The table has rows and columns. Declarations. After viewing the detailed information about the university, he can decide which college is best suitable for his education. The reason is quite simple: JAVA expands the universe of objects can move about freely in cyberspace. 16 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.4.3 E-R Diagram DATA FLOW DIAGRAM 17 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.5. Hence, after normalization the table will remain unchanged and will be as follows: COURSE:C-ID C_NAM E 5.1.3 ATTENDANCE:Before normalization the table was as follows: ATTENDACCE:- 1NF: ROLLNO YEAR MONTH NO. Range of values for the domains. C.2: Advantage of JSP ASP is similar technology from MS. Existing system design The Course Management System project deals with the overall details of the student after admission. APPENDIX D: CLIENT SIDE VALIDATION For client side validation we are using JavaScript and HTML in our program. Portability:Application developed for Oracle can be proved to any operating system with little or no modification. We also observed the problems faced by the staff members in all areas of this system. 0000008433 00000 n Economical Feasibility: Whether there are sufficient benefits in creating the system to make the costs acceptable or not and the costs of not creating so great that the project must be undertaken. In this System there are Different Modules for different work. The SQL includes commands for specifying the beginning and ending of a transaction. D#]I3yTKE;A"9 ! l>PO9-$(98U'qy:3O[\x|x!_a[X9?Z5Nn-/Lm772sd,qQ+N2-ESf)+KeIVqvz>gD vXTgXkc|6C;[n?Y? Operational Manual: The user after getting into the main screen he can the following jobs in the following ways: Data Entry: For data entry the user has to supply the roll number of the student in every form as it is the primary key for identification of a particular student. Redo log files. CODING, TESTING, IMPLIMENTATION AND MAINTENANCECODING TESTING IMPLIMENTATION MAINTENANCE 7. Scattered Data: When all the data about a particular student is needed, the employee has to search for all the scattered records which takes a long time to collect. MOGAE DIGITAL Pvt. Feasibility Study An important outcome of the preliminary investigation is the determination of whether the system requested is feasible or not. ii. endstream endobj 144 0 obj<> endobj 145 0 obj<>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 146 0 obj<> endobj 147 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 148 0 obj[149 0 R 150 0 R 151 0 R] endobj 149 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 150 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 151 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 152 0 obj<> endobj 153 0 obj<> endobj 154 0 obj<> endobj 155 0 obj<> endobj 156 0 obj<> endobj 157 0 obj<>stream Data-control language (DCL). These registers are related to each other by the students roll number. COURSE:C-ID C_NAM E 1NF: The relation COURSE is in 1NF as all its attributes are atomic data items. STUDETAIL:- DATA ITEM ROLLNO DATA TYPE LENGTH NUMBER 7 28 DESCRIPTION It identifies a student. QiJN3CWwurxrxZ endstream endobj 3 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 4 0 obj[5 0 R 6 0 R] endobj 5 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 6 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 7 0 obj<>stream Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. When a client requests a JSP page of the web server and it has not been run before, the page is first passed to the JSP engine which compiles the page to a servlet, runs it and returns the resulting contents to the client. Admin Module : Admin Logs in to the System, Admin can create Students and Instructors and Courses and Can Also delete them. BASIC STRUCTURE OF SQL The basic structure of SQL consists of three clauses: The select clause corresponds to the projection operation of the relational-algebra. Synopsis of Content Management, A PROJECT REPORT On 143 0 obj <> endobj Logical structure: 1. Aldri g til et sykehus eller klinikk uten frst sjekke legitimasjonen. JSP technology makes available all the dynamic capabilities of JAVA servlet technology but provided a more natural approach to creating static contents. Required fields are marked *, eight These are clusters, tables, views, sequences, stored procedures. .hide-if-no-js { 6.2 Testing Every software developed must be tested for its efficiency and consistency. The SQL DDL provides commands for defining views. the Student appeared the examination or not), Examination Name, C_id, Maxmarks, Marksec}. Distributed Data Base System:Oracle combines the data physically located on different computer to one logical data base that can be accessed by all data base users. Hide transaction process performance:Data base users do not suffer from slow processing performance. C.4: The Life Cycle of a JSP Page A JSP page services requests as a servlet. 42 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM D.2.1 Strengths of HTML Standards HTMLs strength comes from its combination of SGML machine-level constructs (the tags and elements that tell a viewer the purpose of document text) and standard, English text Mark up notation. RELATIONAL MODEL The relational model is today the primary data model for commercial data-processing applications. 