From the Organization drop-down list, select the organization. - online_low_space_action_threshold_GB (default 10GB), - online_low_space_warning_threshold_GB (default 20GB). Use the command fdisk -l or lsblk from the CLI to find the disk names. Note: Test and Deploy are needed after switching org storage from other options to Custom Org Assignment, and vice versa. If you are running a FortiSIEM Cluster using NFS and want to change the IP address of the NFS Server, then take the following steps. Again, with the query above, make sure all parts have been moved away from the old disk. Step 3: Change the Event Storage Type Back to EventDB on NFS. Log into FortiSIEM GUI and use the ANALYTICStab to verify events are being ingested. As this is still a somewhat new feature we figured writing down our migration journey might be interesting for others, so here we go. The following storage change cases need special considerations: Assuming you are running FortiSIEM EventDB on a single node deployment (e.g. As you can see in the repository we have provided, each local configuration file is mounted on the ClickHouse volumes in the /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d directory. This query will upload data to MinIO from the table we created earlier. For hardware appliances 2000F, 2000G, or 3500G, proceed to Step 10. When the Online Event database size in GB falls below the value of online_low_space_action_threshold_GB, events are deleted until the available size in GB goes slightly above the online_low_space_action_threshold_GB value. Once it was back up it picked up where it left. The result would be the same as when StorageClass named gp2 used (which is actually the default StorageClass in the system). We will use a docker-compose cluster of ClickHouse instances, a Docker container running Apache Zookeeper to manage our ClickHouse instances, and a Docker container running MinIO for this example. To do this, run the following command from FortiSIEM. Stop all the processes on Supervisor by running the following command. Contact FortiSIEM Support if this is needed - some special cases may be supported. The natural thought would be to create a new storage policy and adjust all necessary tables to use it. This operation continues until the Online disk space reaches the online_low_space_warning_threshold_GB value. From the Storage Tiers drop-down list, select 1. Space-based retention is based on two thresholds defined in the phoenix_config.txt file on the Supervisor node. As a bonus, the migration happens local to the node and we could keep the impact on other cluster members close to zero. Each Org in its own Index - Select to create an index for each organization. Mount a new remote disk for the appliance, assuming the remote server is ready, using the following command. Set up EventDB as the online database, by taking the following steps. When present, the user can create a PersistentVolumeClaim having no storageClassName specified, simplifying the process and reducing required knowledge of the underlying storage provider. From the Event Database drop-down list, select ClickHouse. Through stepped multi-layer storage, we can put the latest hot data on high-performance media, such as SSD, and the old historical data on cheap mechanical hard disk. Note: This is a CPU, I/O, and memory-intensive operation. Click Deploy Org Assignment to make the change take effect. Ingest: Select if the URL endpoint will be used to handle pipeline processing. If not specified, each table has a default storage policy default, which stores the data in the path specified in path in the configuration file. So, if you cant change a storage policy in hindsight, how about changing the default storage policy to model your new setup and give you a path for migrating data locally on the node without noteworthy downtime? Now on Cloud:, Portability of applications across Kubernetes distributions, part 2, Observing threshold based query prioritization in Apache Druid, Dynamic Fan-out and Fan-in in Argo Workflows, Creating network "docker-compose_default" with the default driver, Name Command State Ports, docker-compose exec clickhouse1 bash -c 'clickhouse-client -q "SELECT version()"', SELECT disk_name FROM WHERE table='minio', s3(path, [aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key,] format, structure, [compression]), INSERT INTO FUNCTION s3('http://minio:9001/root/data2', 'minio', 'minio123', 'CSVWithNames', 'd UInt64') SELECT *, ClickHouse and S3 Compatible Object Storage, In November 2020, Alexander Zaitsev introduced S3-compatible object storage compatibility with ClickHouse. AWS-based cluster with data replication and Persistent Volumes. If Warm nodes are defined and the Warm node cluster storage capacity falls below lower threshold or meets the time age duration, then: if Cold nodes are defined, the events are moved to Cold nodes. Where table data is stored is determined by the storage policy attached to it, and all existing tables after the upgrade will have the default storage policy attached to them, which stores all data into the default volume. For best performance, try to write as few retention policies as possible. SSH to the Supervisor and stop FortiSIEM processes by running: Attach new local disk to the Supervisor. With this information in place, how can we now manage to move our existing data of the under-utilized disks onto a new setup? When the HDFS database becomes full, events have to be deleted to make room for new events. For appliances they were copied out in Step 3 above. Note:If only one Organization exists, the drop-down list is not accessible. Again, note that you must execute all docker-compose commands from the docker-compose