We have a TON of them here so always a worry - even had one close to the street once that was sick - that was an awful thing! Skunks are small, prey animals and todefend themselves from or ward off predators, their anal glands produce an offensive smelling odor, which is then sprayed to ward off predators. Spray white vinegar liberally, in the air and on surfaces. You can find more information on it on Howtocleanstuff.net. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 31, 2011: Cool~!! Your article is really concise and easy to read with a ton of information, complete with formula! Clean other surfaces or destroy if they have skunk odor, such as dog crates or dog beds. We don't have any skunks around here which suits me just find. Answer: Actually no - and one of our malamutes got a full face spray. We cleaned it completely out. It should only be made up for the circumstance at hand, then discarded. However, by doing this, you are only going to transfer the skunk smell into your home, and trust us, this is actually way worse. There's a great product out there called Zero Odorgreat for getting rid of skunk odor. Since our episode of the dogs versus the skunk, we always have the ingredients for the de-skunking formula on hand. Vick's Vapo-Rub in your nostrils can help reduce the smell for you. You can get rid of the skunk smell on a dog by coating the dog with tomato juice, lemon juice, vinegar or coke! Friends have had great luck using vinegar (and it has so many other uses!). You may find yourself even having to dump food from your cupboards and refrigerator or freezer. Work into a lather and leave on for 5-10 minutes. On the other hand, if you are able to observe a skunk from afar, then you might get a chance to see that they are kind of cute. Good luck and glad you got the smell outit is one you never forget! Thoroughly stir and mix the resulting solution. When your pooch gets sprayed by a skunk, your natural reaction will be to get such a doggie inside and attempt to get rid of the odor. Note that time is of the essence, when dealing with skunk spray, and you should apply these remedies, as soon as possible, to get rid of the smell. If the oils are strongly concentrated, you may have to repeat. In short, skunk odor will go everywhere in your house. It was bad enough having to get it out of the house let alone the garage and the cars! :-0. So last night before going to bed I just outside with my two dogs careful was I always always was to be careful of skunks and other wild animals but as I went to close the gate so my dogs won't run to the front yard barking than my little boy dog necco came up to me shaking his hand and foaming/drawling and sneezing cuz he got sprayed in the face and the smell auhh my stomach really turned but my female dog rosebud didn't want to be near him we were so careful to say away from skunks and other wild animals but we went to bed so he can learn his lesson to stay away from skunks and other wild life but the smell I couldn't sleep so I had to open me window to get some fresh air yes I have a fan on so it can push the air out and new air in my room I couldn't sleep though the smell. Instead, that spray that you likely encounter every now and then is the result of a skunk that felt threatened by a predator, whether it be your too-curious dog or a fast-approaching vehicle. skunk smell dog instagram diffusing discovered lemon yard someone night last We are only on day 4. If you happen to catch a skunk off guard, then you may be a victim of their smelly protection method. Cindy A Johnson from Sevierville, TN on July 23, 2011: Thankfully I've never had to deal with this. sprayed skunk Use dishes of white vinegar, coal, or baking soda to draw the odor away. Dogs running free are more apt to be sprayed than dogs kept in the yard under the owner's watchful eye. Your email address will not be published. skunk sprayed skunked It works instantly and there is no water involved. Removing Plastic and Its Toxins From Your Home, How to Prepare Chickens For Winter Weather, How to Prune Trees For Growth and Production. Ozone machines run about $500 but are well worth the investment if needed. Combine ingredients in an open container such as a large bucket. Answer: Apparently the same solution used on our dogs is supposed to get the odor out of leather. Add a little white vinegar or lemon juice. Apply and the mixture to your dry dog. Voted up and useful. Dab the dogs coat with the old clothes or paper towels to rub off some of the excess oil. drbj and sherry from south Florida on July 23, 2011: Audrey, if you want to get rid of a skunk, do not give him your phone number. In my case, when the dogs came running up onto the deck at the back door, I knew instantly that they were sprayed. No way out of your yard for a skunk means trouble. In this instance,you can actually use the same solution you mixed up for your dog on yourself. Skunks are remarkably accurate when projecting spray into the perceived threat, and you should also know that a skunks spray can travel for up to15 feet. It's important to note that the Krebaum formula is extremely dangerous if covered. The only skunk I have ever admired is Pepe Le Pew from the filmed cartoons. Depending on the size of the dog, or if you have multiple dogs, you may need several batches. Till last year, two skunks used to hibernate under our deck in the backyard. Warning: Do not use a covered container or attempt to store this formula or you risk combustion. Those smelly, precise glands are akin to the anal glands of a dog or cat. In the same vein, a pooch may causesecondary injuries to itselfby scratching its eyes or biting its skin to relieve sensations caused by a skunk spray. Its not exactly newsthat skunks are rather smelly creatures. If you notice nothing apart from the characteristic foul odor, you can proceed to getting rid of the smell with any of the earlier mentioned remedies. Some people swear that by placing moth balls or ammonia-soaked rags at the edges of property deters skunks from visiting. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Skunks rarely travel outside a two-mile radius from their homes. If your dog was sprayed by a skunk, you'll readily agree that it's one of the most painful and smelly experiences a dog owner can endure. TheGoodyPet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Hey, no ones perfect, right? Wet your dog thoroughly with water then pour on ACV or the ACV solution. It can not be kept in storage so discard any unused portion. The solution is onlyeffective immediatelyandcant be storedfor later use. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes and rinse well. Ozone attachments to your central heating and air conditioning system can also work. I'm bookmarking this for easy reference should the dreaded day come when i need it. During this time, you have to ensure that your dog doesnt lick the solution off its skin! are adorable, but then they grow to be the devils we know. Answer: It takes a LONG while. Soak the poochs fur in the resulting mixture, and allow it to stay for some minutes. It is the solution with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a small squirt of dishwashing liquid. We have an electric fence for our pup, so we know that she wont go out into the woods, where the skunk decided to live and have her babies. Fortunately she didn't get sprayed that bad and I used Nature's Skunk Odor Remover and it worked well but I have bookmarked your hub for your formula that you have listed above. I guess the skunk had just sprayed and pasted when we drove through, Yuck. Wait until the mixture begins foaming. In the same vein, a homemade bath prepared from a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is quite effective at completely neutralizing skunk smell on dogs. It's been awhile since any of my dogs have been sprayed (thank God) but I'll bookmark this Hub just in case. To my amazement, it worked! However, we could smell it for a good 2-3 weeks afterward, even employing some of the methods listed below: Fallen tree fruit left on the ground can attract skunks to your yard. Hello, hello, from London, UK on August 01, 2011: Thank goodness, England, hasn't got them but what abou the two-legged ones? We first rinsed her with the garden hose, then brought her into the bathtub and used the commercial skunk deodorizer on her. We had a skunk that used to live in the neighbors shed I think. Thanks for the read! I remember smelling skunk downstairs for about a MONTH unfortunately after they had just been in the house for a few minutes after the spray. I remember driving though a skunk pong, it took so long to get it out of the car. However, these encounters do happen. And the shampoo is also effective at keeping the poochs skin soft and moisturized. skunk odor removal dogs miracle dog natures spray remedy smell remover natural remedies rid skunks pet sprayed pets salve warming One home remedy that is commonly applied to get rid of skunk odor on a dog is rubbing tomato on the body of the pooch. Vinegar is the best I think - we burned some Yankee candles as well in a coconut scent, but the smell kind of made me sick after a while! If your dog has ever gotten sprayed by a skunk, you can attest to the putrid and irritating nature of this smell. In our case, we were able to get the dogs out into the backyard and begin removing the smell right away, so the household damage was relatively minor. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on February 05, 2012: Wasn't it though??? Bathe the pooch with a quality doggie shampoo. Got rid of everything from fridge and freezer, have baking soda in there and a bowl of vinegar, and it still smells. Luckily Magz stayed outside the whole time and I was able to get rid of the smell treating her in the backyard. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. I was amazed how well it worked. Because its tough to train your dog to keep his nose out of a skunks business, you might want to learn a bit more about the local skunk scene in order to steer clear during peak hours. Fabric softener or dryer sheets have proven useful to some people in reducing odor on clothing, towels, and bedding. It is advisable tomonitor your pooch for anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes after its exposure to skunk sprayto observe its reaction to getting sprayed. I put them into their dog crates and closed the door but that didn't stop the inevitable. It's acid and the heaviness of the tomato would wash the smell out for the most part.

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