162 0 obj<>stream Operational Feasibility: Whether the system will be used after development and implementations whether there will be resistance for users that will undermine the possible applications benefits Operational feasibility depends on the following key points. Sjekk om kirurgen din er kvalifisert. Public void jspDestroy() The javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage interface contains one method: Methods Public void-jspService (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException. A relational database may be the collection of one or more than one tables. Roll Number: The system of roll numbering a student is also not convenient as the roll numbers are getting repeated every three years. OF WORKING DAYS(NOWD) NO. 2.4. The proposed system is based on exactness of the current system. Client- side JavaScript is embedded directly in HTML pages and is interpreted by the browser completely at run time. En kosmetisk kirurg vil at du skal ha din ideelle vekt for f en vellykket prosedyre, Poenget: Kosmetisk Kirurgi Og Kroppen Din, Solid Kosmetisk Kirurgi Informasjon Nr Du Vurderer Dette Alternativet. Installation: To install the Course Management System project go to the Package folder and open it. It is a record.. (3)ATTRIBUTE: Columns are usually referred as attributes. Event Handler) to be triggered in respect to user actions like button click, mouse click, selecting an option or submitting a form. There are 3 Modules for The Admin, Instructor and Students Respectively. Ih0]zZ4E>x1^l{ J]9c~_1fVqgj@nn)mk]jI'EY*(^R @W 3\T[yBSeF2qdew;^)i;9H44pQ7 6.4.1 Database Backup and Recovery: A DBMS must provide facility for recovering from hardware or software failures. TAKING:It is a one-to-many relationship that associates the entity set STUDENT and the entity set COURSE. It can also thought as stored query. Forsikre deg om at du gjr litt research p kosmetisk kirurgi fr du gr under kniven. f kosmetisk kirurgi er en populr lsning;du er ikke den eneste med denne interessen. 6 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM View definition. By referring this record one can get the complete data of the student. 12 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Wastage Of Paper: There is a lot of paper wastage because the staff uses a lot of registers and books to store the data of hundreds of students every year. Y'/]{0p1^Nf _ b7o>ojGmWz/bFTWxEV Sx 4ej^%X44~U^Jb(!p< hello, sir error occurs master page does not load what should I do for this humbly request is that to solve that error thank you. 2NF: The relation is already in 2NF. Some of the salient features of this system being: Highly User Friendliness Highly Interactiveness Secured Data Authorized User Entry Changing Own Password Administrator Privileges Data backup & Recovery system Highly Multiquery flexible Efficient error trapping Better Reporting facility This system can also be further developed by even adding Student Admission System to it and generating the roll numbers to the students by computerized method. PAY:It is a one-to-many relationship set that associates the entity set STUDENT and the entity set DUES. The project will be then automatically installed. This in todays internet standards is unacceptable. Their authorization is simpler than that of thousands of "untrusted" client-PCs. 2.1.3. 0000007002 00000 n It identifies a unique student by his/her registration number. The student must register and login into the application using username and password which is given at the time of registration and after successful login student will search for the universities basing on his requirements he can view the information and list of colleges present in that location. ii. It identifies the sex of the student whether male (M) or female (F). It shows whether the student is Married (M) or Unmarried (U). 4 (% Lsbe`Ae`8gE2M-@:|,epU}iF ^` mJ So, after 2NF the relation will as follows:(I) EXAMINATION DETAIL (II) MARKS DETAIL This is implemented by a batch file which contains the command. The proposed Course Management System shall be capable of performing the following functions: Standardized data collection routines. Basing on his requirements he will get the list of the colleges or universities present in that location offering that course. An HTML document is simply a text file that contains information you want to publish. En kosmetisk kirurg vil at du skal ha din ideelle vekt for f en vellykket prosedyre. xb```b``d`e``Wbe@ ^(GG!+~XZaiae`MAb%; my5Jzx_isuK9/sKTrQX\a`Rf`R`P1@P--54,A Sjekk online vurderinger. It shows the date of birth of the student. 5. 4.5.7.Exam Details: An exam detail report of each student is maintained, this shows the examination status of the student. After the user has successfully logged into the system he will get the main screen, where he will find different options to which he is authorized to. The two main advantages for client-applications are clear: quicker development through the reuse of pre-built business-logic components and a shorter test phase, because the servercomponents have already been tested. RELATIONAL CONSTRAINTS:(1)Domain constraints:-In a relation the following domain of constraints are followed: Value of each attribute must be atomic. INTRODUCTION2. 2.1.1. 2NF: It is in 1Nf. Because it is already in 2NF and all non-key attributes fees and fines are independent to each other. Address: Copyright 2022 PDFCOFFEE.COM. As all the attributes values are atomic data items. 10. 39 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM C.3: Architecture of JSP A JSP is simple text file consisting of HTML content along with JAVA code called as JSP elements. 