directory. When the HDFS database size in GB rises above the value of archive_low_space_action_threshold_GB, events are purged until the available size in GB goes slightly above the value set for archive_low_space_action_threshold_GB. So Clickhouse will start to move data away from old disk until it has 97% of free space. Lets confirm that the data was transferred correctly by checking the contents of each table to make sure they match. Applications (users) claim storage with PersistentVolumeClaim objects and then mount claimed PersistentVolumes into filesystem via volumeMounts+volumes. Follow these steps to migrate events from EventDB to ClickHouse. If you want to add or modify configuration files, these files can be changed in the local config.d directory and added or deleted by changing the volumes mounted in the clickhouse-service.yml file. ), phClickHouseImport --src /test/sample --starttime "2022-01-27 10:10:00" --endtime "2022-02-01 11:10:00", [root@SP-191 mnt]# /opt/phoenix/bin/phClickHouseImport --src /mnt/eventdb/ --starttime "2022-01-27 10:10:00" --endtime "2022-03-9 22:10:00", [ ] 3% 3/32 [283420]. Clean up "incident" in psql, by running the following commands. Notice that we can still take advantage of the S3 table function without using the storage policy we created earlier. Note:You must click Save in step 5 in order for the Real Time Archive setting to take effect. If the same disk is going to be used by ClickHouse (e.g. If multiple tiers are used, the disks will be denoted by a number. In the below example, running on KVM, the 5th disk (hot) will be /dev/vde and the 6th disk (warm) will be /dev/vdf. If Archive is defined, then the events are archived. Note:This will also stop all events from coming into Supervisor. From the Assign Organizations to Groups window, you can create, edit, or delete existing custom Elasticsearch groups. In the early days, clickhouse only supported a single storage device. Eventually, when there are new bigger parts left to move, you can adjust the storage policy to have a move_factor of 1.0 and a max_data_part_size_bytes in the kilobyte range to make Clickhouse move the remaining data after a restart. [Required] From the drop-down list, select the number of storage tiers. We can use kubectl to check for StorageClass objects. phtools -stop all. FortiSIEM provides a wide array of event storage options. Pods use PersistentVolumeClaim as volume. This query will download data from MinIO into the new table. You must restart phDataPurger module to pick up your changes. This feature is available from ADMIN>Setup >Storage >Online with Elasticsearch selected as the Event Database, and Custom Org Assignment selected for Org Storage. Even if it would be possible, for our scenario this would not be ideal, as we use the same foundation between our Saas platform and our self-hosted installations. If an organization is not assigned to a group here, the default group for this organization is set to 50,000. But reducing the actual usage of your storage is only one part of the journey and the next step is to get rid of excess capacity if possible. For steps, see here. In the IP/Host field, select IP or Host and enter the remote NFS server IPAddress or Host name. MinIO can also be accessed directly using ClickHouses S3 table function with the following syntax. Edit your Virtual Machine on your hypervisor. or can refer to PersistentVolumeClaim as: where minimal PersistentVolumeClaim can be specified as following: Pay attention, that there is no storageClassName specified - meaning this PersistentVolumeClaim will claim PersistentVolume of explicitly specified default StorageClass. You can specify the storage policy in the CREATE TABLE statement to start storing data on the S3-backed disk. To achieve this, we we enhance the default storage policy that clickhouse created as follows: We leave the default volume which points to our old data mount in there but add a second volume called data which consists of our newly added disks. When using lsblk to find the disk name, please note that the path will be /dev/. else, if Archive is defined then they are archived. When the Archive becomes full, events are discarded. Join Instana while we answer your questions in this webinar! For those of you who are not using ClickHouse in docker-compose, you can add this storage configuration file, and all other configuration files, in your /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d directory. Go to ADMIN > Settings > Database > Online Settings. Upon arrival in FortiSIEM, events are stored in the Online event database. Copy the data, using the following command. This is done until storage capacity exceeds the upper threshold. Edit phoenix_config.txt on Supervisor and set enable = false for ClickHouse. # mount -t nfs : . When the Online event database becomes full, FortiSIEM will move the events to the Archive Event database. If two tiers are configured (Hot and Warm) without an archive, when the Warm tier has less than 10% disk space left, the oldest data is purged from the Warm disk space until 20% free space is available. Note that two tables using the same storage policy will not share data. Space-based retention is based on two thresholds defined in phoenix_config.txt file on the Supervisor node. There are two parameters in the phoenix_config.txt file on the Supervisor node that determine the operations. Similarly, the space is managed by Hot, Warm, Cold node thresholds and time age duration, whichever occurs first, if ILMis available. IP or Host name of the Spark cluster Master node. In the Exported Directory field, enter the share point. This is done until storage capacity exceeds the upper threshold. MinIO is