simple skillet or solar oven, where refined flour will need yeast and oil to make decent bread or biscuits. You can wrap clean rags around your calves and walk through the dewy grass and collect a fair amount of water. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How about matches and candles? Frank, I really hope the day never comes where any of you need to use your BOBs, but if the SHTF then best of luck to you three. 73 or not they are human.right. I have at least a one yr supply of every medication I am currently taking. Do you have a printer? Id buy tarps for trapping dew because you can get enough in the desert with one to sustain a person each day. Countries who consume the most milk have the most cases of osteoporosis. might leave a bad taste in their mouth like he does us. any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. spaghetti sauce, canned and powdered milk, coffee mate, tea bags, instant coffee, white and brown sugar, canned gravies, canned fruit, pudding, jello, applesauce, peanut butter, jelly, flour, yeast to make bread etc. my question is WHERE do i store these things. Maybe it is time all the states need to leave the Union and each state govern themselves. Trust me BOY Senior Citizens will manage while you are trying to figure out what is happening to you. You will all die, there isnt enough food, water and resources for everyone to survive off the land so stop preparing so the rest of us can survive. see on the flip side, youll be the fly eating my poop. I hope you catch one in the knee and another in the gut . House Democrats to move toward a vote on assault weapons ban. If people want to piss and moan, go back to Facebook. I see Bic lighters and lighter fluid mentioned but dont forget matches or flints/steel for fire starting. You might find Real Salt in some grocery stores. Dont forget your Blankie and Binkie Frank. Frank brings up a good point. The Government is supposed to protect us. Probably the wrong place for that. Grain alcohol is not only a trade item, but you can use it in your med kit as well in place of rubbing alcohol. So, we got this. All of my grandparents have passed, Im so glad I paid attention to the things they had to teach me and wish they were here to teach me more. Its a fact folks and we can hem and haw about how Frank said it but its true. A backpack that is ready to grab is extremely handy to have. Anything less than Raw Honey is not beneficial. Probably unlike most people we have a plan that includes my parents and they in turn have been prepping themselves and boxing up food items, Do not underestimate the elderly they have plenty to offer. Try to find others in your area that live close that you can trust like church. The elderly are much easier to prep for. Show some respect or maybe someone might come along and give you a list of survival tips of your own. My mom is 75 and she can still run circles around me . Dont go throwing out blanket claims that old people are really the most valuable because they have skills that young people dont. It offers high carbohydrates which is especially important if you are exerting a lot of physical energy during a crisis. You wont need too much, but theyll be well worth having if a crisis strikes. No underground cool spaces here. Check the labels closely. canned soups can be used as a base that you can add to stretch a can into multiple meals. Dehydrated prunes are yummy as are dates and figs. Die baby die !!! Basic survival tools such as fire-starters, weapons (knives) etc, fishing line etc. many thanks, suezen, Build a small plastic greenhouse,you can filter the air and water going to your plants. And because of my age NOT NEAR AS MUCH TO LOSE AS Frank. Much of the store bought pure honey is actually purified and then heat treated and then diluted with corn syrup. Knowledge is life. Even Satan, it was written, sat on the council of God, and when challenging God to let him have his way with Lot, and Humanity, brought about a need for change and what direction that change could take, thus, Placing Satan, himself, as a counselor of quality control. Named after the creator of it Samuel Morse. all of my dehydrated foods are under extreme vacuum. Older folks lived through so much, they could teach all of us a thing or two, especially manners ! Oh and if some jurk comes knocking on your door, well you know what to do. Besides these long shelf life foods, Ill also store (short shelf life) nutritional supplements. Youre probably just a ten year old little boy that likes to start problems. You are right 100%! YOU tell me how to gut a deer, or weave a saddle cinch, or lash a pack saddle, or make a barrel out of wood or make a wagon wheel, or weld iron pieces together using a forge, or how to machine metal parts by hand, or make gunpowder, or do ammunition reloadiing, or how to build mussel loading 3-1/2 bore aritllery, or were trained how to kill by the military ? I love the honey and dehydrated butter and eggs. Does anyone happen to know the life of olive oil? You remind me of The Postman when the old guy says, I know things! Up until recently, prepping for a future, cataclysmic event never entered my mind, even though I have been through Hurricans Rita and Ike. You did not have to say that because it is demoralizing to an old woman. Its good for something like 1000 liters, so if you buy a few per family member every few months youre probably going to be okay. Frank, that is rude. You can fact check that online. Think about what you say before you open the di*k dumpster in your face. Rigging up your own contraption when you cant afford to buy something :) She may not be strong, but she may indeed be fit and strong.

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