2. Selv om valgfrie prosedyrer ikke dekkes, vet du aldri fr du prver. This system can be used by any college if they all follow the same procedure. BENEFITS OF USING ORACLE:1. endstream endobj 8 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 9 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 10 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 11 0 obj<>stream Built in web server There are two types of architectures of the web server: 2-Tier Architecture 3-Tier Architecture B.1: 2-Tire Architecture In the traditional 2-tier architecture there existed only the server and the client. With JavaScript developers can create function (i.e. RDBMS, FRONT END TOOLS AND OVERVIEWRELATIONAL DATABASE SQL PL/SQL OR, Project Report on CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Submitted as a part of course curriculum for the partial fulfillment of the, CMS (CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) Content Management System adalah suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk mengelola dan memfasi, Synopsis of Content Management System 9 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 7. Click - >ODBC Data Sources (32bit) iii. He also then gets the 34 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM main screen with all the privileges. It shows the present citys code or pin number of the student where he/she is staying presently while studying in the college. It shows the religion of the student whether he/she is Hindu/Muslim/Christian/ Other etc. Your email address will not be published. The client only receives the results of a calculation - through the business-object, of course. EXAMINATION {Roll no, Year, Month, Status (i.e. JSP technology also contains an API that is used by developers of Web containers. 11. DownloadOnline Course Management System. Hence, by making two relations the relation can be made in 2NF. This may lead to the confusion while retrieving the data about a particular student unless he mentions his year of joining. OF DAYS PRESENT(NODP) The relation ATTENDANCE is in 1NF as all its attributes values are atomic data items. Hence, after normalization the relation will as follows:5.1.6. Adding interactivity to a web site is not limited to server-side programs. Open control panel. in conjunction with on-line courses this computer are often updated with alternative data like job updates, on-line communication details, coming events, government job, and tips for teaching. Mange velger gjre korrigerende prosedyrer av en rekke rsaker, somhrfjerning laser, fettsuging, mesoterapi, ansiktslft og mange flere. You will notice that many sections in this chapter refer to classes and methods as follows: The javax.servlet.jsp.JspPage interface contains 2 methods: Methods Public void jsplnit() Usage This is invoked when the JSP is initialized. For vre en god kandidat for denne typen prosedyrer, br du vre nr optimal kroppsvekt. 4.5.1. 4.4. Observations The project references and manuals were observed which helped in understanding the system in a better way. Each table space has one or more data files. To make data from a relational database available to users, we have to address several issues. It shows on which date the student had taken admission in the college. %%EOF ACADEMIC:{ Roll no, Class, Name Of Board/University Passed, Name Of School/College Passed, Maximum Marks, Marks Secured, Division, Status, Year Of Passing}. Each Oracle database is comprised of three types of files. Industry accepted standards:It satisfy the require standard for the data access languages, operating system user interface and networking command protocols. 3. It can define the structure of the data, modify data in the database, and specify security constraints. Tips For Hvis Du Planlegger F Kosmetisk Kirurgi, Enkle Tips For De Som Tenker P Kosmetisk Kirurgi. Instructor Module : Instructor Module Has Different Classes For Different Works. 10 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Table space: A database is divided into logical storage units called table space. Mechanisms for defining extensions to the language. 1. (ii)Foreign key:-Suppose student relation is having student# and it uses dept# for relating with department relation and the dept# is the primary fey of the relation department. Therefore it makes sense to run critical business processes that work with security sensitive data, on the server. Hence, after normalization the relation will be as follows: DUES:ROLLN O 24 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM YEAR FEES FINES 5.1.5 SPECIAL PERFORMANCE:Before normalization the table was as follows: SPECIAL:ROLLNO NCC NSS SPORTS CULTURAL 1NF: The relation is in 1NF. 0 MAY HAVE:It is a one-to-many relationship that associates the entity set STUDENT and the entity set SPECIAL PERFORMANCE. Student Module : In Student Module, Student logs in To The System, Checks For Homeworks Thats Provided To Him/Her. OF DAYS PRESENT (NODP) are independent to each other. Manageable Security:To protect against unauthorized data base access and use Oracle provide fail and safe security feature to limit and minitror data access. In the Proposed System , The Teachers and Students Can maintain their courses Online, in a Easy and User friendly environment. INTRODUCTION2. It consists of a predicate involving attributes of the relations that appear in the from clause. Second it is portable to other OS and Non-MS Web servers. The elements can be classified in to the categories: Scriptlets. But must of them are based on one of two fundamental approaches: 1. 4.5.3. It shows the permanent citys code or pin number of the student where he/she is staying permanently while studying in the college. As it is in 2NF and all non-key attributes are independent to each other. However, cases like changing table attributes make it necessary to adapt the clients application. Although we refer to SQL language as a query language, it can do much more than just query a database. It is one record based data model. As a whole the integrated system is then tested by the officials who deal with this kind of system in real, to find out whether the software developed is efficient, consistent and useful in their way of dealing or not.

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