an extremely high-performance, Kubernetes-native object storage service that you can now access through the S3 table function. Click - to remove any existing URLfields. They appear under the phDataPurger section: - archive_low_space_action_threshold_GB (default 10GB), - archive_low_space_warning_threshold_GB (default 20GB). Make sure to update file system permissions if you do run this command as a different user, otherwise Clickhouse will not come back up after a restart: Only MergeTree data gets moved, so if you have other table engines in use, you need to move these over too. Generally, in each policy, you can define multiple volumes, which is especially useful when moving data between volumes with TTL statements. Similarly, the user can define retention policies for the Archive Event database. All this is reflected by the respective tables in the system database in Clickhouse: More details on the multi-volume feature can be found in the introduction article on the Altinity blog, but one thing to note here are the two parameters max_data_part_size and move_factor, that we can use to influence the conditions under which data is stored on one disk or the other. We have included this storage configuration file in the configs directory, and it will be ready to use when you start the docker-compose environment. # rsync -av --progress /data /, Example:# rsync -av --progress /data /mnt/eventdb. [Required]Provide your AWSaccess key id. Log into FortiSIEM Supervisor GUIas a full admin user. Stop all the processes on Supervisor by running the following command. Now you are ready to insert data into the table just like any other table. (Optional) Import old events. In these cases restarting Clickhouse normally solved the problem if we catched it early on. In this article, we have introduced MinIO integration with ClickHouse. Set up ClickHouse as the online database by taking the following steps. Custom Org Assignment - Select to create, edit or delete a custom organization index. Policies can be used to enforce which types of event data stays in the Online event database. 2000F, 2000G, 3500G and VMs), the following steps shows how to migrate your event data to ClickHouse. This provides actionable feedback needed for clients as they to optimize application performance, enable innovation and mitigate risk, helping Dev+Ops add value and efficiency to software delivery pipelines while meeting their service and business level objectives. However, this is not convenient and sometimes we'd like to just use any available storage, without bothering to know what storage classes are available in this k8s installation. You can also configure multiple disks and policies in their respective sections. There are three elements in the config pointing to the default disk (where path is actually what Clickhouse will consider to be the default disk): Adjust these to point to the disks where you copied the metadata in step 1. For more information, see Viewing Online Event Data Usage. For 2000G, run the following additional command. From the Event Database drop-down list, select EventDB on NFS. For VMs, proceed with Step 9, then continue. Edit /etc/fstab and remove all /data entries for EventDB. lvremove /dev/mapper/FSIEM2000Gphx_hotdata : y. Delete old ClickHouse data by taking the following steps. This is set by configuring the Archive Threshold fields in the GUI at ADMIN > Settings > Database > Online Settings. The following sections describe how to set up the Archive database on NFS: When the Archive database becomes full, then events must be deleted to make room for new events. The Online event database can be one of the following: The Archive event database can be one of the following: Note the various installation documents for 3rd party databases, for example. Event destination can be one of the following: When Warm Node disk free space reaches the Low Threshold value, events are moved to Cold node. If you are using a remote MinIO bucket endpoint, make sure to replace the provided bucket endpoint and credentials with your own bucket endpoint and credentials. Note: Make sure remote NFS storage ready. You can see that a storage policy with multiple disks has been added at this time, Added by DuFF on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:46:19 +0200, Formulate storage policies in the configuration file and organize multiple disks through volume labels, When creating a table, use SETTINGS storage_policy = '' to specify the storage policy for the table, The storage capacity can be directly expanded by adding disks, When multithreading accesses multiple different disks in parallel, it can improve the reading and writing speed, Since there are fewer data parts on each disk, the loading speed of the table can be accelerated. For example, after running a performance benchmark loading a dataset containing almost 200 million rows (142 GB), the MinIO bucket showed a performance improvement of nearly 40% over the AWS bucket! Click Edit to configure. For more information, see Viewing Archive Data. After upgrading Clickhouse from a version prior to 19.15, there are some new concepts how the storage is organized. Although the process worked mostly great, it seemed to us the automatic moving isnt working 100% stable yet and there are sometimes errors occurring. When the Hot node cluster storage capacity falls below the lower threshold or meets the time age duration, then: if Warm nodes are defined, the events are moved to Warm nodes. We have also briefly discussed the performance advantages of using MinIO, especially in a Docker container. Verify events are coming in by running Adhoc query in ANALYTICS.

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